en has some fruit and Miss Li has some chocolates. 我们知道了老师们有一些水果和巧克力。Where are they now? 他们正在哪里呢?(PPT8呈现图片)T: (PPT9) Look, they are here. They are at the camping site. 现在他们正在野营营地呢。(带读教授 camping site)They are having a camping trip.他们在野营呢。(带读教授 camping trip) T: Who are at the camping site, too.谁也在野营营地呢?Let’s listen to the tape. 让我们来听一段录音吧。(PPT9播放前言) T: 听完了,相信同学们应该有个大概的了解了。那么老师要提几个问题。Question1: Who are at the camping site?(稍停)Yes. They are the children and their teachers. (带读教授children)( PPT11,呈现答案) Question2: What are they doing? (稍停)They are showing their things to each other.(带读教授show)(PPT12,呈现答案) T: Great! 同学们回答完问题,应该可以把前言很好的读一遍了,现在就开始吧!(PPT13, 呈现前言) 2. T: Good! What are the children talking about there? 那么孩子们都谈论了些什么呢?Let’s watch a video. 让我们先来看一段动画吧。(PPT14,播放动画) (1) T: 同学们,看完动画,我们知道孩子们都在谈论各自携带的物品。现在我们再来听听 Liu Tao and David 之间的对话。(PPT15出现人物) T: Clear? 清楚了吧?那就来说说短文中的三个人物都带了些什么吧? What does Liu Tao have? (稍停) Yes, he has a tent. (图片,带读教授tent) What does David have? (稍停) Right, he has a chair. What does Nancy have? (稍停) Good. She has a chair, too. T: Well done! 同学们回答的都很不错。现在同学们打开书翻到60页,把David和Liu Tao之间的对话读一读吧。 (PPT16,17 呈现第一段文字) (2) T:我们知道了Liu Tao, David and Nancy有些什么。再来听听Helen and Yang Ling 之间的对话吧!(PPT18, 呈现图片) T: What does Yang Ling have? (稍停) Right, she has a tin-opener. (图片,带读教授tin-opener) What does Helen have? (稍停) Good. She has a tin of chicken and a tin of fish.(PPT18,出现词组,带读教授) T: A tin of chicken and a tin of fish, 一个鸡肉罐头和一个鱼肉罐头。(教师带读)同学们,We know Yang Ling has a tin-opener and Helen has a tin of chicken and a tin of fish. What does Mike have? Mike 有些什么呢?请你再仔细听听录音。(PPT19,播放第二段录音)What does Mike have? (稍停) Yes, he has a pot and a stove. (图片,教师带读教授a pot and a stove) T:我们都知道Yang Ling, Helen and Mike有些什么了。继续看书,说一说Helen和Yang Ling之间的对话。(PPT20,21, 显示第二段文字) (3) T: Wonderful! 孩子们都差不多到齐了,他们在说些什么,让我们来听一听吧!(PPT,播放第三段录音) T: 都听懂了吧。让我们来做点练习,判断对错。(PPT,23,24) 1. Su Hai and Su Yang have two blankets and a telescope. True or false? (稍停)Yes, they are true. (图片,教师带读教授blanket, telescope) 2. Miss Li has a box of masks. True or false? (稍停)False! Because Miss Li has a box of chocolates. T: 那么现在就请同学们把书上这段对话朗读一遍。(PPT25,26, 出现文字) 3. T: OK. Now please read after the tape.请同学们跟着录音把课文 上一页 [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] 下一页