ct and indirect object in the following sentences. 1. I’ll lend you some. 2. He gave his wife a camera for Christmas. 3. We’re going to sing some songs for the heroes. 4. Bring me the book. 5. She made a coat for me. 6. He bought flowers for his teacher. (Give the students several minutes to practice them, and then teacher may check their practice.) Suggested answers: 1. I’ll lend some to you. 2. He gave a camera to his wife for Christmas. 3. We’re going to sing the heroes some songs. 4. Bring the book to me. 5. She made me a coat. 6. He bought his teacher flowers. Step 9 Writing Public places, such as streets, shops and schools, belong to all of us .We must make sure that all of us have equal access to all areas and facilities. One way you can help is by conducting a survey of the public places where you live. Start with your school: how easy or difficult is it for a disabled person to get around? Visit other public buildings and find out whether they are accessible or not. Work in pairs or groups and make a checklist for your survey. What will you look for? Where can you go and who can you ask? When you have conducted the survey the survey, use the results to write an essay. Describe the current situation and suggest ways to improve the situation. Share your results with the class. Step 10 Summary and Homework In this class, we’ve reviewed some new words and mainly done some exercises about direct and indirect objects. After class, review the content, and remember the verbs that can be followed by double objects. Homework: Preview the integrating skills. Background Information Helen Keller Helen Keller(1880~1968) was a famous author and educator. She was stricken at the age of 19 months with an illness that left her deaf and blind. She became mute shortly thereafter. Her parents in 1887 got her a teacher Anne Mansfield Sullivan from the Perkings School for the Blind in Boston. A remarkable, close relationship developed between teacher and pupil. Within two years, Miss Keller was able to read and write in Braille. She graduated(1904)from Radcliffe College, where Miss Sullivan had spelled the lectures into her hand. Helen Keller devoted her life to publicly aiding the deaf and blind. With the aid of a translator, she toured the world to promote the education of persons similarly afflicted. She wrote numerous books, including“The Story of My Life”(1902).(教案和教学设计)课件高二下英语:Unit17 Disabilities教案2教育资源 §3.4.4 整式的加减
点击下载: §3.4.4 整式的加减 (中国教育体制改革)教学方案§3.4.4 整式的加减 砸 缸 救 人
《新世纪教材》第三册第十五课 设计:黄燕 杨明明 教学要求: 1.认读生字、词语,读懂课文。 2.教育学生在紧急情况下要沉着、冷静,只有动脑筋,才能 想出好办法。 教学重点:让学生明白砸缸救人的前因后果。 教学时间:3课时。 教(学)具:小黑板、生字卡片 第一课时 教学要求: 1.读通课文。 2.认读、拼读词语。 教学过程: 1.定向。 (1)读通课文,提出要求。 (2)思考:谁砸缸救人,请介绍一下这位名人。 2.自学课文。 要求划下新词,思考问题。(老师来回巡视,指导困难生 发现问题,帮助解决) 3.练习。 (说话练习) (1)读通长句。(只听扑通一声,一个躲在假山上的小朋友, 脚下一滑,掉进了旁边一个盛满水的大缸里,一下子就没了头 顶。) (2)给课文标段号。 (3)理解谁砸缸救人?介绍司马光。 (清楚“复姓”两个字) (4)说话练习:“司马光是……”。 4.词语认读。 砸缸伙伴捉迷藏亭子躲在扑通急中生智 哗夸机智勇敢 5.作业。 (1)读课文1遍。 (2)认读词语,完成练习1。 (3)抄写词语1遍。 第二课时 教学要求: 1.复习生字、新词,训练朗读。 2.分析课文,学习司马光遇事沉着、冷静 教学过程: 一、复习上节课内容。 1.填空:( )砸缸救人。 2.介绍司马光。 3.复习生字、新词。 二、读讲1—2段。 1.读读划划:为什么要砸缸救人? 2.填空:这是一只( )缸。(大、厚、重) 3.思维训练:师:为什么要砸缸?为什么会来不及? 4.读1、2段。 三、读讲3—4段。 1.自读第三段,圈词:体现别的孩子惊慌的词。(惊0Ll,高声 喊道,吓傻了,赶紧) 2.朗读训练,读出孩子们的惊慌。 3.思维训练,理解“没有慌神”和“急中生智”这两个词。 (1)师:没有慌神,说明他怎么样?(很镇定) (2)急中生智。“急”,司马光遇到什么紧急情况。(第二段 最后一句话)“智”,哪个词突出了智?(砸) 4.说话训练,说清楚司马光砸缸救人的原因。 5。读读演演第四段。 6.思维训练,师:为什么要使劲向那口缸砸去? 思考原因:缸大,人小,力气小) 四、词语训练。 1.师:水多吗?哪个词说明水多?(哗哗) 2.师:大家都夸司马光是个机智勇敢的孩子,机智体现在 (想出办法),勇敢体现在(没有慌神)。 五、说话训练。 夸夸司马光。(你真是个好孩子!) 六、小结。 学了上一页 [1] [2] [3] 下一页