教学资料人教新目标七下教案Unit 10 Where did you go on  第二节 Unit 10 Where did you go on your vacation? (section B) ⅠTeaching Aims and Demands 1. Knowledge Objects Key words. Target language. 2. Ability Object Train students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Train students’ communicative competence. Self-check. 3. Moral Object Ⅱ. Teaching Key Points The key vocabulary. The target language. Ⅲ. Teaching Difficulties Train students’ reading and writing skills. Write a travel diary. Complete a questionnaire and make a survey. Ⅳ. Teaching Methods Listening, reading, writing and speaking methods. Practicing methods Group work Ⅴ. Teaching Aids A computer The blackboard. Ⅵ. Teaching Procedures StepⅠGreeting Greet the class as usual. Check the homework. StepⅡ 1a 1b 1. Point out the numbered list of words in the box. Read them and have students repeat several times. 2. Ask, which words are happy words and which are unhappy ones? Please put them in the correct blanks. StepⅢ 2a 2b 1. Listen to a conversation. Vera is talking about her vacation. Please listen and answer the question. 2. Play the same recording again. You are to listen and write down the answers to these things. StepⅣ 2c Student A is Vera’s friend and Student B is Vera. Get student to role play the conversation in pairs. StepⅤ 3a 3b 1. Read the diaries carefully by yourselves. Circle the good things about the vacation and underline the bad things. 2. Imagine you are an American student on vacation in Beijing. Please write a travel diary. StepⅥ 4 Place students into groups of five. Imagine you are all foreigners on vacation in China. Take turns telling what you did on your vacation. StepⅦ Self-check 1 2 3 1. Ask students to check all the words they know. 2. Ask students to write five new words in their Vocab-builder. 3. Help students to make up questions about the topics in the form. Write the questions on a piece of paper. StepⅧ Summary Summary the target language we’ve learned in this class. StepⅨ Homework Choose the most interesting place you have ever been to and write a travel diary. Blackboard Design Unit 10 Where did you go on vacation? Where did…? What did…? Did you …? How was…? How were…? (教案和教学设计)课件人教新目标七下教案Unit 10 Where did you go on 教育资源 教学资料《相信未来》教学实录2篇上虞丰惠中学高一(2)班 执教:刘建松 记录:余珍 时间:9月5日1:30——2:15 由于是下午第一节课,学生处于昏睡状态,个个睡眼惺忪,梨花带雨别样红,飞流直下三千尺,好吧,就说做梦吧。 师:同学们刚才经过了午睡,发现你们睡态真美,(生笑)你们梦到什么了?梦见我了吗?(小刘有些自作多情,生笑)其实白日做梦是很正常的。比方作家经常就做白日梦。《红楼梦》就是曹雪芹做的白日梦。现实生活中的得不到的东西可以通过梦来实现。我们上节课送给大家毛泽东年轻时候的一首诗—— 生(集体):咏蛙。 师:现在背诵,像青蛙一样呱呱叫。(生笑) (学生集体背诵,颇有气势,听取蛙声一片) 师:果然是青蛙。此诗用拖物言志的手法。作家的表现手法是灵活多样的。现在让我门回到初中时代,再次重温一起走过的日子。(出示天净沙秋思(下面学生一前兴奋,)有学生在轻声背诵,枯藤老树昏鸦,小桥流水人家—— 师:打住,老师问问大家,初中时候,你们老师是怎样讲解这篇作品的? 生(1):我们老师就让我们背诵,也没讲什么。 生(2):老师说,这是讲秋天的游子的思念,写的很苦涩。 师:你讲到了作品的内容——还有呢? 生(3):这是一首小令,好象说是秋思之祖,很有地位。 师:哦,你提到了体裁和价值。 生(3):还有写景很有特色,与众不同。 师:讲的详细些。 生(3):通过一些名词的堆积,比如枯藤老树昏鸦。学生接(小桥流水人家) 基本没有动词。但给人震撼。 师:怎么个震撼? 生(3):暗淡的景物。蔓延的黄草秋日冷求的小桥,看到村子中炊烟袅袅,更加衬托出游子的孤独和无聊。马是瘦的,而且行进在萧瑟的西风中,此刻看到的夕阳。正是残阳如血。写出了人生的漂泊。。 师:讲的太到位了!你融合了个人的情绪体验。谢谢。用意象来体现人物的心态,而这些景物明显就带上了人物的情感。尽管人生失意常八九。我们依然要坚信不经历风雨—— 生(集体):哪能见彩虹。 师:对,人的可贵之处在于无出路的寻找出路,有这样一位寻找者,他一直漂泊在诗歌的旅途上,他用他的灵魂在歌唱,像荆棘鸟一样直唱出鲜红的血液,而他又在残忍的误解和冷漠的白眼中定格,被人用无情的食指在背后指指点点:看,这个疯子。然而他仍然站立在诗坛阵地中,是诗歌中的王者,为后代人诠释了一个生活的本质:相信未来,热爱生命。(当蜘蛛网无情的查封了我的炉台,当灰烬的语言叹息的贫困的悲哀,尽管我的普通话实在太普通,只要用心,认可挑拨听众。学生跟着轻声朗读,以至声音越来越响) 师;谢谢同学用心的朗读,老师可以感受到你们的心和老师一 [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] 下一页