so have opportunities to use the grammatical function of reporting someone’s orders, requests and advice in a natural context.Part A Teaching procedures 1. Introduce the idea of giving reasons for things. Explain that we usually ask for reasons when we ask ‘why’ questions. Say: Mr. Wu wore red socks last Thursday. Then ask: Why did he wear red socks? Elicit from students any answers. e.g., Mr. Wu wore red socks because he likes the colour\because\as it was Thursday\since he wanted to play football. 2. Write the sentences on the board. Ask students to come forward and underline the words introducing the reason. Ask them to identify also the clause introducing the reason. 3. Go through the explanations at the top of page95. Then say parts of sentences and invite students to complete them, e.g., I didn’t go to school today because (I was ill). Since I was very tired,( I went to bed at once). As she is only six years old, (she cannot join our team). 4. Explain the context in Part A1. For weaker classes, revise keywords and check understanding of the key phrases. Ask students to read the conversation in pairs circling the connectives of reason and underlining the reasons. Then ask students to read out the sentences raising their hands every time they come across a connective of reason.. 5. Ask students to change the order of the sentences in PartA1 using the same connective, e.g., Because a snowstorm came, the traffic was so bad this morning. I went back to bed because I thought there was a snowstorm. Part A2 Teaching procedures 1. Ask: What may happen at school when there is a snowstorm? Create an interest in what people normally do when they are waiting for the natural disasters to go away. 2. In pairs , students read the sentences in Part A2 and try to make sense of the events described in Sandy’s diary. Ask students ‘why’ questions to check understanding, e.g., Why did Mr. Wu tell them to leave school at 2 p.m.? (Because the snowstorm got worse.) 3. Ask the students to write the sentences using the connectives in brackets. Check answers with the whole class. Ask students to change the order of the two clauses. 4. Ask students to complete ‘work out the rule’ at the top of page97. 上一页 [1] [2] [3] [4] 下一页