孙双金 一、简介作者 二、范读诗歌 三、学习古诗 (一)、学习前两行诗。 1、学生朗读古诗,找出哪一个字写诗人想回家?(还) 2、诗人为什么想回家,看到什么景物使他想回家?我们先来看题目。 3、“泊”是什么意思?汽车停站,能否说“泊”站? 4、诗人把船停在瓜洲看到什么景色?朗读一、二行诗。 5、这两行诗中有两个地名,谁知道京口是在什么地方?瓜洲是在什么地方? 教师画图表示京口的位置,指名学生在图上指出瓜洲的位置 6、“京口瓜洲一水间”是什么意思? 把“一水”放在前面可以怎么说?还有什么说法?(京口瓜洲被一条长江隔开了)还有几种说法? 刚才同学们说了好多种说法,说明了可以用不同的语言形式来解释古诗。 7、齐读第二行诗,钟山在什么地方?(在图上画出) “数重山”是什么意思?这一行诗连起来怎么说? 8、从“一、只、数”可以看出什么?(离家乡不远) 京口是在对岸,可以看得见,那么钟山与诗人有什么关系? 9、我们刚才抓住了“一、只、数”来理解,那么这两行诗该怎么朗读呢?学生练读。 10、诗人离家很近了,应该怎样?(靠家近 应该还) 11、用“靠家近应该还”的语气再读这两行诗。 (二)、学习后两行诗 1、读三、四行诗,这里有一个字较难理解:“绿”是什么意思?整行诗的意思怎么说?可以用什么表达方式把这句话说得美一些?(春姑娘又一次给江南的原野披上了绿装) “又”是什么意思?说明诗人离开家的时间…… 这句话写出诗人怎样?用三个字概括。(离家久) 靠家近,应该还;离家久,怎么样?用三个字来概括,怎么说?(更该还) 2、朗读第四句诗,这句诗中有哪些字不理解?(学生说出不理解的地方逐一解决) 这句诗的意思该怎么说?加上感叹词把这句话说得更好些,该怎么说? 把“明月”换成“月亮”行不行? (明月是圆圆的,代表团圆,“明”字更能突出作者思念家乡的感情,“举头望明月,低头思故乡”) 让我们怀着想念家乡的感情朗读这两行诗。 3、一、二行诗我们说“靠家近应该还”,第三行诗说“离家近更应还”,最后一句该怎么说?(思家切)从“何时”看出诗人能不能回去?(不能),后面三个字该怎么说?(何时还) 4、这时你会产生什么问题?(为什么不能还)教师介绍原因。 5、齐读这首诗,指名朗读。 6、师:这首诗最受后人推崇的是这首诗中有个字写得最好,(“绿”字)这其中还有一个小故事呢?(教师介绍故事) 把“到、过、入、满”代入诗句进行评价。 从诗中的“绿”字,你似乎看到了什么?(桃红柳绿、鸟语花香、勃勃生机)这个“绿”字还让我们想到许多诗句(师朗读写春天的诗句) 7、练习: 选词填空 (1)旺、浓、闹 红杏枝头春意( ) (2)动、拂、翻、皱、起 风乍起,吹( )一池春水。
(教学新理念)课程泊船瓜洲 教学资料高一英语下:Unit 16 Scientists at work教案1 教学示例(一) I. Teaching aims: Talk about science and scientists. learn how to give instructions. Similar dialogue presentation with new words and expressions used within II. Teaching aids: tape recorder, pictures, slides Step I Warming up 1.T ask Ss: What can you see in pictures? What are they doing now? do you like do some experimentation in the lab? Is it dangerous?
What are the names of the school subjects in which you study sciences? (physics, chemistry , biology) What English words do you think of for each subject of science?(physics, chemistry , biology) Which experimentation do you like? Why? Give an example of what you learn about for each field of science. 1. In chemistry we learn about the way different liquids and materials react with each other. For example, if you put a piece of metal into a glass containing a strong acid, it will dissolve. 2. In physics we learn about the law of the universe, for example about Newton and the reason why all things on earth fall down. 3. In biology we learn about life on earth, for example by looking at the structure of cells) 2. Pair work let Ss work in groups, and what do you need when you do you experimentation in the chemistry lab? Find out the things and tell the reasons. glasses bandage gloves respirator gas mask scissors Step II. Listening 1.T say to S: let us listen to a dialogue. In the dialogue, you will hear a teacher gives instructions to a group of students how to behave in a science lab. 2. let Ss listen carefully and remember the safety instructions, and complete the exercise in the book. 3. play the tape twice or more, and check the answers with the class. Step III. Speaking 1. show the picture of high-speed maglev train and ask Ss: Do you know this? It is a high-speed maglev train, in Chinese “高速悬浮磁列车” . T ask: what do you think it is helpful for people? why? T say: let’s read a dialogue and what they think of the train. let Ss read the dialogue in the book , explai[1] [2] 下一页