英文版: There was no donkeys in Guizhou until an eccentric took one there by boat,but finding no use for it he set it loose in the hills.A tiger who saw this monstrous-looking beast thought it must be divine.It first surveyed the donkey from under cover,then ventured a little nearer,still keeping a respectful distance however. One day,the donkey brayed,and the tiger took fright and fled.But it came back for another look, and decided this creature was not formidable after all.Then,growing used to the braying,it drew nearer,though it still dared notattack,lowing nearer still,it began to take liberties,shoving,jostling,and charging roughly,till the donkey lost its temper and kicked out.“So that is all it can do!thought the tiger greatly pleased.Then it leaped on the donkey and sank its teeth into it,severing its throat and devouring it before going on its way