静女其姝, 俟我于城隅。 爱而不见, 搔首踟蹰。
静女其娈, 贻我彤管。 彤管有炜, 说怿女美。
自牧归荑, 洵美且异。 匪女之为美, 美人之贻。
A Shepherdess
A maiden mute and tall Trysts me at corner wall. I can find her nowhere, Perplexed, I scratch my hair.
The maiden fair and mute Gives me a grass-made lute. The lute makes rosy light And brings me high delight.
Coming back from the mead, She gives me a rare reed, Lovely not for it's rare, It's the gift of the fair.
(许渊冲 译)