教学资料人教新目标七下Unit 5 I’m watching TV. 复习教案 第三节 Unit 5 I’m watching TV. 复习教案 ⅠTeaching Aims and Demands 1. Knowledge Objects Review to talk about what people are doing. Review the present progressive tense and present tense. 2. Ability Object Improve students’ ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Improve students’ ability of communicative competence. 3. Moral Object Teach students that they should be brave people. Be good at watching something and love our lives. Ⅱ. Teaching Key Points Review the key words and the target language. Ⅲ. Teaching Difficulties Train students’ ability of communicative competence. Train students’ integrating skills. Ⅳ. Teaching Methods Pairwork Practicing methods Ⅴ. Teaching Aids A computer Cards Ⅵ. Teaching Procedures StepⅠReview the target language 1. Talk about what people are doing. Work in pairs. First one person asks the questions like this: what is she doing? What are they doing? What is he doing? And then the other person answers the questions. What is she doing? She is watching TV? What are they doing? They’re eating dinner. What is he doing? He’s reading. What is he doing? He’s cleaning. What is he doing? He’s doing homework. 2. Ask several students to say some of their questions and answers for the class. 3. Make a conversation. Use the target language to make a conversation with your partner. What are you doing? I’m doing my homework. Do you want to go swimming? Yes, I do. When do you want to go? At three o’clock. StepⅡ Review the structures Yes/No questions and short answers. Write as many as you can. Ask several students to read their sentences. StepⅢ Review the key vocabulary 1. Memorize the key words: watching, doing, eating, reading, cleaning, playing, swimming, shopping, pool, school, mall, library. 2. Have a dictation. StepⅣ Summary In this class, we’ve reviewed the key vocabulary and the present progressive tense. StepⅤ Homework Write something about what do you want to be in the future. Blackboard Design Unit 5 I’m watching TV. What are you doing? I’m doing my homework. Do you want to go swimming? Yes, I do. When do you want to go? At three o’clock.
(教案和教学设计)课件人教新目标七下Unit 5 I’m watching TV. 复习教案教育资源 教学资料人教必修2《短歌行》教学设计 教学目标: 通过诵读和分析讨论,体味《短歌行》“忧”而奋发、慷慨悲凉的思想感情;希望能为学生学习古诗文提供一个一般性的样例(诵读熟悉-解决词句疑难-领悟思想情感-诵读巩固)。 教学设想: 1、贯彻两个思想:诵读是基础,尽量让学生自己讨论分析。 2、本诗的思想感情还是较明显的,但如何深入理解,却是个难点;应该通过分析曹操的生平、为人及写作背景来评析,给学生一些相关的补充阅读材料是必要的。 3、全课教学分为三块:初步体味(熟悉内容),深入体味(讨论分析其思想感情),巩固体味(诵读、听音乐)。深入体味部分用三个问题来结构(你对诗中哪个句子有感触?“忧”、“求贤”各为了什么?曹操何许人也?)。 教学过程: 一、熟悉诗歌 1、导入: 导语:(指黑板)这个人大家认识吗?我们在初中的课文《青梅煮洒论英雄》中曾和他见过,《三国演义》电视剧播出后,大家和他也就频频见面了。《短歌行》大家听过吗?在《三国演义》的赤壁之战中,就有一段曹操“横槊赋诗”的场面,唱的就是这首《短歌行》;同学们谁会唱这首歌吗?――我会,我给唱唱看好吗? 自唱《短歌行》。 (过渡语:遇到古诗文,我们怎样进行学习呢?首先是不管三七二十一,先把它背下来再说) 2、要求学生用5分钟的时间来背诵全诗,之后齐声背诵。 (过渡语:……接着再来解决古诗文中的疑难问题) 3、解决难懂的字词句(要求学生参看注解,提出不懂之处,一起解决。如“譬如朝露,去日苦多”,如“但为君故,沉吟至今”,如“呦呦鹿鸣,食野之苹”,如“月明星稀,乌鸦南飞。绕树三匝,何枝可依?”) 4、叫2个学生个读诗歌。分别叫他们说说自己为什么要这样读诗。再指出其优缺点。 二、分析诗歌的思想感情。 (过渡语:……之后,我们再来领悟古诗文的思想感情) 1、 讨论分析“名句”。 叫学生说说哪个句子对他有启发。(如“对酒当歌,人生几何”、“何以解忧,唯有杜康”、“周公吐哺,天下归心”) 2、明确“忧”和“求贤”的思想情感内涵。 (1)提问:你以为在本诗第一段中曹操表达了怎样的感情呢?(忧)从哪个句子可以看出呢?忧的是什么呢?(人生苦短) (板书:对酒当歌,忧的是人生苦短) (2)、那么从本诗后三段来看,作者表达的是什么样的感情呢?(求贤) 从哪些句子可以看出呢? 作者为了什么而“求贤”呢?(求贤才为己用,实现统一天下的宏伟壮志) (板书:求贤若渴,求的是一统天下) 3、解决“忧”和“求贤”的统一问题: 结合板书,提问:既然曹操那么“忧”,又深知“人生苦短”,为什么没有真的“唯有杜康”了呢,还要那么辛苦地“但为君故,沉吟至今”,还要去“明明如月,何时可掇”呢,还要去“忧从中来,不可断绝”呢,还要去“周公吐哺”呢?要做什么“统一大业”呢?岂不很苦吗?因为世上多的是“享用人生”的人,多的是庸庸碌碌但较安逸的人。(曹操何许人也?) 要求学生讲讲他自己所知道的曹操。(可以是对曹操的评价,也可以是曹操的人生态度,也可以是你知道的曹操的一些故事) 结论:曹操乃世之英雄,《短歌行》乃英雄之慷慨悲歌。 (板书:英雄之慷慨悲歌) 三、诵读体会: (过渡语:……最后,还是要归结到诵读上来,通过诵读进行巩固。――诵读是学习古诗文的根本大法) 1、叫2个学生个读(配乐),分别叫他们说说为什么这么处理,再简评;再齐声诵读。 2、听歌曲《短歌行》。 板书: 短歌行? 曹操 对酒当歌,忧的是人生苦短 英雄的慷慨悲歌 求贤若渴,求的是一统天下 四、归纳:参见学习提示 五、作业:练习五 (教案和教学设计)课件人教必修2《短歌行》教学设计教育资源 芳桥[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] 下一页