教学资料小学劳动《美化家居》公开课教案 闽侯县实验小学 薛强 一、 教学目的要求: 1、 通过教学,让学生学会按一定的顺序整理美化自己的家居,并进行美育教育。 2、 培养学生的自理能力和讲究卫生、美化家居的良好习惯。 二、教学过程 1、 导入新课,板书课题。 ( 板书:4、美化家居) 2、讲授新课。 (1)、家居要整洁就必须经常打扫,要把学到的劳动技能派上用场。 板书:整洁 (2)、家居的绿化,让家居充满绿意,常与鲜花相伴。 板书:绿化 (3)、家居的装饰,用剪纸、布艺、泥塑、插花等工艺作品装点家居,有其独特的美。 板书:装饰 3、教师小结: 在美化家居的过程中,应突出一个“勤”字,克服一个“懒”字,要养成良好的自理家居的能力,才能使自己的家居天天保持整洁,让人感到舒适和温馨。 板书: 勤 舒适 温馨 4、 后实践练习: 美化自己的居室。 板书设计: 4、美化家居 整洁 绿化 美 舒适 装饰 勤 温馨(教案和教学设计)课件小学劳动《美化家居》公开课教案教育资源 教学资料《剑桥少儿英语》六年级上学期 Unit 5 Time Time Aims: 1、Understand the new words:athlete,cheetah,cyclist,concorde, the fastest car,the fastest train。 2、Read and guess your answers。(I think the correct answer is a/b/c,I don’t think so,I think it‘s a/c/a),Listen and find out who is right。 Focus: Listen and find out who is right。 Difficult: Talk in class。(I think the correct answer is a/b/c, I don‘t think so,I think it‘s a/c/a) Things: cards,CAI,Recorder,Tape。 Steps: Step1:Warm up T:Now ,let‘s warm up。Sing a song :School party。 (CAI P1) T:In this class,let‘s go on to learn about time。 Step2:Read and guess your answers。 1、Read the words。 A、(CAI P2)athlete T:He is an athlete。He is running。He is a top athlete。 Who is your favourite athlete? Ss:Liu Xiang,Yao Ming,…….(CAI) Read after me :athlete, athlete, athlete, athlete B、cheetah T:It‘s a cheetah。The cheetah is the fastest animal on land。 Read the word(CAI) C、cyclist T:How do you go to school this morning? S:I go to school on foot。But the others go to school by bike。 Read the word(CAI) D、the fastest car,the fastest train,concorde。 T:How do you go to Shanghai?How do you go to Beijing? S:I go there by plane,I go there by train。 T;You can go there by ship/car/plane。 Look at the picture:Read the words:the fastest car,the fastest train,concorde 。 Step3:1、Guess the next one。(CAI)猜对的给小组加分。 2、Find out your picture。 Step4:T:Do you know?In one minute,How many metres can a top athlete run? Read after me:metre,米,1 metre,2metres,200metres。 Kilometer,千米,1 kilometre,2 kilometres,8 kilometres。 (CAI)P9 T:Which is the correct answer? You can choose one。You can say:I think the correct answer is a/b/c。 Read after me,(I think the correct answer is a/b/c。) If you don‘t agree,You can say:I don’t think so,I think it‘s b/a/c。 Read after me,( I don‘t think so,I think it‘s b/a/c。) T:Now ,In groups,Open your books at page 43。 Choose one,everybody。Then write down the answers on your papers。 由组长统一答案,派代表发言。 Step4:Now,Let‘s match。please,listen to the question。 NO。1,T:In one minute,a top athlete can run about A.。。。。 B。。。 C。。。。 T:Group1,Which is the correct answer? S:I think the correct answer is 。。。。。。 Group2:I don‘t think so,I think it‘s 。。。。。 Group3。。。。。。Group4。。。。。 Now,Let‘s have a look。(CAI)(哪组对了就加分) NO2。。。。。NO3。。。。。。NO4——NO6 Say all together:1、In one minute。。。。。。 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 6、In one minute。。。。。。 Step5:How about you?In one minute。 Let‘s play games:1、How many English words can you write? S1:I can write----English words in one minute。 S2:I can write----English words in one minute。 S3:。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 T:How many animals can you draw? In one minute。 Ready go。
S1:I can draw----animals in one minute。 S2:I can draw----animals in one minute。 S3:I can。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 Step6:The end (CAI) T:In one minute,We can do some things。 So we must know the value of time。 板书: Time I think the correct answer is a/b/c。 I don’t think so ,I think it’s b/a/c。
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这是《剑桥少儿英语》六年级上学期Unit5Time中的第3、4、5节内容,这节课的目标是1、懂得6个新单词,2、读和猜正确的答案,(懂得问题的句子的意思,会用句子表达自己的意思:I think the correct answer i [1] [2] [3] 下一页