小学教学徐敏珠学习者:最大的麦穗(教学设计)。(一)、教学目标 1、学会本课生字,理解由生字组成的词语。 2、正确、流利、有感情地朗读课文,背诵课文最后一个自然段。 3、通过语言文字,领悟必须善于抓住机遇,不能东张西望,错失良机的道理。 (二)、教学重点、难点 能够联系实际,说出自己对“追求应该是最大的,但把眼前的一穗拿在受中,这才是 实实在在的”这句话的理解。 (三)、教学过程 一、谈话导入 问:有谁知道天与地之间有多高?有人回答:“三尺。” 人都有有四尺,那不是要把天都顶破吗? 这是二千多年前古希腊人们公认的最聪明的人――苏格拉底的回答。他这样解释:“是啊,所以凡是超过三尺的人要立足于天地之间,必须低头。做人要懂得谦虚。” 平淡的话语中折射着智慧,许多人想成为他的学生。我们今天也来做一回苏格拉底的学生好吗? 现在就让我们走进——板书课题:最大的麦穗,看看这次苏格拉底给学生上了一堂怎样的课呢? 二、讲读课文 1.出示思考题:苏格拉底在什么时间、什么地方上课的?内容是什么? 请大家轻轻读课文并画出这些问题的答案。 组织讨论。(“大熟的季节”“满是沉甸甸的麦穗”说明什么?) 2.这节课苏格拉底给弟子们提了一个什么要求?速读第一自然段 出示:“你们去麦地里摘一个最大的麦穗,……等你们。” 谁当苏格拉底?其他同学当弟子,你们要听明白老师的话。 问:听明白了吗?你们认为抓住老师要求中的哪些关键词才算听明白了呢?(“最大的麦穗”指什么?从“只许进,不许退”中体会到什么?) 再读,用适当的语气、语调把关键读清楚,让大家听得更明白。 2.“弟子们听懂了老师的要求后,就走进了麦地。”最终怎样?你从什么地方看出来的? ( “这时,两手空空的弟子们……嘲笑他们。”突出“两手空空”) 3.为什么地里“满是沉甸甸的麦穗”,而弟子们却“两手空空”呢?让我们看看他们在摘麦穗时的表现。 默读第3、4自然段,用不同记号标出描写弟子们摘麦穗过程中的动作、神态、心理活动的语句。 交流讨论。 可见,弟子们摘得很认真。谁能把弟子们的专注、用心读出来,让大家再来体会。 他们为什么没有摘到呢?(“总认为……总以为……) 原来他们还很犹豫。谁还想再来读读这两个自然段? 你能用“虽然……但是……”来评价一下苏格拉底的弟子们吗? 4.认真地寻找,到头来却是两手空空,大家能想象弟子们的心情吗?(羞愧、后悔、遗憾) 谁来读读,让大家感受这种心情。 5.苏格拉底面对两手空空的弟子们也很遗憾,他又是怎样开导他们的呢? 指名读,出示:“这块麦地里肯定……你们刚刚摘下的。” 讨论:“有一颗是最大的”与“最大的一穗”是不是同一穗?为什么? (师:是呀,真正最大的麦穗是很难得到的,在麦地里寻寻觅觅,最终一无所获,还不如抓住颗粒饱满的那一穗。有总比没有好,只有把眼前的抓在手里,才是我们需要的最大的。) 苏格拉底仅仅是在讲摘麦穗这件事吗?这时苏格拉底说话时是怎样的语气?读一读体会一下,“说”字前面可加一个什么词?交流读。 追问:(1)如果你是麦地边的一个过路人,当你看到这些学生挑挑拣拣,犹豫不决的时候,你替他们着急吗?你会给他们提醒吗?提什么醒?(注意麦地尽头要到了;你眼前的一穗够大了:手中的一穗怎能扔掉呢;不要犹豫不决……) (2)如果你就是苏格拉底的学生,苏格拉底打算给他的弟子们第二次选麦穗的机会,你准备怎样选最大的麦穗? 6.两手空空的弟子们真的两手空空吗?其实他们还懂得了一个道理。是什么道理? 出示:“人的一生仿佛……这才是实实在在的。” 引读 重点理解:“最大的追求”指的是什么?“眼前的一穗”又指的是什么? (师:苏格拉底不只是让弟子们摘麦穗,他是在用麦地模拟人生,用麦穗模拟机会,告诉弟子们人生应该有远大的理想,但更应该抓住机遇,把握当前。) 联系实际:在生活中,你有没有遇到过这样的事情?(做生意、炒股票、找工作……) 师小结:在我们的生活中,在我们的社会上,每个人都希望成功,每个人都希望做出一番事业,可为什么有些人成功了,有些人却一辈子都没有出息呢?原来,“有的人见到了颗粒饱满的麦穗,就不失时机的摘下了它,于是就功成名就;“有的人则东张西望,一再的错失良机,于是只能独自吞咽失败的苦水。人的生活态度决定了他的人生。 三、总结延伸 1.关于抓住机遇,把握机会。很多人都有体会。出示名人名言。 你能用上“犹豫、珍惜、把握、果断、秘诀”等词语自创一两条“名言”吗? 拿出纸和笔写写,再交流。 3.师:同学们,这节课,咱们一同走进了《最大的麦穗》的“精神殿堂”。人人都收获了一株“最大的麦穗”,咱们不虚此行。 板书: 24.最大的麦穗 不失时机 眼前的一穗 远大目标 抓住机遇 把握当前 <<工作动态分析>>小学教学徐敏珠学习者的文章最大的麦穗(教学设计)。 江丽老师万石小学教师:美妙音乐响遍万小校园。美妙音乐响遍万小校园 这几天,万石小学的校园里“丁零……”一声长而急促的铃声突然听不见了,取而代之的是校园里回荡起了一段段美妙动听的乐曲。 去年教代会教师提议要改建校园的铃声系统。在新学期里,学校领导经过商议,利用有效资源,进行了“铃声系统”的安装、测试,用优美的音乐铃声来代替了原先刺耳的电铃声。一下子,用了几十年的单调闹铃变成了全新的音乐铃声,这让老师学生都倍感新鲜、亲切。晨曲、进校曲、静校曲、上课曲、下课曲、每天中午播放的耳熟能详的5首不同优秀少儿歌曲……一段段音乐因时而异,或舒缓、或欢快、或高昂、或轻松,极大地丰富了学生们的校园生活。 美妙的音乐陶冶了孩子们的身心,孩子们由衷地说:“这音乐动听悦耳,充满活力,我们喜欢。”老师们说:“这铃声充满着人情味。”全校师生都打心里喜欢上了这个“新校工”。这事虽小,但也是学校接纳教师意见,为广大师生办得一件实事。 <<工作动态分析>>江丽老师万石小学教师的文章美妙音乐响遍万小校园。 教学资料人教新目标八下教案Unit 2 What should I do?(C) Unit 2 What should I do?(教案二) 作者:刘会 一、知识点拨 I.Language Goals ·学会谈论有关生活中的问题。 ·学会针对别人的问题给出建议。 ·能针对所提出的建议做出评价。 II.Key Words 1.argue v.争论;争吵 argue with sb.与某人吵架 I argued with my best friend.我和我的好朋友吵架了。 2.either adv.(用于否定句)也 He doesn’t have any money, and I don’t, either.他没有钱,我也没有。 too 也(用于肯定或疑问句) I’m a teacher.He is a teacher, too.我是老师,他也是老师。 3.ask (sb.)for sth.向某人寻求某物;要…… Don’t ask for food every day.Go and find some work.别天天要饭,找点儿工作做。 I don’t think you should ask your parents for some money.我想你不应该向父母要钱。 He didn’t want to ask his teacher for his book hack.他不想向老师要回他的书了。 4.the same as... 与……相同 The clothes are the same as my friends’.这些衣服与我朋友的一样。 Tom is the same age as Anna.= Tom is as old as Anna.汤姆和安娜一样大。 5.except 除……以外;(不包括……在内) My class has been invited except me.= Only I haven’t been invited. 除我以外,我的同学都被邀请了。 All the students went to the park except him.= Only he didn’t get to the park. besides 除……以外(包括在内) 除他以外,所有的学生都去了公园。 We all went there besides him.= He went there.We went there, too. 除他去以外,我们也都去了。 6.wrong adj.错误的;有毛病的;不合适的 ─ What’s wrong with you? 你怎么了?(你哪里不舒服?) ─ I’ve got a headache.我头痛。 adv.错误地;不正确地;不对地 He answered wrong.他答错了。 7.get on well with sb.与某人相处融洽 The students will get on well with the teacher.学生会和老师相处得非常好。 We get on well with each other.我们彼此相处融洽。 8.have a fight with sb.= fight with sb.与某人打架 I don’t want to have a fight with my cousin.我不想和我的堂兄打架。 III. Key Sentences Structures What should I do? You could write him a letter. What should he do? Maybe he should say sorry to him. What should they do? They shouldn’t argue.
二、学习自评 I.Listening Comprehension (A)Listen and match the correct pictures. 1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5.( ) (B)Listen carefully and write “T” (true)or “F” (false)before each statement. ( )1.Jim wants to go shopping for a new shirt. ( )2.Jim can’t wear size six shoes. ( )3.Jim’s mother saw some nice shops the other day. ( )4.Jim prefers white to blue. ( )5.They will buy the shoes on Saturday afternoon. II.Vocabulary Match the words with their meanings. ( )1.genius ( )2.attend ( )3.solution ( )4.pressure ( )5.psychiatrist ( )6.upset ( )7.family ( )8.exhausted ( )9.pair ( )10.idea a.strong or oppressive influence b.not happy c.people with relatives d.answer or the way to work out problems e.too tired to do anything f.pictures in mind g.a person who is very intelligent h.take part in i.person who studies how people think j.two things of the same kind
III.Choose the correct answers. ( )1.I don’t have any money and he doesn’t, . A.too B.either C.also D.neither ( )2.─ do you go to the cinema? ─ Every two weeks. A.How long B.How many C.How often D.How much ( )3.You can this book for a week. A.borrow B.lend C.keep D.buy ( )4.Yesterday Dick made me for a long time. A.to wait B.wait C.waited D.waiting ( )5.I need some money to buy clothes my mother.Her clothes are out of style. A.after B.to C.of D.for ( )6.My bike is broken.I have to go to school on foot . A.also B.instead C.instead of D.too ( )7.My friend has the same haircut I do. A.as B.like C.with D.than ( )8.The teacher told him late any more. A.not to be B.to be not C.be not D.not be ( )9.He the radio and began to listen to it. A.turned off B.turned down C.turned on D.turned up ( )10.I’m very because my best friend didn’t invite me to come to his party. A.popular B.happy C.late D.upset
IV.Form sentences. 1.I, friend, nicer, clothes, my, has, than, do 2.wears, the, clothes, my, same, I, do, brother, as 3.left, your, homework, at, you, home 4.doesn’t, he, is, know, ID, where, your, card 5.are, invite, the singer, having, a, my friends, party, and, didn’t, they V.Fill in the blanks with these words. are, played, for, with, out, about, keep, else, drops
1.My brother his stereo too loud. 2.He is arguing his best friend. 3.It’s not easy to get a ticket a basketball game. 4.I don’t want to talk Tom in class. 5.He borrowed a new car his father. 6.We found that there would be an important test the next week. 7.Her mother her off on No.302 bus stop every day. 8.You should everything nice and tidy. 9.Everyone in my class is running except me. 10.The Whites hanging out by the river. VI.Reading comprehension (A) Can you make a telephone call? Of course you can make it in Chinese.But a call in English is quite different from the one ill Chinese.If you want to ask Mr. Smith to answer the telephone, you cannot say, “Please ask Mr. Smith to answer the telephone.” Instead you must say, “May 1 speak to Mr. Smith?” If you want to ask if Mr. Smith is answering the telephone, you should say “Who is that? Is that Mr. Smith speaking?” instead of “Who are you?” If you want to tell the other one who you are, you should say, “This is Tom (speaking).” Instead of “I’m Tom.” ( )1.An English telephone call is a Chinese one. A.not the same as B.better than C.the same as D.as good as ( )2.If you want to ask who is answering the call, you should say “ ?” A.Who am I B.Who is be C.Who are you D.Who is that ( )3.If you want to tell the other one who you are on the telephone, you should say,“ .” A.This is... B.I’m... C.That is... D.He is... ( )4.If you want to ask Mr. Smith to answer the call, you should say “ ” A.Please tell Mr. Smith to answer the telephone. B.May 1 speak to Mr. Smith? C.I want to speak to Mr. Smith. D.Are you Mr. Smith? ( )5.Which sentence is right according to (根据)this passage? A.It tells the difference between calls in English and in Chinese. B.We know how we call in English. C.We don’t understand how we call in English. D.It’s easy to call in English. (B) American schools begin in September after a long summer vacation.There are two terms in a school year.The first term is from September to January, and the second is from February to June.Most American children begin to go to school when they are five years old.Most students are seventeen or eighteen years old when they finish school. High school students take only four or five subjects each term.They usually go to the same classes every day, and they have homework for every class.After class they do many interesting things. After high school, many students go to college.They can go to a small one or a large one.They usually have to pay a lot of money.So many college students work after class to get the money for their studies. QuestionsAnswers 1.How long is the summer holiday in America? 2.How old do most American children begin to go to school? 3.What do many students do after high school? 4.Why do American college students work after class? 5.How many subjects do high school students take each term?
VII.Writing Write your advice to solve the following problems. 1.I don’t have enough money. 2.I argued with my best friend. 3.I left my homework at home. 4.My classmates didn’t invite me to his party. 5.I want to join a club, but my parents don’t allow me to do so. 三、相关信息 休息好,才能更好地工作。可是,有时人们不得不在周末加班工作。由于别人都在休息,常常就会遇到许多不便,有时还可能会很危险。 Many people have to work on the weekend.Some people do not mind.Other people think it is terrible. One man thinks that working on the weekend can be dangerous.He is Graham Coates.Mr. Coates works in an office in Brighton, England. On the morning of Saturday, May 24, 1986, he went to the office to do some work.When he got on the elevator, it stopped between floors.Mr. Coates could not get out of the elevator.He started to shout, but no one heard him.Then Mr. Coates remembered that it was a holiday in England.No one was going to come to work until Monday! There was nothing for Mr. Coates to do.He had to wait until one of his workmates came to work and found him.With nothing to eat or drink, Mr. Coates ended up sleeping for most of the time. Early on Monday morning, the vice president of the company came to work and found the elevator was not working.When the elevator was opened, Mr. Coates came out, cold, weak, and tired.He had been in the elevator for 62 hours! Now Mr. Coates says, “I only use elevators if they have telephones in them.” (教案和教学设计)课件人教新目标八下教案Unit 2 What should I do?(C)教育资源 教学资料[八年级物理上]第一章 神奇的物质世界 第一章 神奇的物质世界 本章概述与课程标准要求本章内容是在课程标准理念指导下,对传统初中物理教材在知识结构上存在的弊端进行批判性思考后,提出的一个新的结构板块。传统物理教材,在知识结构上存在几个缺陷:第一,不重视整体与局部的关系,一开始就学习测量、机械运动……一个个具体的内容,虽然开始也有一个绪论,但非常简单,主要是说如何学习物理,学生对物理学难以形成一个总体认识,是“只见树木,不见森林”。第二,教材未能充分体现不同部分内容之间的联系,不仅中学物理如此,大学物理也严重地存在着力学、热学、声学、光学和电学各部分内容之间互不相干的情况。第三,存在教材素材脱离生活,远离现代科技的现象。这些缺陷,是由“大纲”对各部分内容要求过于具体决定的,所以在大纲框架下,在整体结构上的改革有很大难度。课程标准为从总体结构上改变了教材提供了机遇,为学生从整体和局部相结合角度去认识物理创造了条件,这样做有利于发挥物理学在素质教育中的功能,教师应认真研究体会,以付诸教学实践。本章教材编写的创意有如下几点:①在课程标准一级标题 “物质、运动与相互作用、能量”框架下,突出物理学总体特征。使初中学生一开始就对物理学有一个粗浅的总体认识,从宏观到微观,到宇观给出物质世界的一个清晰框架;对物质世界的各种运动和能量形式及相互转化,有一个总的粗浅的认识,从而使学生对物理学有个整体的把握,知道初中物理联系着一个个发展的方向,对物理学所研究的广泛领域及其对社会进步巨大推动作用产生较大兴趣。②突出物理学各部分之间的互相联系,使学生认识到物质世界的各种运动和能量形式是互相联系的且可以互相转化的,这种知识结构有助于培养学生的联想和创新思维,是科学素质教育的重要内容。③突出物理学的基础性、现代性与实用性,在一开始就把物理学各种运动规律与生活、生产、科技广泛地联系起来,使学生认识到物理学的发展与人类文明进步的重要关系,促使广大青少年不仅对物理有兴趣,对物理学形成积极的态度和正确情感,觉得物理学非常有用,一开始就形成对物理的科学价值观。注意事项:1.本章是从总体上使学生对物理科学形成一个初步的整体认识,不要求对物理概念进行具体的教学,不要求学生理解这些概念,不要怕存在问题、留下问题,从一定意义上讲,学习这一章就是要使学生产生一个个问题,促使学生积极联想,形成热烈的学习兴趣。2.要应地制宜,根据不同地区,不同学校,设计本章教学模式和内容,但一定要尽可能联系学生生活实际,选择一些简单易行的实验,一开始就让学生动手动脑,形成自主探究的学习风气。 3.本章设计了一些让学生与家长共同合作的内容,要努力促成让家长关注物理教学、关注学生的探究性学习,有条件的学校也可以召开一次学生家长会,让家长了解新课程改革理念。本章内容的教学可以采取学生阅读、讨论和教师讲解,多媒体演示相结合进行。 本章课时安排建议本章共三节,建议用2~3课时完成,具体课时安排如下:第1节 科学探究:走进物质世界的大门 1课时第2节 观察物质世界的运动第3节 认识物质世界的能量 (教案和教学设计)课件[八年级物理上]第一章 神奇的物质世界教育资源