教学资料《黄河,母亲河》综合性学习教学设计 活动目标: 1、锻炼学生听说读写能力,培养学生在综合活动中的创新意识和创造能力。 2、培养学生合作意识和根据主题收集、整理、筛选资料的能力。 3、关注母亲河,接触黄河文化,培养热爱祖国的思想感情。 活动重点 1、培养口语交际的能力。 2、培养自主、合作、探究学习的习惯。 活动设计 :这次活动分二个阶段: (一)课外搜集资料阶段(主要利用互联网搜集资料) (二)课内展示阶段(在电脑室进行展示) 课前准备: 3-5人小组合作,确定主题,分解任务,并制成幻灯片在课堂展示(请电脑老师协助完成)。 确立相关主题,供学生参考: 黄河之貌——了解黄河发源、汇入地和沿河流域概貌。 黄河之城——了解黄河流域内的重要城市。 黄河之水——关注黄河流域的水土流失、环境保护和可持续发展及对黄河之水的有效利用等内容。 黄河之歌——收集关于黄河的古今诗词、歌曲、民谣、传说故事。 黄河之史——了解黄河的历史与文化 黄河之忧——搜集黄河断流和环境污染等内容。 形式上有文字、音乐、图片、影视片断等。 活动过程: 1、导入:黄河,中华民族的母亲河,这条奔腾不息的河流,用她甘甜的乳汁哺育了一代又一代的中华儿女,孕育了灿烂的华夏文明。今天,让我们做一次黄河文化巡礼,追溯黄河过去,正视黄河现在,展望黄河未来,领略黄河文化的独特魅力。 2、知我黄河 成果展示:推荐代表展示搜集到相关资料。按下列顺序进行: 黄河之史、黄河之貌、 黄河之城、黄河之水、黄河之歌、黄河之忧 组织竞赛:黄河知多少。(竞赛的要求与规则:学生分组,每组派出一名代表,轮流进行,每说出一条相关内容得一分,如内容不符合要求或与他人答案重复则无分,最后把分值累积起来,评出优胜组。) 3、护我黄河 通过这次小小的竞赛,我们大家知道了更多的有关黄河文化的知识,黄河,伟大的母亲河,具有强大的民族凝聚力。然而,令人震惊和痛心的是,黄河正面临着断流的威胁,中华民族不能没有伟大的母亲河,所以,中国科学院、中国工程院163位院士联名呼吁行动起来,拯救黄河! 黄河,由滔天之水变成涓涓细流,继而只留下龟裂的河床,面对这严峻的现实,所有的炎黄子孙都应该进行深刻的反思。 出示黄河生态环境遭破坏的图片(配有背景音乐《黄水谣》及简短解说词) 针对黄河生态环境遭破坏这一现象,设计一则公益广告,呼吁保护母亲河。要求有创意。 4、赞我黄河(作业) 以“我心中的黄河”为中心写一篇文章,抒发你对黄河的感情,写出你对黄河的希望与祝愿。题目可自拟。(供参考题目:《母亲,你将不再憔悴》、《母亲河的迷人风采》。(教案和教学设计)课件《黄河,母亲河》综合性学习教学设计教育资源 教学资料人教新目标七下Unit 12 Don’t eat in class. 复习教 第三节 Unit 12 Don’t eat in class. 复习教案 ⅠTeaching Aims and Demands 1. Knowledge Objects In this unit, students review to talk about rules. Make students learn and grasp imperatives and the usage of the words ”can” and “have to”. 2. Ability Object Improve students’ ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Improve students’ integrating skills. 3. Moral Object We must obey school rules. Ⅱ. Teaching Key Points 1. To help students review the key words and the target language. 2. To help students master imperatives and the usage of the words ”can” and “have to”. Ⅲ. Teaching Difficulties Learn to write a letter. To train students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Ⅳ. Teaching Methods Pairwork Practicing methods Ⅴ. Teaching Aids A computer Ⅵ. Teaching Procedures StepⅠ Review talking about rules 1. Write some rules on the blackboard. Read and have students repeat several times. Let students point out the list of school rules. invite a different student to read each rule to the class. 2. Get students in pairs. Ask and answer questions about the rules at your home. Teacher move around the room giving help they needed. 3. Ask several pairs to present their conversations to the class. StepⅡ Review the target language Don’t eat in class. Can we wear hats? No, we can’t. We don’t have to wear a school uniform. StepⅢ Review the structure 1. Get students to read the target language on the blackboard. Under line the words ”have to wear”, ”have to clean”, “don’t have to wear”, “Do you have to wear a uniform” and “students can eat in the dinning-room”. 2. Explain to students how to use the words “have to” and “can” correctly. 3. Give students more exercises to practice these words. StepⅣ Review the key vocabulary 1. In class, classroom, hallway, gym, arrive, hate, go out, practice, inside, outside, uniform, sports shoes, fight, can, can’t, have to. 2. Give students a dictation for these words. StepⅤ Summary Summary the target language we’ve reviewed in this unit. StepⅥ Homework Review the target language and the key words in this unit. Blackboard Design Unit 12 Don’t eat in class. Don’t eat in class. Can we wear hats? No, we can’t. We don’t have to wear a school uniform. (教案和教学设计)课件人教新目标七下Unit 12 Don’t eat in class. 复习教教育资源 刘晔老师小学教师:《节约用水》——德育教学活动设计。《节约用水》——德育教学活动设计 [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] 下一页