教学资料高二下英语:Unit 18 Inventions 教案 I.单元教学目标 技能目标 Skill Goals Talk about inventions Practice describing inventions Review the Attributive Clause Write a process essay II. 目标语言 功能句式 Ways of describing inventions This invention can help people… This is a new way of… This new invention will make it possible for people to… I think… is much more useful than… It can make / help people… I’d like to invent… because it can… I’d like to invent… which can… If people can create… I suppose… It must be very convenient if people could invent… I dreamed I could invent… Ways of asking questions about new inventions What does it look like? How does it work? What’s it made of? How would people use it? Is there anything you would like to invent? 词汇 1. 四会词汇 vest, heel, patent, officer, petrol, background, reject, possibility, otherwise, connection, previous, aware, trial, rider, dusty, pilot, storage, glue, typewriter 2. 认读词汇 edible, flavour, laptop, inflatable, creative, rephrase, partial, perception, visible, Mozart, relativity, Samuel Morse, desktop, palmtop, Mona Lisa, Charles Chaplin, John Denver, Isaac Newton, Abraham Lincoln, Eve, Helen Keller, metaphor, paste, electronics, Eniac 3. 词组 allow for, get stuck, break away from, be aware of, trial and error, after all, keep track of 4. 重点词汇 vest, office, background, reject, possibility, otherwise, aware, allow for, get stuck, break away from, be aware of, after all, keep track of 语法 Review the Attributive Clause 1. a car that / which uses water instead of petrol 2. thinkers who have changed the world 3. a chip that / which makes it possible for us to see the future 4. a smart pen that / which automatically translates what we write into a foreign language 重点句子 1. These chopsticks are both delicious and environmentally friendly. P57 2. Creativity is not about getting high test scores, having a high IQ or being smart. P59 3. If we look only for the correct answer and reject ideas that do not pro vide a complete answer, we may get stusk.. P59 4. As with thinking outside the box, the process includes a series of different attempts and several false starts. Each new way of looking at a situation improves our understanding and makes it easier to discover new possibilities. P59 The 1st period Speaking Step 1 Warming up Give the students introductions of the three inventions from the textbook. Step 2 Pre-speaking Of all the 4 inventions, which do you think would be useful, why? Use the following patterns to guide them: I think… this invention can help people…. I think… is much more useful then …which we use now. Some possible expressions: I’d like to invent a …. It can help people…. It must be very convenient if people could invent…. I dreamed I could invent…. Step 3 Speaking Let the students read the passage and make them understand what they should do. To explain how the invention works and why it is useful. Ask 5 groups to act their dialogue out in front of class. Step 4 Summary Ways of describing inventions: This invention can help people … This is a new way of… This new invention will make it possible for people to… I think … is much more useful than… I can help/ make people… I’d like to invent… because it can ,,,, I’d like to invent… which can…. If people can create… I suppose… It must be very convenient if people could invent… I dreamed I could invent… Ways of asking questions about new inventions: What does it look like? How does it work? What’s it made of? How would people use it? Is there anything you would like to invent? Step 4 Homework 1. Talking at p131 2. Write a short passage with the title “My ideal new invention”. The 2nd Period Listening Step 1 Revision Check the homework, asking the students to come to the front to read out his or her essay outindividually. Step 2 Listening Dialogue 1& 2 on p58 Students are asked to read fast the questions and then listen to the tape twice to answer the questions. Step 3 Discussion: Think of some examples of new inventions that people were afraid of or can’t accept at first. Step 4 Homework. Listening (wb P130) Preview the reading. The 3rd Period Reading Step 1 Revision Check the homework and then ask if they have some ideas of inventing some useful things to improve our life. Step 2 Pre-reading Do the ex on p59 Step 3 while-reading Main idea of each para: Para 1. By thinking about the way we think and practicing good thinking strategies, we can become more creative. Para 2. To “ think outside the box” is to try new ways to solve a problem. Para 3. Good solutions and new ideas are often the result of a change in perception. Para 4. Every new thought or idea has to be connected to what we already know. Para 5. Good ideas are the result of a long process of trial and error. Step 4 Language focuses: Deal with some language points if possible: Trial-try Application-apply Produce-production Inspiration-inspire Fail-failure Deep-depth Possible-possibility Connect-connection Awareness-aware Step 5 Post-reading: Listen to the tape and then finish the post-reading Ex on p60. Step 4 Homework Find out some sentences with the Attributive Clause. Preparations: Language Study on p 61. The 4th Period Grammar Step 1 Revision Dictate some phrases and sentences: Be tired of, break away from, allow for, get stuck Partial solutions, and even failures, give us more information and clues that help us move forwards a better solution. By looking at a problem in as many as possible, creative thinkers can find solutions that would otherwise remain invisible. Step 2 Grammar Do some exercises about the Attributive Clause: Step 3 Practice: Finish the exercises on P61, checking the answers orally. Step 4 Homework Ex 2&3 on p133 Go over the reading on p133 The 5th Period Extensive reading Step 1 Check the homework (Ex2&3 on p133) Step 2 Listening and Fast reading Play the tape and ask students to listen to the tape and complete the following chart:
Invention Possible uses Invisible paint 1.________; 2.________ Step 3 Intensive reading Read for the second time, and then answer the questions: Then deal with some language points if necessary. Step 6 Homework Review what we’ve learned in this period and preview the Reading and Writing on p62. The 6th Period Writing Step 1 revision Step 2 Pre-writing Ask the students to read the text All in the Mind: Scientific Metaphors? And then finish the chart on the below. Step 3 Writing Try to write an essay using the information given on P64. Read some sample essays and give comments on them. Step 4 Homework To summarize what we’ve learnt in this unit. Read the Strategies given on P64 to see if you can use these tips to improve your English-learning. (教案和教学设计)课件高二下英语:Unit 18 Inventions 教案教育资源 §3.4.3 去括号与添括号(2)
点击下载: §3.4.3 去括号与添括号(2) (中国教育体制改革)教学方案§3.4.3 去括号与添括号(2) 我的战友邱少云
孙双金 一、找出课文开始和后来称他为怎样的战士?(年轻、伟大) 师:为什么年仅二十二岁的战士,被作者称为伟大的战士?这是这节课要解决的重点内容。 二、学习课文 1、教师范读课文,要求:找出哪些地方最感人。 2、学习“我的心绷得……泪水迷糊了我的眼睛” (1)“我的心绷得紧紧的”写出我的什么心情?(紧张的心情) (2)朗读这句句子。 (3)“这”指什么?(火烧的痛苦) 我们来看看这是怎样的火,我们来看前面的课文,找出写火的句子。 (4)平时手指头被火烫了一下,你会怎样?此时,邱少云被烈火包住了,是多么痛苦啊? (5)读句子,师:我此时的心不但紧张而且……(担心),为什么担心呢?(年轻的战士)为什么年轻的战士我会担心呢?我还担心什么呢? (6)读“我不敢看……”,我不敢看,又忍不住不看,这是怎样的心情?(矛盾)“眼巴巴”是什么意思?为什么不敢看啊?为什么又忍不住不看呢? (7)朗读“我的心像刀绞一样……” 师:这时我的心情怎样?(痛苦)把书上改成我的心情像针扎一样,好不好? (8)这一段作者细腻地写出了我的心紧张、担心、矛盾、痛苦的心情,也可以看出邱少云的处境怎样?(越来越危险)但邱少云有没有叫起来,跳起来? 3、学习邱少云表现的部分 (1)朗读书上的句子。 (2)邱少云的表现怎样呢? (板书:邱少云像千斤巨石一样一动不动) (3)为什么不把邱少云比作钢铁巨人,烈火中的巨石与邱少云有什么相似的地方? 为什么比作千斤巨石呢?为什么用上千斤呢?什么叫“巨石”,邱少云趴在火里,怎么叫巨石呢?(精神高大、形象高大) (4)朗读这段话。 (5)还有哪句话写出邱少云在烈火中的表现?(这位伟大的战士…… (6)邱少云在烈火中烧了多长时间,一齐读课文,你认为邱少云是一位怎样的战士? (7)齐读“为了……为了……没发出一声呻吟” (8)师:一个邱少云倒下去了,许多的邱少云站起来了。(教师说后面的课文) (9)出示句子: 烈火在他身上烧了…… 看看时间…… 师:这两句话中的“才”字表示的时间一样不一样?二十分钟与半小时的时间差不多,为什么第一句话中表示时间长,第两句话表示时间那么短? 教师总结规律:“才”在时间后表示时间长,在前表示时间短。 三、升华感情 幻灯出示碑文: “为整体为胜利而自我牺牲的伟大战士邱少云同志永垂不朽” 怀着对烈士无比崇敬的感情朗读碑文。