3、情感目标通过课时的学习,学会正确使用人称代词主格的用法,增强人与人之间的情感交流。 4、策略目标: 观察、比较分析、归纳总结知识规律。 5、文化意识目标 通过本课时的学习,让学生基本掌握人称代词主格的用法,使语言更简洁。 [课前准备] 1、准备一些图片; 2、让学生预习新单词; [教学过程] TaskⅠ.Review key words and check for understanding of nouns and verbs. TaskⅡ.Get Ss to read out the sentences in Part A and understand the meaning of each one. Then ask Ss to draw a line from the pronoun to the noun it refers to . 1、Ask Ss to do Part A1 and tell them to use the correct personal pronouns. Tell them that they need to refer to both the speakers´ names and the picture prompts for the answer. 2、Ask students to give you the answers and ask them why they choose a particular personal pronoun. Make sure that the whole class know the correct answers. 3、Ask Ss to practise the conversation in Part A1 and then select a few pairs to do a class presentation. TaskⅢ. Ask Ss to look at the sentences in Part A2 and to complete the sentences on their own. Then check answers with the whole class. TaskⅣ. Ss read the article in Part A3 for general understand only. Give a quick explaination of any words they do not know. Ask Ss to complete the task on their own. Then read the article to the class. Try to deal with all the problems after reading the article in order to maintain the students’ interest. TaskⅤ. Extension activity Ask students to underline all the personal pronouns(subject form)in the reading passase on page20. TaskⅥ. Practice—Task. 课堂教学任务 目的:比较熟练掌握人称代词主格的用法 材料:挂图 上一页 [1] [2] [3] [4] 下一页