教学资料Unit 10 人教新目标七下Where did you go on you 第三节 Unit 10 Where did you go on your vacation? 复习教案 ⅠTeaching Aims and Demands 1. Knowledge Objects Review to talk about past tense. 2. Ability Object Improve students’ ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Improve students’ ability of communicative competence. 3. Moral Object If you have time, go to somewhere you like to have a good time. Not only will you enjoy the beauty of our country, you will also feel better. Ⅱ. Teaching Key Points The key vocabulary The target language Review to talk about your vacations and describe them. Ⅲ. Teaching Difficulties Train students’ competence ability Ⅳ. Teaching Methods Pairwork Practicing methods Ⅴ. Teaching Aids A computer Cards Ⅵ. Teaching Procedures StepⅠTalk about past events Write a travel diary Get students to write their own diary on an extra piece of paper. Encourage students to use a dictionary for some new words. Get the students who finished the writing first to write his or hers in the blackboard. Correct any spelling and grammar mistakes with the students. StepⅡ Review the target language Where did you go on vacation? We went to New York. Did you go to Central Park? Yes, I did. How was the weather? It was humid. StepⅢ Review the structure Review Past tense of regular and irregular verbs: was/were. StepⅣ Review the key vocabulary Were, stayed, visited, felt, expensive, cheep, crowded, delicious After reviewed these words, then have a dictation. StepⅤ Summary Summary the target language we’ve reviewed in this unit. StepⅥ Homework Review the target language and the key words in this unit. Blackboard Design Unit 10 Where did you go on your vacation? Where did you go on vacation? We went to New York. Did you go to Central Park? Yes, I did. How was the weather? It was humid. (教案和教学设计)课件Unit 10 人教新目标七下Where did you go on you教育资源 教学资料人教必修1《奇妙的对联》教案编写意图 一、了解对联所承载的中华民族传统文化。 二、积累有关对联知识,重点积累平仄、对仗知识。三、学习欣赏对联,重点积累一些名联。四、尝试对对子。 教学建议 一、对联是非常有意思的,教师要教出兴趣,学生要学出兴趣。教学要注重在“奇妙”两字上,体味汉字的奇妙,中国人思维的灵性,不要把对联讲得干干巴巴、枯燥无味。对本单元中一些脍炙人口的名联,可以要求学生背下来。二、本单元教学强调搜集对联,尤其是生活中还在使用的“活”的对联。要求学生搜集对联,教师自己必须先搜集一些奇联妙对,这是把本单元内容教活的基础。三、本单元注重小学、初中以及平时的积累,注重与经典古诗文的联系,尤其是在名联欣赏中,要求学生联系所学过的古诗文去理解,要与本册课本中古诗文课文相联系,例如可以向学生介绍与《兰亭集序》相关的名联。四、对联与书法紧密相联,尽可能让每一个学生自己动手,用毛笔书写一副对联。评选出最佳者,可贴在班上展示。五、可以给学生提供参考书目(可参照“有关资料”中的“参考书目”),让学生自己去阅读、研究对联。 有关资料 一、关于各部分的练习及“课外延伸”参考内容(一)关于“对联常识”1能够简单说出对对子的方法即可,如对仗、平仄等方面的要求。2(1)名词对得工整,以胡对孙,有谐“猢狲”之妙,“适”对“行”,“之”对“者”工整。考生周祖谟对的“胡适之”,得了该题的满分。(2)名词对得工整,以祖对孙,有合“祖孙”之妙。梁羽生在《名联谈趣》中认为“祖冲之”对“孙行者”最佳,乃天造地设。(3)动词对得工整,以“退”对“行”。退之,是唐代韩愈的字。苏轼诗云:“前生恐是卢行者,后学过呼韩退之。”(4)王引之是清代乾嘉年间的著名学者,高邮人。继承其父王念孙的音韵训诂学,世称高邮王氏父子。3子夜、春蚕(二)关于“对联欣赏”1(1)李秀峰题白鹿洞书院联;(2)顾宪成题无锡东林书院联。此外,还可以欣赏以下名联:(1)博学于文;行己有耻。(陈澧题钟山书院联)(2)得英才而教育;以山水为性情。(信江书院联)(3)学者当以天下国家为己任;我能拔尔抑塞磊落之奇才。(张百熙题京师大学堂联)(4)何事关心,二月杏花八月桂;是谁催我,三更灯火五更鸡。(玉屏书院)(5)汇人间群书博览者,何其好也;集天下英才教育之,不亦乐乎。(船山学社)(6)理本精深,看阶前双水合流,寻到源头方悟澈;学无止境,想宇后孤峰独秀,登来巅顶莫辞劳。(桂山书院) 2(1)眉山县三苏祠,苏洵、苏轼、苏辙;(2)韩城司马迁祠,司马迁。此外,还可以欣赏以下名联:(1)韩潮学派百川会;公起文章八代衰。(衡阳韩文公祠联,韩愈)(2)门前学种先生柳;岭上长留处士坟。(唐陶山题九江陶渊明祠联,陶渊明)(3)千古诗才,蓬莱文章建安骨;一身傲气,青莲居士谪仙人。(采石矶太白楼联,李白)(4)枫叶四泣秋,枨触天涯千滴泪;浔阳千尺水,句留江上别离情。(九江白太傅祠联,白居易[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] 下一页