、Presentation 1 Lead-in 教师边说Where is my…?(最后寻找的学具),边做要写板书的动作,走到黑板前发现没有粉笔了,于是对学生说:The chalks are too short to write. Where are the long chalks? Where are they? 经过学生帮助后,教师用找到的粉笔在黑板上板书:Where are they? They're in the teacher's desk. 2 Let's practise [配套录音] (1)将Let's practise部分的图片打散放在讲台上。 (2)根据录音内容,请学生将图片与图片间的位置摆好。 (3)听录音说句子,每组句子找3~4对学生重复 (4)教师调整图片位置,学生重组句子 Example: Where are the cats? They're on the table. 3 Learn to say (1)Watch and answer 教师播放录像,提问:What are they doing? What are they looking for? Where are the pencils? 可根据学生答题的情况决定学生看录像的遍数。 KEYS: They're playing. They're looking for the pencils. They're in Tom's book. (2) 师生合作展现课文对话场景 教师请几名基础较好的学生与自己配合完成 (3)利用对话跟读课件让学生一句一句跟读,教师做hide和seek的动作帮助学生理解其词义。 4 Act out .
三、趣味操练 1 Hide and seek (1)3~4个学生组成一个小组,做Hide and seek游戏 (2)小组表演 (3)打破小组界线,教师从每组中各选择一位学生临时配合做Hide and seek,教师计算时间,看该组学生找多长时间内能找到所要找的东西 2 Make a picture (1)教师将事先复印好的房间图和书、鞋、球、照片、衬衫等等图片发给每组一套 (2)教师提出任务:Make a beautiful and clean room T: Put these things in the room. Make a beautiful and clean room. 小组共同设计完成 (3)展示作品:找两组学生展示作品,并根据其他同学的提问对设计进行解释。如:Where are the books? They're on the desk. (4)全班共同设计一件作品(教师提供可展示的大号教具) S1: Where are the shoes? S2: They're under the bed. (贴在相应的位置上) S3: Where are the shirts? S4: They're on the bed. (贴在相应处)
四、扩展练习 1 Look and read cat cats kite kites under in on under 2 教师做动作,学生说句子 Example: Where are they? They're on the chair. 一只手握拳放在另一只展开的手掌上,然后做一个坐着的动作表示chair。 3 Workbook.(1, 2) 【板书设计】 教学设计示例 Lesson 8 教学设计方案 【课题】LESSON EIGHT 【重点】语言项目Where are my shoes? They’re… 词汇shoe time 【难点】发音But where’s the other one? Let me help you. 理解Where’s the other one? Don’t worry. 【过程】 一、热身/复习 1.师生互致问候 2.听第7课对话录音,复习课文,学生三人一组表演对话 3.看图问答 [图:Lesson 7 Let’s practise] 二、介绍新语言项目及教学方法 1.出示主题图,对图中内容进行叙述 教师依次出示三幅主题图,学生根据看到的画面进行一至两句话的叙述或问答。 小结:The boy and his mother are in the room. The boy can’t find his shoes. His mother helps him. Look! One shoes is behind the door. The other is under the chair.(解释the other one:I have two English books. One is on the desk. You can see it. The other one is in my office. You can’t see it now.) 提问:Who puts the shoe under the chair? 2.看课文录像 学生回答:The cat puts the shoes under the chair. 教师提问:How many questions about the shoes? 学生:Five questions. Where are my shoes? Are they under your bed? Are they behind the door? But where’s the other one? Where is it? 3.播放课文跟读课件,学生重复句子(只跟读一遍) 重点重复:But where’s the other one? It’s time to go to school. Don’t worry. Let me help you. 强调发音:other the other one time (教师指指自己的手表,重复time一词帮助学生理解) Let me help you. Don’t worry. 4.学生自读课文 5.学生表演对话。 三、新语言功能项目操练及操练方法 1.Let’s practise (1)学说两个单词beds birds,渗透语音知识 [图片:Let’s practise] 教师提问:How many beds are there in the room? What’s out of the window? 学生回答:Two beds. Birds. 教师板书并带读beds birds 教师出示词卡bags hands pens legs eggs dogs 学生根据读过的beds和birds,认读教师出示的新词 (2)听录音,重复问答句 Where are the birds? They’re in the sky. (3)学生看图问答 参考:Where are the beds? They’r 上一页 [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] 下一页