教学资料人教新目标七下教案Unit 11 What do you think of&nbs 第一节 Unit 11 What do you think of game shows? (section A) ⅠTeaching Aims and Demands 1. Knowledge Objects Key vocabulary Target language What do you think of game shows? I love them. What do you think of soap operas? I can’t stand them. I don’t mind them. 2. Ability Object Train students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Train students’ communicative competence. 3. Moral Object The language learned today is a little difficult. Do as much practice as possible. Ⅱ. Teaching Key Points The target language Use the target language to talk about likes and dislikes. Ⅲ. Teaching Difficulties The structure: What do you think of…? The agreement. Train students’ ability of reading comprehension. Ⅳ. Teaching Methods Scene teaching method. Listening and oral practice methods. pairwork Ⅴ. Teaching Aids A tape recorder A computer Ⅵ. Teaching Procedures StepⅠGreeting Greet the class as usual. Check the homework. StepⅡ 1a 1b Match the TV shows with the pictures. Write the letter of each picture on the blank line before the correct word. Play a recording of a conversation. Listen to what Mark says about the TV shows in 1a. write the letter of them on the blank lines before the words he uses. StepⅢ 1c Get students to work in pairs. Please work in pairs. Say” what do you think of the TV shows. You must answer the question truthfully.” StepⅣ 2a 2b 1. Play a recording. The people are talking about TV shows using these words. Listen and number the words in the order s you hear them. 2. Play the same recording again. You are to listen and fill in the blanks. StepⅤ 2c Grammar Focus Work with a partner. Talk about a show you both know. Tell about you like and don’t like about the show and the people in it. Ask students to read the questions and answers in the grammar box in pairs. Give students some more personal pronouns as subjects to make sentences. StepⅥ 3a 3b 1.Get information from your partner by asking questions and then fill in the chart. 2. Fill in the blanks, using the information in the chart in 3a. StepⅦ 4 Write the names of more TV shows in the first column. Then write your likes or dislikes in the second column. Put students into groups of five. Ask your group mates questions to find the students who agree with you. StepⅧ Summary Summary the target language we’ve learned in this class. StepⅨ Homework Read and recite the questions and answers in the grammar box. Blackboard Design Unit 11 What do you think of game shows? What do you think of sitcom? I love it. What does she think of Dumpling King? She doesn’t like it. (教案和教学设计)课件人教新目标七下教案Unit 11 What do you think of&nbs教育资源 教学资料人教必修1《新词新语与流行文化》教案【教学设计】 一、教学目的: 1、引导学生关注生活,向生活学习语言。 2、了解新词新语,能正确评价和运用新词新语。 二、教学重难点: 1、重点:认识并评价新词新语。 2、难点:如何评价新词新语 三、教学用时:一课时 四、教学过程预设 (一)导入新课 以前如果有人说我可爱,我会很高兴:我还是有优点的哦。现在如果有人说我可爱,我就会心里嘀咕了:这是什么意思呀?同学们知道这有什么意思吗?(可爱=可怜没人爱) 如果大家留心就会发现,类似这样的词语很多,在网上是特别流行,很新颖、独特,谁来列举几个?(点评学生所列举出的词语) 网络上有新词新语,其它媒体(如报刊、电视等)都有新词新语。关于新词新语的概念,一般认为,新近创造出来的词语,或是旧词新用,这样的词语就叫新词新语。 下面,我们就来认识和感悟新词新语。 (二)认识感悟 请同学们来说说自己收集整理的一些新词新语。(请两个学生上黑板写下自己收集整理的新词新语并做简要的说明)。(以十个为宜) 参考词汇: 社会生活类1: 知本家、RMB、DV、DIY、边缘化、性骚扰、漫游、下载、下课、灰领、付学费、低保、玩转、“421”、双赢、SOHO一族、黑恶、另类 休闲旅游类: 驴友、负离子、森林浴、绿色旅游、玩家、星级等。 商业类: 断码、量贩店、仿建、车市、灰色市场、均价、扩销、错峰等。 社会生活类2: 愿景、丁克家庭、猫腻、黑洞、磨合、地毯式、峰会、反超、跟进、缺位、西部文化等。 环保类: 绿色壁垒、石漠化、白色垃圾、断流、环境科学、环境激素、空气质量、藏羚羊 科技类1: 液晶电脑、蓝牙、CEO、CFO、黑客、生物芯片、干细胞、暗物质、背投电视、编程、波导、磁控 经济类1: 双赢、作秀、脱口秀、电子货币、世界银行、套牢、发烧友、国脚、扳平、反超、拉力赛、逼抢、赛季、外援、极限运动…… 医药卫生类: 禽流感、非典、苏丹红、瘦肉精、抗药性、强迫症、刨冰、微波炉、干红葡萄酒等。 经济类2: “三农”、软着陆、按揭、价格战、并购、撤标 循环经济、熊市、牛市、垃圾股、蓝筹股、实名制 科技类2: 转基因、纳米、彩显、失能武器、信息库、环境武器、军演、虐俘、闪盘 政治法律类: 和平崛起、FB、问责、和谐社会、反恐、不作为、特别法等。 小结:新词新语有着新颖、形象、通俗易懂、便于交际等特点,这是新语 新语之所以能广为流传的一个重要原因。同学们要提高自己书面表达和口语交际 能力,就应该向生活学习,了解、掌握和运用新词新语。用新词新语反映新的生 活,生动地表达自己的思想。 (三)梳理探究
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