If I have some more time, I will ask the students to write down their school lives and read them out.Step V Assignment 1. Retell John’s or Nancy’s school life. 2. Write a composition about our own school life. Finally, evaluation and reflection: Evaluate the effect of this class and improve it afterwards. In addition, I will attach my design of the blackboard. Design of blackboard: Unit 2 School Life What do you think British or American school would be like? Life in a British school Life in an American school Language points: 1. tell our English teacher what we are reading 2. as well & either 3. It takes less time than taking the bus. 4. have a great time doing sth That’s all. Thank you. (中国教育体制改革)教学方案牛津初中英语UNIT 2 School Life 说课稿 教学资料小学体育拍皮球教学设计 1、引导学生积极主动地学习,通过韵律表演、拍节奏、电子琴演奏、歌唱、创作等活动,激发学生学习音乐的热情,培养学生对音乐的感受、创作、表演能力。 2、通过学生愉快地参与音乐活动,培养学生热爱体育运动、热爱生活的情感,善于积累生活中的音乐。 教学准备:节奏谱、图片、实物投影仪、表情贴纸、皮球人手一个、创编乐谱每小组一 份。 教学重点:愉快地表现音乐。 教学难点:创编表现。 教学过程: 一、组织教学: 1、学生随音乐表演球操; 2、导入课题:同学们表演得真不错,你们一定非常喜欢玩皮球,皮球最大的特点是什么?(有弹性)如杲她是一个小朋友,她的性格是怎样的?(爱玩、爱笑)请大家给皮球贴上脸谱。让我们共同来学一首愉快上一页 [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] 下一页