how nice!”的赞叹。圣诞树上的礼物琳琅满目,让学生对这些物品进行初步的认知也是必要的,因此我又设计了下面一个环节:认读各种礼物的名称。5. T: Look, there are many presents in the Christmastree. (指树上的礼物介绍)They are some stars, some drums, some balls, some snowflakes… and so on. Let’s read them. ( CAI: drums, Father Christmas, stars, Christmas hats, snowflakes, snowman ) 6. T: Boys and girls, today, I’ll be Santa Claus, and I have a present box, there are so many presents in it. Please try your best to get it. Are you ready? 【评析】:对圣诞节有了比较全面的了解后,开始进入本节课的主题:以表演节目的方式赢取圣诞节的礼物。面对老师礼物盒中各色可爱的小礼物,孩子们跃跃欲试,兴致很高。 Step 3 Consolidation 1. CAI(礼物盒)T: You can choose one present box and I’ll open it for you.. 【评析】:礼物是每个孩子在圣诞节最希望得到的东西,因此,圣诞派对上以赢取礼物为主线,CAI出示的每个礼物盒中都有一个要求,如能按要求完成则能得到一份礼物。 这六个礼物盒中的要求(如上图)分别是: A. Sing an English song with your partners, then you can get a bookmark. (和伙伴一起唱首英文歌,你就能得到一张书签!) B. Say a rhyme with your partners, then you can get a present. (和伙伴们一起说一首儿歌,你能得到一个礼物哦!) C. Say three antonyms, then you can get a present. (说出三个反义词,你就能得到一个小圣诞老人!) D. Give three orders to your friends, then you can get a Christmas drum. (发布三个命令,你就能得到一个圣诞鼓!) E. Introduce yourself to your classmates, then you can get a present. (把自己介绍给大家,你就能得到一个圣诞老人哦!) F. Make a dialogue with your partners, and you can get a Santa Claus. (和伙伴们一起表演一个对话,你能得到一个小圣诞老人!) 【评析】:学生任意选取其中一个礼物盒打开,按要求完成后能得到一份小礼物,由于这些要求囊括了整本书的内容,是对半年所学内容的复习。因此,教师尽可能多的给孩子们创造机会,让他们尽情地去表现,或说或唱或演,并通过自己的表演得到老师的礼物,相信西方人过节的开心,他们一样能体会到。 上一页 [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] 下一页