教学资料Unit 10人教新目标七下教案 Where did you go on  第一节 Unit 10 Where did you go on vocation? (section A) ⅠTeaching Aims and Demands 1. Knowledge Objects Key vocabulary Target language Where did Tina go on vocation? She went to the mountains. 2. Ability Object Train students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Train students’ communicative competence. 3. Moral Object If you have some difficulties in talking about past events, don’t worry. Practice more, and you’ll make great progress sooner or later. Ⅱ. Teaching Key Points Key words The target language Learn to use the activities in 1a. Learn to talk about past events using the target language. Ⅲ. Teaching Difficulties Train students’ listening, and speaking skills. Learn to talk about past events using the target language. Ⅳ. Teaching Methods Scene teaching method. Listening and oral practice methods. Ⅴ. Teaching Aids A tape recorder A computer Ⅵ. Teaching Procedures StepⅠGreeting Greet the class as usual. Check the homework. StepⅡ 1a 1b 1. Each picture shows something a person did I the past. Then ask students to name each activity. 2. Play a recording of three conversations. These people are talking about what they did on vacation. Listen and write the numbers of the names in the boxes in the picture. StepⅢ 1c Work with a partner, make conversations to talk about what the people in activity 1a went on vacation. StepⅣ 2a 2b 1. Play a recording of three conversations. These people are talking about where they went on vacation. You are to listen and match the person with the place. 2. Play the same recording again. Put a check mark under the headline ” Yes, I did.” or “ No, I don’t.” StepⅤ 2c Grammer Focus 1. Place students into groups of three. Suppose one of you is Nancy, one is Kevin and one is Julie. Now please ask each other questions to talk about where you went on vacation as in the sample conversation. 2. Ask students to read the questions and answers in pairs. StepⅥ 3a 3b Fill in the blanks with the word “was “ or “were” . Look at the pictures carefully and try to describe each one. StepⅦ 4 Works in groups and talk about their photos. StepⅧ Summary Summary the target language we’ve learned in this class. StepⅨ Homework Write a short passage to talk about one of your vacations. Blackboard Design Unit 10 Where did you go on your vacation? How was the bus trip? It was really relaxing. Where did you go? I went to the beach. How was the beach? It was beautiful.
(教案和教学设计)课件Unit 10人教新目标七下教案 Where did you go on 教育资源 教学资料人教必修1《亲近自然 写景要抓住特征》教案亲近自然 写景要抓住特征编写意图本单元作文的话题是“亲近自然”。自然是人类生活的环境,是人类赖以生存的基础。人类不仅在物质上需要大地母亲的哺育,而且在精神上也需要向自然寻求依托。当知时节的春雨飘落大地时,当秋风吹来诱人的果香时,感到喜悦、幸福的决不仅仅是农民;过去的政治家、文学家,每当失意的时候,就会寄情山林;就是我们现在的中学生,当不堪学习重负,感到身心疲惫的时候,去野外踏青,不是也能愉悦身心吗?可以说人对自然的情怀是与生俱来的。但是不同的人,对自然的感悟有深浅不同,情趣有高下之分。“万类霜天竞自由”的感悟,“大漠孤烟直”的审美,不是人人都能有的。除了生活经验、知识积累以外,这种情怀还需要通过读书、作文不断培养。培养对自然的情怀,可以提高审美能力,可以陶冶性情、净化灵魂。从学习写作的角度看,自然的范围极其广阔,培养对自然的情怀,可以大大丰富我们的写作内容。本单元作文在写法上强调写景物要抓住特征。学生喜欢写景,但常常忘了为什么写景,抓不住景物的特征。这里所说的特征和说明文中的事物描述不同,它既是客观的,又是主观的。自然景物是客观的,但是由于作者的心境不同,受到感悟的地方也就不同。作者头脑里的景物特征已经深深印上了主观的痕迹。有的甚至会大大变形。极度失望的人,竟会看见黑色的太阳(肖洛霍夫《静静的顿河》)。正如王国维在《人间词话》里所说:“一切景语,皆情语也。”应当让学生明白:景物描写的标准是主观和客观的统一。自然景物是客观的,写什么,不写什么,却全由作者的感悟来决定。《故都的秋》《沁园春长沙》写的是不同的秋景,但都抓住了景物的特征──引起作者感悟的一面。所以,学习写景,既要认真观察,对景物有准确的了解,又要找准景物与自己感情的契合点。只有这样,才能写得情景交融。在因特网普及的今天,学生对网络作文比较喜欢。但网络作文,有的过分随便,言不及义,教师应适当引导。这套教材每册第二单元都安排了“网络作文建议”,有条件的学校,可让学生做一做。 教学建议 学生做写景文,容易犯两个毛病:一是不认真观察,习惯于抄书抄报,脱离景物实际;二是没有明确的目的,写出来缺少统一的基调,特点不突出。针对学生常犯的毛病,如果有条件,可以组织学生到室外做一次集体写生式的作文。比如,一同观察校园一景,一同逛公园,一同赏月,一同看日出。这样写出作文来,一比较,谁做了认真观察,谁在抄书抄报,即使老师不讲,学生也会明白的。搞这种活动,事先要有准备,帮助学生搜集一些相关的诗文、词汇。可以先在现场口头做,回来后再落成文字。这样做的好处是能互相启发,也便于老师指导。 有关资料 一、景物的客观反映写生写景要抓住特征绘画上的写生,总是用呈现在眼前的物象来作描摹的模特儿的。写作上的写生也是这样。呈现眼前的物象是一个客观存在,它的形体、位置、色调、明暗,明明摆在那儿,就得照它的本来面目,如实描摹,不能以意为之。方的不能写成圆的,红的不能写成黑的,一丝假[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] 下一页