教师边画边说)Say after me “Pass me the green pen, please.” (学生齐读) Can you draw a ship? (找一位学生)Please. (学生走到投影前,但教师没有给该生笔) Can I help me? (学生如果说不出来,教师可以交给学生Give me a pen, please.) S: Give me a pen, please. T: All right. Here you are. Anything else? (该生画ship) T: Others. Please look here. (教师板书:Can I help you? Pass me…, please. Give me…, please.) Ss listen T: Good! A ship. Thank you. (教师夸奖画画的学生) 2.对话练习 (1)教师带读板书内容 T: Ok, boys and girls, look here. Say after me. You can say ‘Pass me the pencil, please.’ ‘Give me the ruler, please.’ (2)对话练习 教师到行间做示范,拿起学生的尺子、铅笔等,贴在黑板上 T: Now, please use these sentences. Practise in pairs. 小组练习 T: Who’d like to have a try? 请四组学生进行展示 3.会话教学 [呈现配套主题图,配套录像] (1) 看课文录像,理解课文大意 T: Look! What are they doing? Listen carefully and answer my questions. Is she making a model ship? What does he want? 学生带着问题听录音一遍 T: Now. Answer my questions. Is she making a model plane? What does he want? (教师提示学生:Scissors? A pen? A knife?) 学生回答 T: This time. Let’s listen again. Say after it. (2) 利用对话跟读课件, 学生跟读课文; 学生小组操练对话 (3) 对话展示:教师分别为男女生记成绩,采取对抗赛的形式,促使全班学生积极参与. 三、Practise 1.模仿例句进行对话 [Let’s practise录音] 教师放录音Pass me an egg, please. Here you are! 学生重复,并两人一组对话 学生看图,根据图中内容两人一组对话 (对apple, flower, water, tea四组图要特别注意量词的变化) 2.情景对话 场景一:两名学生正在画画,在图上写有draw, red pen, yellow pen 场景二:一位学生正在制作飞机模型,提示词make a model plane, knife, scissors 场景三:教室中的课桌坏了,两位学生正对着课桌。提示词repair the desk, hammer, nails (1) 师生对话示范 T: Can you draw a yellow apple? S: Yes. (学生提笔就画) T: What are you doing? S: I’m drawing. T: Can I help you? S: Yes. Give me a yellow pen, please. T: Here you are. Anything else? S: Pass me a red pen, please. (2) 教师带读词汇hammer, nails, scissors, knife (3) 小组对话 (学生自选一幅情景对话) 展示3至4组 【板书设计】 Lesson 20 教学设计方案 【课题】LESSON TWENTY 【重点】语言项目Don’t read in the sun. 词汇sun read do don’t 【难点】发音And these flowers are beautiful, too. Let’s go inside the room. 理解They’re so beautiful. 【过程】 一、热身/复习 1.师生一起说歌谣, 适当放录音提示学生Unit 3 Lesson 17 Good night. Sleep tight. Wake up bright. In the morning light. To do what’s right. With all your might. 活跃课堂气氛,含有igh的词汇能帮助学生开口说英语 2.游戏:Who is fast? 全班学生分成四大组,教师说Lesson19中的任意一个句子,比赛哪个组的学生能很快接着说下一句话。另外还可以针对课文内容提出相关问题,学生之间进行问答。 二、呈现新课 1.看听课文对话录像 A. 观看课文对话一遍(只有 上一页 [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] 下一页