§3.3.1 单项式
点击下载: §3.3.1 单项式 (中国教育体制改革)教学方案§3.3.1 单项式 会说话的灯
省编教材第七册第十三课 第二课时 教学要求: 1.复习巩固1—5自然段所学内容。 2.教学6—l0自然段,用“如果……就……”的句式等练习, 让学生巩固了解灯的作用,知道灯说的话与我们生活的关系,知 道读懂儿童科普文章的方法。 一、揭题:继续学习“会说话的灯” (一)这是一篇什么文章?(儿童科普文章) (二)我们该怎样阅读儿童科普文章? 二、复习巩固 (一)看图做作业,老师出示幻灯片,请学生写它说的“话”。 (二)想想这些灯说的“话”跟我们的生活有什么关系?(提 醒我们要遵守交通规则,注意交通安全) 三、学习理解6—9自然段。 (一)理解第6自然段。 1.师:这些灯能通过不同的颜色,与人们进行说话交流,那 在夜色……会有更多的灯在说话。 2.你会研究哪个词?(更多) 这里为什么用“更多”?口头填空( )比( )更多 3.朗读 (二)理解第7自然段 1.夜晚更多的灯指是哪些地方的灯呢? 2.“江面上的灯”,准确的应该是什么地方的灯? 我们来看看江面上来往的船舶都挂着哪些灯,又说着哪些 话? (1)默读。 (2)指图说。 (3)练习。 船头桅杆上挂着( ),船尾挂着( )。(出示投影片) 船的左灯是( ),船的右灯是( ),船上这种灯叫( )。 (4)船上的灯说些什么话呢?请同学们用自己的话说一说。 看看课文中的灯又是怎么告诉我们的,齐读。 (5)船上为什么挂那么多颜色不一样的灯? (6)齐渎第7段。 (二)理解8、9自然段。 1.大海上的灯塔又会说些什么呢?请读有关灯塔这一段。 2.你来做灯塔,你会说些什么话? 3.用“如果……就……”写话。 4.过渡:大海上的灯塔能帮助船只测定方向,那夜空上会说 话的灯呢? 5.默读,用“如果……就……”说话。 四、小结。 灯所说的话与我们生活有密切的关系。 五、学习第10自然段。 (一)我们要怎样才能听懂灯说的话呢? (二)同学们有没有留心观察过在日常生活中,还有哪些灯 会说话,说些什么话? 六、想想儿童科普文章是用怎样生动的语言来介绍知识的. 请从课文中找找出写得比较生动的语言。 七、读全文。
(教学新理念)课程会说话的灯 教学资料高一英语下:Unit 13 Healthy eating教案1 Unit 13 Healthy eating 教案 I. Teaching aims: reading the text and finish the exercises on the book. understand the content of the text and learn some language points. Similar dialogue presentation with new words and expressions used within II. Teaching aids: tape recorder, pictures Step 1 Lead- in 1. Show some pictures (chocolate/ pears; hamburger/ banana; a soft drink/ fried chicken…ect), let Ss speak out the name of them and decide which of the food give them the most energy. T: If you eat too much junk food such as chocolate, hamburger, fast food, you will become fatter and fatter, just like this (show a picture of fat man or woman). T: What is the healthy food in your mind? Ss: vegetable, fruit, milk…(teacher write down the name of food on the blackboard) T: why do you think they are good for our health? Ss: Because they contain lots of vitamins…. 2. ask some questions to Ss: How many meals do you eat every day? How much water do you drink every day? Do you like milk? Why? What kind of snacks do you eat? Step II. Reading 1. Skimming let Ss read the passage carefully and answer the question: what does the word “green” mean in the text? 2. Skipping let Ss read the passage again, and answer some questions: what about the word “fuel”? Can you find any other words used in the same way? How have our eating habits changed? Why? 3. listening play the tape and let Ss follow, paying attention to the intonation. Step III Discussion Get Ss work in pairs. Discussion the following questions: Why do people go to fast food restaurants? What do you think of the food of McDonald’s or KFC? Why is it not good for you to eat too much sugar and fat? Why are crash diets and supplements so popular? What can we do to keep a balanced diet? Step IV Pair work Let Ss imagine that they are in McDonald’s or KFC for dinner/ breakfast/ supper, and write down what kind of food they like to eat. And let them decide which one is junk food or healthy food. Try to think of as many reasons as possible. Step V. Language points and useful expressions Too much Too many calories Keep up with The high pace of modern life Make many choices Had better Keep sth well Base on Part of Either because… or because Eco-food Be harmful to Human beings Offer advice Spend…on (doing) Keep a balanced diet In the right amounts Lose weight Instead of Make sure Look fine Be well prepared for Homework Finish off the exercise on the workbook. 教案点评: 根据新教材中的以阅读为主的教学环节(pre-reading; reading; post-reading)所设计的一课时/两课时教案。本课阅读课的目的是培养学生养成良好的健康的饮食习惯。 这个教学过程分三个步骤:pre-reading, while-reading, post-reading。 pre-reading:在阅读课文之前,教师可适当的讲解与本单元有关的背景知识或通过提问的方式引入课文主题。教师可根据课文的内容和篇章结构,从不同的角,引导学生对课文内容进行预测和讨论。 阅读 while-reading:课文分三个步骤:掠读,即带着某个问题进行搜索式阅读,这样能培养学生捕捉关键句的能力;略读,即教师指导学生通读全文,理解课文大意,培养学生[1] [2] 下一页