as a clown?C:As long as people especially children like me,I want to go on working until I'm very old.I like my job very much.J:Thank you very much.Step Ⅵ.ConsolidationT:Now make another dialogue with your partner,using the expressions on the screen.Sample dialogue.(A:a journalist;B:a director)A:What are you doing at present?B:We're doing a comedy.It's really funny.A:What's your plan for the future?B:I've decided to do an opera.I would like to have a try in the opera.A:I hope it will be very successful.By the way,what do you enjoy doing most of all?B:Er…,it's a bit hard to say.I always intend to try something new.Step Ⅶ.Summary and HomeworkT:In this class,we've practised some tongue twisters and listened to a story.Then we've done some speaking practice.Above all,we should remember the useful expressions about how to express intentions and plans.What are they?They are…(The Design of the Writing on the Bb.Teacher and students say them aloud together.)Today's homework:1.Collect as many tongue twisters as possible;2.Make dialogues after class according to the situations given on the screen.(Teacher shows the screen.)That's all for this class.Class is over.Situation 1:This weekend you intend to see a film/watch a football match/visit a friend or some relatives.Or you plan to go shopping/go fishing/go sightseeing/go mountain-climbing etc.Situation 2:Suppose you have some special plans for New Year or for the winter holidays.You'd like to talk about it with your friend.Sample dialogues:Dialogue 1.A:Any plans for the weekend?B:I intend to go to the country to visit my grandparents.A:Your grandparents live a bit far away,don't they?B:Yes.It takes about two hours by bus.A:Are you going there alone?B:No.Since we haven't seen my grandparents for a long time,my parents and my uncle's family will go there together.A:So there would be a large family get-together this weekend.I think your grandparents will certainly be very happy!B:Of course they will.Dialogue 2:A:How do you plan to celebrate New Year,B?B:We have decided to give a comedy at New Year's party.A:Are you all ready for it?B:Not yet.But the play and the actors have been chosen.We are busy memorizing the lines of our own parts.Then we will practise where to stand,where to move,entrances and exits.I believe it will be terrific.A:I hope it will be a great success.Step Ⅷ.The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardUnit 20 Humour The First Period Useful expressions: I will… I'm going to…I intend to… I hope to…I plan/want to… I wish to…I've decided(not)to… I hope to…Step Ⅸ.Record after Teaching________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (教案和教学设计)课件高一英语下:Unit 20 Humour教案2教育资源 第11课时:有理数的加减混合运算(1)
点击下载: 第11课时:有理数的加减混合运算(1) (中国教育体制改革)教学方案第11课时:有理数的加减混合运算(1) 记叙文写作训练之四(场面描写最生动)
教学目标: 1 . 在记叙中穿插细致的场面描写 2 . 描写生动 教材分析: 重点:目标1 难点:目标1 教具: 教学过程: 一、导入新课,创设情境 (1) 我们现在写记叙文,大多数是写自己熟悉的生活,写你身边真实的事情。一些同学感到很顺手,写得具体生动,内容充实;而另一些同学却觉得无话可说,写得干巴乏味,空洞无物,有时甚至绞尽脑汁也凑不足 500 字。同样是写自己熟悉的题材,为什么会有这样的不同呢?主要原因在于你是否认真观察生活。如果你是有心人,能认真观察事物,你的文章就写得具体生动,否则,你作文时当然会满脑子空空的,无从落笔。今后的几次作文天我们大家就来一起研究一下如何认真观察事物,从而把文章写得具体些。今天先来解决场面描写的问题。 二、起步准备 :(3)(齐读) 现在我们写的记事为主的记叙文其生动与否,关键取决于场面的描写。先看下面一段文字: 一会儿,英语早读开始了。英语课代表胡珂在前面领读。我偷偷瞥了张老师一眼,只见张老师慢慢踱到教室后面的板报前。他一走过去,全班同学一下都回过头去,口里虽然仍旧在读英语,那只不过是做做样子罢了,心可像绷紧了弦,说不定什么时候就要断的!我们的注意力都集中在张老师的一举一动上。过了好一会,他转过身来,我们的头“呼啦”一下子,又都转了回来。读书声音也一下子“洪亮”起来了。我不禁为我们的动作如此整齐而感到好笑。张老师走到前面来,使劲盯着我们,像要从我们每个人的脸上找到什么答案。我急忙用书挡住了脸。过了一会儿,只见他慢慢走到门外,然后站定了。透过玻璃窗,看见他正皱着眉头,像在苦苦思索着什么。再看看同学们,他们和我一样,心绪惊疑不定,互相望着,不知是怎样是好。 教师讲解: 这是一篇叫《板报引起的风波》的文章的片断。它具体描写了早读时同学们的惊疑不定和关注的心态及班主任的神情。如果把上面的描写改成“大家心里都很紧张,密切注视张老师的一举一动”就显得无味了。
三、写作指导 :(1)(讲解) 场面描写实际上就是事情发生过程中人物活动的画面描写,它可以包括环境描写、人物的外貌、语言、动作、心理活动、神态上一页 [1] [2] [3] [4] 下一页