教学资料健康教育冬春预防“传染病”教学设计 教学目的: 1、让学生了解冬春季常见的呼吸道传染病; 2、掌握呼吸道传染病的预防措施。 教学重、难点:掌握呼吸道传染病的预防措施。 教学准备:课件。 教学过程: 1、引入新课: 小朋友,请注意,现在正是冬天,冬春季节容易流行传染病。 板书课题:冬春预防“传染病”。 2、你知道哪些常见的呼吸道传染病?(出示课件): a.流行性感冒b.流行性脑膜炎c.流行性腮腺炎d.风疹3、说说这些呼吸道传染病有哪些症状? a.流行性感冒:发烧、头痛、身痛、全身无力、咳嗽等; b.流行性脑膜炎:发烧、头痛、呕吐、皮肤黏膜有出血点、颈项僵直; c.流行性腮腺炎:发烧、疲倦、肌肉酸痛等; d.风疹:轻度发烧、眼球充血、打喷嚏等。 4、谈谈呼吸道传染病是怎样传染给健康人的?(咳嗽、说话、打喷嚏) 5、哪些同学患过呼吸道传染病?有什么样的表现? 6、讨论:呼吸道传染病的预防措施? a.预防接种:。流行性感冒、流行性脑膜炎、流行性腮腺炎、风疹疫苗; b.及早发现病人,并采取隔离治疗; c. 呼吸道传染病流行期间,可适当服用一些中草药。 7、讨论:同学们在预防呼吸道传染病方面采取过哪些措施? 板书: 流行性感冒流行性脑膜炎冬春预防“传染病” 流行性腮腺炎风疹(教案和教学设计)课件健康教育冬春预防“传染病”教学设计教育资源 unit 5 Reading 1
Reading (I) Teaching goals: 1. To infer general meaning from title and context. 2. To check understanding by evaluating sentences 3. To skim text for overall meaning and scan for details Focuses: To revise and expand vocabulary in the context of wildlife and conversation Difficulties: To infer the meaning of words from the context Step 1 Presentation1. T: Do you know where birdwatchers watch birds? Elicit Ss’ answers on he Bb: in the country parks; special nature reserves. 2. Write the title: Zhalong--- A special Place on the Bb. Ask Ss what they know about Zhalong. Encourage any contributions. 3. Conclude this on Bb: birds come to Zhalong are water birds. They live on wetlands to feed, breed or rest for all or part of their life cycle. Some swim under the water to get food; Some feed at the edge of water and on land; and others find food in the vegetation in the wetlands. Many species of water birds are migratory. They breed in one wetland area and fly to a different one to spend the cold months. They sometimes interrupt their journey and stop at other wetlands to rest and feed. 4. Ask pair Ss to exchange their information and opinions about the different materials they are studying. Step 2 Reading1. Ss skim the text quickly, focusing on the keywords and main points only. 2. Pair Ss ask and answer the questions in class and check together. (1)What birds come to Zhalong? (2) Why is zhalong a special space ? (3) Do birds live in Zhalong all year round? (4) What does Chinese government want to do? (5) What do people should do for birds? (6) What do you think about after listening to the tape? Step 3 Re[1] [2] [3] 下一页