四季中最美的一个季节。请闭上眼睛想一下,马路边上、山上、街心花园里,到处一片嫩绿,所有的树木都长出了新芽。冬天走时遗留下来的雪也都被春天那温暖的阳光和那柔和的春风吹化了,蒸腾到了天上那最无人知的地方。居民楼上的窗户都为迎接春天而洗得发亮,太阳一照,亮晃晃的,还挺耀眼的呢!花儿也长出了透亮的花苞.,好像里面装了些金银财宝,舍不得给人看似的。燕子也从南方飞回来了,用泥巴筑成巢,唧唧喳喳地叫个不停。小草也一点一点地往外钻,看得人心里喜洋洋的。 花苞也渐渐绽开了笑容,仔细一看,呀!嫩黄的花蕊原来是蜜蜂的“金银财宝”!蜜蜂扑着那可爱的翅膀,贪婪地吸吮着春的蜜汁,花丛里的蝴蝶也闻“春”而舞了,天上的风筝也渐渐多了,各式各样的“蝴蝶”、“蜈蚣”、“孙悟空”飞在空中,牵引着地上的顽皮孩子跑来跑去,追寻着心中的梦想…… 转眼间,春天已过去了一半。 春末了,商店里摆出了冷饮专柜,尽管没到夏天,但有嘴馋的,买上雪糕吃着。渐渐地,山上的野菊花全开了,从远处望去,山上一片金黄。孩子们忍不住花的诱惑,伸手来采,却看见看山的老爷爷慈善的眼神写满了忠言:他们也有生命呀! 小鸟唧唧喳喳地站在枝头上唱歌,恋恋不舍地送走了春天,斑斓的夏天要来了…… 青岛23中学 初一1班 李 琦 习作点评 青岛美,青岛的春天更美,美在百花齐放,美在飞鸢满天。小作者以她稚嫩的眼睛,看到了青岛的明净、纯真,看到了青岛的魅力、春的生机;以她质朴的心灵让我们读出可爱的青少年对青岛春天的无以言表的热爱! (教案和教学设计)课件七年级语文上册《综合性学习:感受自然》教案设计教育资源 教学资料Teaching Material:New Standard English Book7 Module5&nb 闽侯县实验小学 李芝兰 Teaching Material:New Standard English Book7 Module5 Unit1 《Pleased to meet you!》 Date: Dec. 3th.2006 Teaching aims: 1、Function:Talk about pen friends. 2、Language:Can ask and answer:“What is your hobby ? Can you speak English ?” “Collecting /Reading /Riding /Watching TV is my hobby .Yes, I can / No, I cann’t; I can speak some English.”He is from China. 3、Vocabulary: meet, address ,pen friend , of course 4、初步感知pleased, I have got … Can you be my Chinese friend? 的含义。 初步感知语音元音音标的正确发音。 Teaching aids: Tape, objects, picture and some cards Teaching Steps: Step 1.Warming up: 1.Greeting. 2.Chant. Step2.Revision: Talking about oneself hobby .What do you do at weekend? Talks about on some festival what do people do? Step3. Presentation and practice T: Ask two students: image I am your new friend, first time nice to meet you .The time of asking the second student: pleased to meet you. 1. Question: T: Do you have friend? Can you talk about him/her? Can he play basketball? Can he sing song? Can she play violin? S:Yes, he can. NO, he cann’t T: I have a pen friend .He is very tall and famous .He can play basketball in the Rocket of NBA. Guess :Who he is? S: Students answer teacher’s question. T: Do you believe that? Can you play it? What can you do? S: I can …… 2. Leading: T: Now before the listening I have three questions about the unite 1: How many people are talking? Can Laura speak English? How many friends does Damming have? 3.Presenting: 1. New words and new sentences 2. Listen to the tape (just listen) 3. Then answer the questions.(Who are they ? T: Solve these questions) 4.S : Open their books and read it (T: Ask some students to repeat these questions) How many people are talking ? Can Laura speak English? How many friends does Damming have? 5. Listen to the tape again and read it by oneself 6. Read it each other then ask some one to read it and group to read 7. Solve student questions (T: Do you have any questions? Explain Grammar: a) Can you be my Chinese pen friend? What is meaning? b) I have got two friends from England. 8. Teacher explains the text and student practice the key points. 9. Students practice the questions in pairs. Step4.Consolidation 1. passing game T: Listen to the music and pass the apple when it stops. Please stand up and pick the word card up .Other students ask him/her: Can you sing a song /swim/run fast/jump high? Then you answer it. S: Yes, I can or No,I cann’t T: If student answer: Yes/ I can. Let him/her sing /Swim (do action) 2.Game T: I need two students to stand here .One student pick a word card up And you ask: Can you……. If I nod my head .Another student answer: No/I cann’t. Now you go back your seat .If Yes/,I can .You can stay here. S: can you …….? .Step5.Homework: 1.Listen to the table 20’ every day. 2.Copy the new words a pice of paper. 3.Do the《Activity Book7》at page18-19. ♣.Write the following on the blackboard: Module5 Unit1 《Pleased to meet you!》 高兴的/ i:/ 遇见/i:/ He is f上一页 [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] 下一页