§3.1.3 列代数式
点击下载: §3.1.3 列代数式 (中国教育体制改革)教学方案§3.1.3 列代数式 找骆驼
省编教材第六册第十三课 第一课时 一、揭题。 今天我们学习“找骆驼”,(板书课题)谁找骆驼?(商人、老 人)商人的骆驼怎么啦?(走失)“走失”与“丢失”有什么区别? (走失:走着,走着,没了!)骆驼走失了,商人很着急,这时候看见 一位老人,商人怎么样?(赶上去问) 我是老人,你是商人!我们表演。(评议、朗读) 二、定向。 老人看见过骆驼吗?老人知道骆驼的样子吗?我们自己来 学懂这篇课文。 三、自学。 第一台阶: 1.自学课文,划下描写骆驼“样子”的词句。 2.交流:说说骆驼的样子。 3.说样子。 (1)左脚跛。(什么叫跛?) (2)左驮蜜,右驮米。(什么叫驮?) (3)缺了一颗牙齿。 刚才说得对不对?商人听了高兴吗? 我当老人,你们当商人,我们表演一次。 评价:“对!不错!对极了!”的程度念出来没有? 当老人说了“不知道”后,商人怎么说? (“忿忿”怎么念?研究“哄”、“详细”的意思) 第二台阶: 说说,练练 1.用“因为……所以……”句式讲话。(例:因为老人看见脚 印右边深,左边浅,所以知道骆驼的左脚有点跛……) 2.老人之所以……是因为他观察得仔细,判断得正确。 第三台阶: 分析,朗读 1.能把老人怎么想的语句划出来吗? (学生答:“课文里没有。”老师要求学生思考) 2.破——浅?跛——晃——左蜜 右米 第二课时 3.树叶被缺了一颗牙的骆驼咬过该是什么样子?(研究、 画、分析。) 4.读,我们学着老人的口气说话——什么口气? (1)“不紧不慢”地读 (2)“至于”干什么用?(连续上下文,顺着……) (3)找到没有?哪个词说明找到了?(果然) “照”——可换词吗?(可以,换“按”) “指点”是指什么? “一路”与哪个词有关系。(走失) 四、指点。 为什么顺着脚印去找? 另外两条线索为什么不可靠?(学生讨论) 五、我们又不去找骆驼,干吗学? 编者意图是给我们一些正确的解决问题的方法。 六、差异作业。 1.课后填空,抄词。 2.表情朗读。 x选做题:表演“找到骆驼后——”。 七、表演。 板书:判断 分析 观察 左脚破 脚印右深左浅 左驮蜜右驮米 路左边有蜜,右边有米 缺了一颗牙齿 齿印 顺着脚印去找
(教学新理念)课程找骆驼 教学资料高一英语下:Unit 14 Festivals教案1 Unit 14 Festivals ----- Reading Kwanzaa
Teaching aims: 1. Learn and master some important sentence patterns 2. Train the students’ reading ability. 3. Let the students learn about the relation between festivals and history and culture. Teaching important points: 1. Improve the students’ reading ability. 2. Help the students learn about foreign history and culture. Teaching difficult points: How to help the students understand the passage exactly. Teaching methods: 1. Fast reading and careful reading to understand the passage correctly. 2. Pair or group work to make the students take an active part in the activities in class. Teaching aids: A tape recorder and a projector Teaching procedures: 一、Pre—reading T: Everyone, please brainstorm as many festivals as possible at home or abroad. S: Christmas, new year, april fool’s day… T: Good. now please look at the pictures and describe what kind of festival it is. S: Holloween, Easter and Christmas. T: OK. Today we’re going to learn a text about a kind of festival which some of you may haven’t heard of. It’s the festival called Kwanzaa. What do you know about Kwanzaa? Now please look at the screen. First, let’s see some symbals of this festival. can you imagine what are these things stand for? S: I think the fruits and corns stand for the harvest. T: Very good. Do you know what the ears of the corn stand for? S: We don’t know. T: The ears of the corn stand for the sons in the family. The number of the sons in the family determines the quality of the ears of the corn. 二、Reading T: OK. Now please listen to the tape , read the text by yourselves and then answer the following queations. 1. When was the festival born and celebrated? 2. Who celebrates the festival? 3. Why is the festival celebrated? 4. How is the festival celebrated? 5. What’s the seven principles of the festival? S: ( Listen and read the text and finall[1] [2] 下一页