散文:《爱莲说》宋代 周敦颐
There are too many lovely flowers in the world. Tao Yuanming in Jin Dynasty loved chrysanthemum only. People have been interested in peony since Tang Dynasty. But I do like lotus that is clean even growing in the muddy pond. It is so pure, delicate and bright. The lotus is consistent, continuous and coherent deep inside. It appears to be straight, proper and honest. It gives a fantastically good smell and people could even sense its excellent smell far away. It has no unnecessary branches. It can be only appreciated distantly but not touched blasphemously. I am convinced that the chrysanthemum is a recluse while the peony is a rich and the lotus is undoubtedly the sovereign. We seldom find someone loves chrysanthemum like Tao. Who show the enthusiasm in the lotus in the same way as I do? Then who likes peony? Almost everybody!
周敦颐( 1017-1073),字茂叔、号濂溪先生。道州营道(今湖南道县)人。宋代著名思想家,理学的奠基人。他曾任南安军司理,为政清廉,深受百姓爱戴。晚年定居庐山莲花洞并创办濂溪书院讲学、植荷。他的名作《爱莲说》,托物言志、见解深精,至今仍有极好的教育意义。 Zhou Dunyi (1017 –1073), styled Mao Shu, assumedly named Mr. Lian Xi, native of Yingdao, Dao Prefecture (Dao County, Hunan Province), a renowned ideologist and the founder of Idealist Philosophy (a Confucian school founded in Song and Ming dynasties). He was once appointed Military Manager in Nan’an. During his term, he was honest and upright and deeply respected by local people. In his late years, he lived in Lotus Cave on Lushan Mountain and set up Lianxi Academy where he gave lectures and planted lotus. His masterpiece is A Tale of Lotus Lover.