铜峰小学教学蒋 瑛学习者:《三角形的内角和》案例与反思。[案例] 环节一: 请同学们拿出一副三角板,说说每个角的度数,再分别算一算每个三角 内角的和是多少度。 师:通过计算你们发现了什么? 生:每个三角形的三个内角的度数加起来都等于180°。 师:我们能不能得出这样的结论:所有的三角形三个内角加起来都等于180°呢 ? 环节二: 师:刚才我们量的是三角板上三个角的度数。现在请同学们自己画一个任意三角形,再量一量算一算。 生:“老师,是不是所有的三角形内角和都接近180呢°。” 生:“老师我认为三角形内角和就是180°。 师:“那么他们的发现是不是正确的呢?三角形的内角和到底是接近180°还是是180°呢?你能有什么好的办法来证明它呢?讨论一下。” 同学们想出了很多好办法来证明三角形内角和是多少度,下面就请你们用你的方法证明你的说法是对的。可以自己做,可以小组内合作。 汇报: 1.我们把三角行的三个角折了一下,结果发现三个角在一条线上,正好是一个平角,应该是180°。 2.我们把三角形的三个角剪下来了,又把它们拼在了一起,竟然能拼成一个平角。 3.我测量了每一个角的度数,然后在把他们画在一起。画完刚好是一个平角。 4.我们想我们学过的三角形有三种,我就画了不同的三角形,然后测量在加起来,都是180°。 环节三: 师:通过刚才大家的量、撕、折,我们能不能对三角形的三个内角的和下个结论? 生:三角形三个内角的和等于180°。 师:对!不论是什么三角形,三个内角度数的和总是等于180°。简单地说,“三角形内角和是180°”。 [反思]: 以上环节我从学生的生活实际出发设计问题情境,使学生自发提出所要探究的问题。用自己的思维方式大胆地提出猜想;并对自己的猜想设法进行验证,获得知识结论,可以看出学生的思维是非常活跃的,尽管有些方法显得有些笨拙。然而,学生他们思考了、体验了探索问题的过程。这是在我们教师的指导下完成,如果我们尽把书中的知识教予学生,试想学生的思维怎能得到飞跃呢? 学生的学习是一种主动的、积极的、愉悦的活动,如果学习的任务由别人来派给学生,学生无形中就是被动的。因此,老师要尽量创设一种氛围,让学生在已有的知识结构中自然而然地产生知识的冲突,让他们感悟到自己确实有一种学习某些知识的需要,然后促使自己去发现问题,解决问题。在上面这个案例中,学生通过对已是三角形内角和是180度,而自画的三角形的内角和不是180度,就发现自己会很多东西,在老师的肯定和学生的赞许中,获得了一种成就感和满足感。同时也发现,还有很多知识自己还不能去解决,于是就有了要去解决它的必然需求。在老师的适时引导下,思维又开始活跃,要解决三角形的内角和,到底需要什么条件?到底自己还缺一些什么知识?心里有了这些疑问,就会主动去为解决这些问题而努力了。老师的主动参与又为学生的思路注入了更活跃的因子。从学生提出的这些问题可以看出,学生的思维是很开阔的,他们几乎把本课需要解决的问题都考虑进去了,老师顺理成章的一句:“好,你能有什么好的办法来证明它呢?讨论一下。”又一次巧妙地把以学生为主体地理念淋漓尽致地体现了出来。的确,学生们体会到,我们要解决地,确实是我们自己发现地问题。 小学数学教学,实施素质教育的一个十分重要的问题,就是要着眼于21世纪人才素质的要求,在课堂教学中创造条件让学生主体性得到发展,培养有扎实的数学基础和较强的适应能力,又有独立的人格和创造精神的开拓型人才。学生是教学过程的主体,归根到底,学习是学生内部的活动,谁也不能替代。 因此,学生最主要的特性是主体性。在教学中,教师一定要时时处处站在学生的角度来思考教学方案,考虑课堂结构,如何引导学生发现问题、解决问题,把学生真正当成学习的主人,充分调动学生学习的主动性和积极性,使学生生动活泼、主动、有效地进行学习,让全体学生自始自终主动积极地参与到学习的全过程之中。效地进行学习,让全体学生自始自终主动积极地参与到学习的全过程之中。 <<工作动态分析>>铜峰小学教学蒋 瑛学习者的文章《三角形的内角和》案例与反思。 蒋君华老师钮家小学教师:《祁黄羊》教学设计(第二课时)。《祁黄羊》教学设计(第二课时) 宜兴市钮家小学 蒋君华 教学目标: 1、 能正确、流利、有感情地朗读课文,复述课文。 2、 借助具体的语言材料,领会学习祁黄羊做事出以公心,一心为国的精神。 教学重点: 抓住重点段,反复诵读,认真体会,加深对祁黄羊做事出以公心,一心为国精神的理解。 教学难点: 联系上下文,体会、理解课文最后一个自然段悼公所说话的意思。 教学过程:
一、导入新课 1、在以前的课上,我们认识了很多历史人物,比如越王勾践,他让我们想到了一个成语——“卧薪尝胆”、“忍辱负重”;说到林则徐,我们会想到“虎门销烟”、“忧国忧民”;说到祁黄羊,我们想到的是—— “外举不避仇,内举不避亲” 、“出以公心”【板书】 2、让我们一起来读读悼公的这段话吧! 指名几个人读,怎么读好?读出什么?(感动、敬佩、赞叹) 二、理解“外举”和“内举” 1、“外举不避仇”中“举”是什么意思?“避”、“仇”怎样理解? (“举”是推举、推荐;“避”是避开、回避;“仇”是仇敌、仇人,文中指解狐) 连起来怎样解释呢?再用自己的话说说“内举不避亲”的意思。 (推荐外面的人不避开仇敌,推举自己的人不避开亲人。) 2、悼公让祁黄羊做什么事?读一读课文第三自然段。谁读得更像一位国君? 指导读。全班齐读。 3、练习:用“重”字组词【填空】: 在军队中,中军尉职责( 重大 ),所以决定人选的事非常( 重要 )。 对于这件事,悼公十分( 重视 ),悼公( 尊重 )祁黄羊的意见,问的是谁能担此( 重任 )。 4、还有哪儿用到了含有“重”的词语? (祁黄羊的两次“郑重地说”以及“不能不慎重” ) 5、【出示】: ——“我看解狐就很不错。”祁黄羊想了想,郑重地说。 ——“看来只有祁午能担当此任了。” 祁黄羊想了想,又郑重地说。 (1) 【板书“郑重”】“郑重”就是严肃而认真,这两句话中哪些词语显得很“郑重”呢?探究“很”和“只有”。 (2) 指导读好两句话。 6、当悼公听到这两句话后有什么反应? 指导理解“深感意外”和“十分惊讶”。两个词语是什么意思?表现在哪儿? 理解四个问号。(前面是一个反问句一个疑问句,后面是两个反问句) 指导读出惊讶、疑惑的语气。 7、是啊,祁黄羊的提议太让人感到意外和不解了,难道他是年纪大了,老糊涂了吗?如果是他的亲人长辈听到他这个提议,会怎么样? (有责备——你这个不肖的儿子,你难道不想着报仇雪恨吗? 有担心——万一解狐上台以后恩将仇报,反过来陷害你呢?你不是自讨苦吃吗?) 当老百姓听说祁黄羊要让自己的亲生儿子当大官,会怎么说呢? (还以为祁黄羊是个好官呢,还不是一心只想着自己的儿子!真是太偏心了!) 8、看来悼公的担心不无道理。那么,祁黄羊又是怎么想的呢? 【出示】: “主公让我推荐能替代我的人,事关国家安危,我不能不慎重。我只是想,朝中的人哪个有军事才能,可以担此重任,我压根儿就没去想他是不是我的仇人或亲人。” (1) 【板书“郑重”】理解“慎重”。体会“不能不”的语气比“一定要”更加强烈。 (2) “只是想”和“压根儿就没去想”的强烈对比。 教师点拨:祁黄羊心里一心想着的是中军尉的人选事关国家的兴亡,心里想的是国家的利益,这就是“出以公心”。这里的“公”指的是什么?(“国家的利益”) (3) 你读懂了祁黄羊的话了吗?再次朗读体会。教师相机评价。(你真是祁黄羊的知心人呐!) 9、祁黄羊这样做,需要何等的勇气,需要何等的胸怀!当解狐和祁午听到祁黄羊的举荐后,他们能理解祁黄羊吗?他们分别会怎么想?怎么做呢? 10、所以十分信任祁黄羊的悼公在听完后,深受感动,我们一起来感受一下。
三、总结课文 同学们,一个强盛的民族,一个进步的国家,一刻也不能没有祁黄羊这样大公无私的人。回去以后把这则故事讲给家里人听,让更多的人记住祁黄羊“外举不避仇,内举不避亲”的故事。
四、作业布置 1、用上我们积累的成语,写几句你读了课文以后的感受。 2、阅读《毛遂自荐》的故事。 <<工作动态分析>>蒋君华老师钮家小学教师的文章《祁黄羊》教学设计(第二课时)。 教学资料人教新目标七下教案Unit 9 How was your weekend?(1) Unit 9 How was your weekend? No. 110 Middle School of Chongqing By Cao Yi Teaching Goal: 1. General aims: Talk about recent past events 2. Particular aims: A. Language Focus. Talk about recent past events and think of the past events. B. Language goals How was….? It was … What did …do over the weekend? C. Language structures: (1). How was your weekend? I was great. Pay attention to no form. (2). What did you do over the weekend? I played soccer. We went to the beach. D. Useful words and phrases: Words: was, did, went, beach, over, project, test, wasn’t, false, number, geography, spend, week, most, mixture, their, had, little, cook, read, saw, change, everyone, sit, sat, no, anything Phrases: did one’s homework, played soccer, cleaned my room, went to the beach, played tennis, went to the movies, on Saturday morning, over the weekend, cook … for, what about, do some reading, have a party, talk show, go shopping E. Grammar language: Present simple past tense Regular and irregular verbs F. Learning strategies: Tour and holidays G. Interdiscipinary: H. Emotion and manner: Teaching time: 5 periods Teaching procedures: Period One (pp31-32) 教学步骤、时间 教师活动 学生活动 媒体应用 Step 1 Free talk 3’ Ask some questions like: Who’s on duty today? What’s the weather like? Answer and talk about something. 让同学们回答下列问题 1. Do you like weekend? (Let some students answer) It takes them three minutes to talk about the question. 2. Why do you like weekend? (let the students answer) Most of the students like the weekend 此时教师用汉语问: “在周末期间问你干了什么? 这句话用英语这么回答? Let the students guess. At last the teacher give them right answer 3. What did you do over the weekend?(板书、学习) 4. What did you do over the weekend? (Let sb. answer the question) I-played basketball. 5. 出示三张照片(有各种活动) 6. Match the words with the picture 7. Let the students listen and write carefully. First listen, then listen and write the words like “morning afternoon” or “night”等Find some students to answer. The students talk about it in pairs. Students think of the sentences. Students study and read the sentences First the students read after the teacher, the practice in pairs. 学生看图,互相问答:What did you do? The students look at the picture on page 29 and do it. Listen and write carefully. 媒体展示问题 多媒体放映图一、图二、图三(关于周末的活动) Step 3 Practice(5’) Pairwork Role play students A ask and student B answer Then let them do it in pairsA: What did you do over the weekend, Lucy? B: I played tennis. Students do it in pairs.Step listen to 2a and 2b (5’)Listen and underline the words you hear, then listen again and write.Listen and underline Listen and write A \ B \ S carefullyStep 5 Summary (2’) 1. Words and phrases of the class. 2. What did you do over the weekend? I played —.Look and listen carefullyStep 6 Test (5’)Selfcheck 1 and 2cStudents do it放映多媒体 Step 7 Consolidation Make a dialogue use “What did —?”at least five questions. Divide the students into 7 groups.Step 8 拓展练习(3’)1. What did you do over the Weekend? 2. What did you do over the weekday?Students answer did things in different times. 多媒体展示、总结 Step 9 Homework (1’).1. Practise the dialogue. 2. Grasp the grammar Focus.多媒体放映 Period Two (p33) 教学步骤、时间 教师活动学生活动媒体应用Step 1 Free talk (2’)Ask a student “Do you like weekend”? Do you like weekday?The students answer and talk.Step2 Presention (10’) (用班里学生为例作下列练习) 1. What did you do over the weekend? 2. First let the students draw a picture of weekend然后让他们利用实物投影向我们说明 3. 用 “What did you do over the weekend?” 询问几个学生后,这着一个学生问“你的周末怎么样?” 4. Let the students change it into English. 板书 “How was your weekend?” Then let the students practice in pairs. 5. Write number (1-3) in the blanks. 1. Draw a picture of weekend 2. Tell the class about your weekend like” I played basketball in the morning. 3. The student answers. (have a try) Guess: How was your weekend? Read and study Then do it in pairs. Ex: How was your weekend? It’s great. I played basketball. Look at the picture in 3a. and write unmbers.实物投影 媒体展示 媒体展示答案 Step 3 Game 6’Let Ss write 3 things they did over the weekend. One is false, the others are true. 然后把学生的描述利用实物投影机投到大屏幕上。Write 3 sentences ion their paper. Look at the screen. Let the other Ss guess which one is true/false.实物投影 Step 4 Summary 3’ 1. words 2. Grammar: How was your weekend? I was great. / I did …Read and remember媒体显示Step 5 Consolidation 10’ Divide the Ss into several groups. Every group must make up a dialogue. Use “What did you do on the weekend?”/How was your weekend? And so on.Make up a dialogue in groups and act it. Step 6 拓展练习 5’ 1. 让学生回忆一般过去时态。 2. 对照一般现在时和一般过去时,找出差异。 3. 总结 “be”动词的变化。1. 回忆 2. 讨论 3. 总结 媒体显示Step 7 HomeworkPractise the dialogue And answer some questions about the lesson. Period Three (pp34-35) 教学步骤、时间 教师活动 学生活动 媒体应用 Step 1 Free talk (2’) 1. Ask the Ss some question. 2. check some questions. Put up hands and answer. Step 2 Presention (10’) (问班里的学生) 1. what did you do over the weekend? 2. 昨天你做了什么?↓引出 What did you do yesterday? ---A played….(板书/学习) 3. Let the Ss look at the screen. There are four pictures on the screen. These things that Sally and Jim did yesterday, then match. 4. Give the right answers. 1b, 2b, 3a, 4c 5. look at the 1b, let the Ss draw happy faces or unhappy faces. 6. listen to the taps twice, first listen carefully, then let the Ss to listen carefully and write the right answers.Answer one by one Translate it into English Look at the screen carefully and match the words with the pictures. Listen to the tape carefully. Write the right answers.媒体显示4幅画 媒体显示 Step 3 Practice(5’) 1. Have a conversation to tell what Sally and Jim do? 2. What did Jim do? Jim went to the movies. 3. Let the Ss ask freely 4. Ask: What did the Ss do over the weekend? ex: practice The students practice in pairs Act out in pairs or groups. Answer the teacher’s questions Ask some pairs to the front to act out. Step 4 Summary 3’ Phrases: played the guitar. Did my homework. Studied geography. Went to the library. What did Jim do yesterday?Read and remember.Step 5 Test 1见题后组1D o some exercises.多媒体展示Step 6 consolidation Divide the students into several groups And let them make dialogues using these sentences: What did you do yesterday? How was your weekend? What did you do over the weekend?Write the dialogues and practice in groups. Step 7 拓展显示 根据下列句子: 1. What did you do over the weekend? 2. How was your weekend? 考虑“昨天或周末你去了哪里?”用英语怎样表达? 1. look at some sentences and think it over. 2. 讨论/交流 3.总结 媒体展示 Step 8 Homework Grasp the new words and expression sentences. Period Four (p36) 教学步骤、时间 教师活动 学生活动 媒体展示 Step 1 Free talk and Check 3’ 1. ask some questions: 1) How many students are there in our classroom? 2) What did you do over the weekend? 3) How was your weekend? 2. Check up the last lesson’s knowledges Answer the teacher’s questions one by one. Answer and repeat. Step 2 Presentation 1. Make a survey 1) How many students did their homework last weekend? 2) How many students watched a movie? 3) How many students went shopping? 2. 问学生想不想知道西方的孩子怎样度周末? 3. 本班学生和西方学生作比较 4. Ask the students Did you have a busy weekend or free weekend? 利用多媒体把课本中的六幅画(3b)投在屏幕上 5. Let students guess what they did. Then let students turn on Page 33. Look at the pictures for ideas. 6. Give students the right answers: 1. 讨论发言 2. Look at the 2a carefully. 3. Translate it into Chinese by themselves 4. 学生取长补短,提高自己 Some of answers: Free. Some answers: Busy. Look at the screen carefully and answer. Look at the SB and fill in the blanks 媒体展示 图画 Step3 Practice 8’7. (投在屏幕上) 2) Did my homework 3) Visited my aunt 4) Went to the library 5)Played foot ball 6) Watch TV 8.教授:a few/a little 1)给学生几个句子,让学生其别一下。 There’re a few people in the classroom. There is a little water In the cup. 2) 教师归纳总结 1 a few + 可数名次 a little + 不可数名词 2 都表示不多 Look at the 3c. First, let the students write about what you did last weekend. Then, let the students Act it in pairs. Student A ask student BLook at the screen and read the answer Look at the two sentences and find the differences Write down the notebook. 1. Write about what they did last weekend. 2. Practice in pairs.媒体展现 媒体显示Step 4 Summary 3’ Answer then change. Expressions: A few a little Take away How do kids spends the Weekend?1. Look at the screen and ask媒体展现Step 5 Test 4’Do “Just for fun”1. Fill in the blanks. 2. Translate it into Chinese媒体展现 Step 6 拓展 5’通过学习a few/ a little的区别,让学生考虑few/little有什么不同。 Give some sentences Write a note your weekend.1. Look and think. 2. answer.媒体展示Step 7 consolidationLast weekend.Write a note媒体展示Step 8Self — check 3 Period Five Testing (Weekly paper and Nan’an paper) Note: (教案和教学设计)课件人教新目标七下教案Unit 9 How was your weekend?(1)教育资源 教学资料人教必修1《“黄河九曲”写事要有点波澜》写作指导 “山无起伏,便是顽山;水无潆洄,便是死水。”(脂砚斋语)中国的园林,往往是叠嶂迥廊,曲水萦绕,在一曲一折之中不断展现“山重水复”,又不断展现“柳暗花明”读(写)文章也是如此。古人云“文似看山不喜平。”文章有张有弛、有动有静、跌宕起伏,波澜曲折才会引起人们的阅读兴趣。