师:通过观察桥和大海,我们知道观察事物时不仅要从不同角度观察事物,而且不同的事物还有其不同的状态,在不同状态下给我们的感受是不一样的。其实不仅观察事物需要换个角度,考虑问题,看待一件事情也需要换个角度,这样我们会有一个全新的认识。前几天,余老师遇到一件这样的事情,有一位五年级的同学因为在一次数学考试当中一连错了三道应用题,为这件事情他一闷闷不乐,老是埋怨自己,吃不下,睡不着。余老师想如果有我们五(一)班的同学在一定会告诉他假如换个角度,我们该怎么想。 生:答师:同学们,你们的生活中有没有假如换个角度去想去看就会豁然开朗的事情吗?请八人小组讨论,然后和同学分享你的感受。 生:讨论后回答。 6、小结师:同学们说的真好,通过我们今天的讨论,你从中悟出了什么道理呢?请八人小组讨论。 学生八人小组讨论然后回答。 师:其实古人早已对看待问题,观察事物有了精辟的论断,那就是北宋著名诗人苏轼在《题西林壁》的四句诗词,让我们一起来朗诵。 (教师放映课件)师生一起朗诵。(教案和教学设计)课件小学心理教育-假如换个角度教学设计教育资源 Unit 5 Main task
Teaching goals 2. To complete an application form 3. To write an application letter Focuses To master the form of an application Difficulties: To write an application letter ProceduresStep 1 Presentation1. Elicit from Ss information about their favorite clubs or any organizations or societies they wish to join either now or later. Help SS think about existing clubs or groups. 2. Introduce the idea that people need to apply forms before they are accepted to join a club. Elicit from Ss whether they know of any clubs where membership is restricted or where people have to complete application forms. 3 Introduce how to get membership. Step 2 An application form 1. Ss complete the application form on their own and check up with the whole class. 2. Make sure they can give proper information. 3. Ask individual Ss to read out their information in front of class. Step 3 Listening1.Play the tape for ss three times to extact information for an applicaton form. 2. Get individuals to give their answers and check with the whole class. 3. Play the tape for Ss once to repeat one by one. 4. Ask some questions for pair Ss to work out. Step 4 Reading 1. Ss go through Amy’s letter together for the captions and useful language points. application to join the birdwatchig club become a member of... to do sth to protect birds know more about sth/ sb come to club acticitives 上一页 [1] [2] [3] 下一页