T: What shape is the bag? S4: It’s a rectangle. T: What can Liu Tao draw? S5: He can draw a circle. T: What shape are the sun and the moon? S6: They are circles. 2. Read: square, rectangle, sun, moon, shape (跟师读、齐读、拼写这些单词) 3. Read: What shape is the …? 4. Listen and read the dialogue. 5. Retell the dialogue together. 6. 在教师的提示下试着一起背诵对话。 Step 3. Presentation and practise: T: T: Today we’ll continue to talk about shapes. There are so many shapes around us. 1. Teach: star 1). T: Now look at my tape. What shape is it? Ss: It’s a circle. T: What can you see here? (指着胶带上的星形图案问) S(学生预习后答): I can see some stars. 2). Read: star 与start进行比较,帮助学生记忆。 3). Ask and answer: What shape is it? It’s a star. 4). Play a game: 找一找身边的star,并说:… is a star. 5). Ask: How many stars are there on the red flag? There are five. (引导学生看教室里的国旗) 6). 讲述:star的两个不同意思,一为星星,二为星形。 2. Teach: diamond 1). T: Is this rubber a star? Ss: No, it isn’t. It’s a …. T: diamond (重复两遍) 2). 学生跟读。 教师强调其中ia的发音,让学生多模仿。 3). Ask and answer: What shape is the rubber? It’s a diamond. 上一页 [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] 下一页