ying ‘trick or treat’, making pumpkin lanterns, having Halloween parties and eating lots of special chocolates and sweets). Oh, they have many ways to celebrate Halloween. (3)学习单词way, 用手扳着指头数一数主要的庆祝方式,让学生领会way 的含义。告诉 学生:We also celebrate our Chinese New Year in many ways.操练短语in many ways. How do people play ‘trick or treat’? (They usually knock on their neighbours’ doors and try to get a ‘treat’, or they play a trick on the neighbour ) (4)学习单词usually, neighbour . How do people make pumpkin lanterns? (They cut out eyes, the nose and sharp teeth, then put candles in them). Do you know why they put candles in them? (Because the light can shine through them)学习单词shine, through, 可用动作、表 情来表示。 3. 教师介绍说We will make a display about Festival around the world! What do you have to do for it? (We have to make posters showing our favourite festivals ). Do you know how to make a poster? First, you can learn to make a writing plan. Task 2 1. 示第49页,让学生浏览数遍。详细讲解背景和提示语,解释写作计划的结构。 Here is Millie’s writing plan. She wants to make a poster showing her favourite festival —Halloween for school display. Read them silently and try to understand them and find the way of showing your favourite festival.
让学生读49页的提纲,并把自己获取的有关信息写在第50页Part B 的空白格内,两人一 组核对答案,纠正错误,然后朗读数遍。 2. 49页Millie’s writing plan, 教师与学生一道展开讨论,帮助他们组织他们自己的 写作思路。可让学生各自先拟定一个节日名称,再将写作提纲设计在草稿纸上。 3. 让学生根据自己的提纲,模仿第50页Part B范文,尝试写出自己的poster。教师巡视 课堂,及时纠正错误或给予提示。 4. 游戏 学生做完后不写名字在草稿上,组织学生八人一组交流,把八份草稿混在一起发给组内不 同的学生,每位学生在小组宣读。读完后猜一猜它的作者,并把poster还给作者。此活动 可以让学生分享他人的写作思想,体验合作学习的快乐。
5. 两人一组互相交流poster , 在教师的指导下检查所写语句,纠正错误并进行比较 六、布置作业 1. 抄写本课生词。 2. 让学生在一张单独的纸上改写、补充内容,并画上相应的图片,制成poster。
(中国教育体制改革)教学方案第 七 教 时 Main task
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