教学资料人教新目标七下教案Unit 6 It’s raining(section A) 第一节 Unit 6 It’s raining. (section A) ⅠTeaching Aims and Demands 1. Knowledge Objects Key vocabulary Target language 2. Ability Object Train students’ listening skill. Train students’ communicative competence. 3. Moral Object In the west, people like talking about the weather instead of asking Have you eaten? or Where are you going? It’s impolite to ask such question in the west. Ⅱ. Teaching Key Points Key words Learn to talk about the weather using the target language Present progressive tense. Ⅲ. Teaching Difficulties The key vocabulary. Learn to talk about the weather using the target language. Train students’ listening skill. Train students’ communicative competence. The Present progressive tense Ⅳ. Teaching Methods Listening and speaking methods Pairwork Scene teaching methods Ⅴ. Teaching Aids A tape recorder A computer A map of the world. Ⅵ. Teaching Procedures StepⅠGreeting Greet the class as usual. Check the homework. StepⅡ 1a 1b 1 Point out the numbered list of words. Ask a student to read them out. 2 Then ask students to match the picture with words from the list. 3 You are to listen and write the city names in the boxes to go with its weather. StepⅢ 1c 1. Work with a partner. Make conversations about the weather in the five places in the picture in activity 1a. 2. Ask different students to say their conversations to the class. StepⅣ 2a 2b 1. Play the tape twice. Students listen and number the pictures the second time they hear it. 2. Play the same recording again. Listen and match the names with the activities. 3 Go over the answers. StepⅤ 2c Grammar Focus 1. Get students to work in pairs. After they practice for a few minutes, 2. Ask some pairs to present their conversations to the class. Remind students that all the questions end with a falling intonation. StepⅥ 3a 3b Please write the letter of each face next to the word it goes with. Check the answers. Get several pairs of students to act out their conversations to the class. StepⅦ 4 Get students to do the activity in pairs. Ask different pairs of students to say a difference each. StepⅧ Summary Summary the target language we’ve learned in this class. StepⅨ Homework Memorize the spellings of the key words learned in this class.. Blackboard Design Unit 6 It’s raining. How’s the weather in Beijing? It’s sunny. What’s Uncle Joe doing? He’s playing basketball. How is it going? Great! (教案和教学设计)课件人教新目标七下教案Unit 6 It’s raining(section A)教育资源 教学资料人教必修2《烛之武退秦师》教学设计 教学目标: 1.能根据课文情节说出烛之武在国难当头不计个人安危得失,顾全大局的爱国主义精神体现在何处。 2.能辨析“贰、军、辞、鄙、陪、敢、济、肆、阙、与”10个实词与“若、说、辞、鄙、微、之”等虚词的意义和用法。 3.能通畅地朗读全文。
教学设计: 1.学情:初中时,学生学过《左传》中《曹刿论战》,对左传中人物刻画的方法和事件的叙述有了初步的感受。但是要深入了解《左传》这部编年体史书的艺术特点及其在中国文学史上的地位,把握本文详略得当、波澜起伏、善用伏笔和照应的写作技巧还有相当大的难度。教师可设计几个小问题,分解目标,然后让学生综合评析。课后有条件的自读《左传》。 2.教材:文章篇幅不长,是写人的典范文章,其中对人物的语言描写的笔墨较多。因为情节涉及到的历史事件久远,可以补充相关的史实,有利于学生知识的建构。 3.教法:诵读法、练习法。
教学过程: 第一课时 一、导语 一九五五年,著名科学家钱学森冲破重重阻挠回国,当时美国的海军处长金波尔说:“我宁可把这家伙枪毙了,也不让他离开美国,无论他在哪里,都抵得上五个师。”一个人的力量真的能抵得上五个师吗?今天我们要学的《烛之武退秦师》会告诉我们这个问题的答案。
二、解题 1.一学生读课文注释①。 2.教师补充: ⑴关于《左传》。是我国第一部编年体史书。相传为春秋末年鲁国史官左丘明所作。“传”意为注释,《左传》为给儒家经典《春秋》所作的注释性文字。 它记述了春秋间240多年的历史,不仅具有极高的史学价值,而且还具有极高的文学价值。颇具春秋时代历史散文的特色。内容丰富,规模宏大,忠于 [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] ... 下一页 >>