1) 基本词(base)---是那些在今天看来已经不可再分的词,出现频率较高,非专门记忆不可
2)合成词(combining words)
3)缩略词(shortening words) 可以分为两种:一种是对原来完整的词进行加工,缩略其中一部分字母,构成新词,这种词叫缩短词(clipped word)。例如phone = telephone, chute = parachute , copter = helicopter , auto = automobile , ad = advertisement , demo = demonstration ,flu = influenza , fridge = refrigerator;另外一种缩略词是首字母缩略词(acronyms),也就是将词组中的起首字母联成一个词,例如:NATO = North Atlantic Treaty Organization , radar= radio detecting and ranging;
4)拼缀词(blending words) 拼缀词就是对原来的两个词进行剪裁,取其中的一部分,连成一个新词,例如:smog = smoke and fog , medicare = medical care , psywar = psychological warfare;
5)转类词(shifting words): 转类词就是词汇不改变词形而转换了词类而构成的新词
aer(o) = air空气 aerial空气的 aeroplane飞机
alt = high高 altitude高度
anim = life生命 animal动物 animate使…生气勃勃
audi(audit) = hear听 audience听众 audit旁听、审计
aut-(auto-) = self自我 autocrat专制者 autograph亲笔 automobile汽车
bio(bi) = life生命 biology生物学
cert = certain确定的 certify证实 certificate证实书
circ = ring环形 circus马戏场 circle圆圈 circulate流通、流传
cred = believe相信 credible可信的 credit信任
dent = tooth牙齿 dentist牙医
ego = I我 egoist自我主义 egocentric自我中心的
geo = earth地 geography地理 geometry几何 geology地质学
habit = dwell居住 habitant居住者 inhabit 居住于
liter = letter文字 literate识字的 literature文学 literal字面的
mini = small小 minify使缩小 minimum最小量 miniature微型物
nutri = nourish营养 nutrition营养 malnutrition营养不良
port = carry运 portable可携带的import进口 porter搬运工
scend(s) = climb攀爬 ascend上升 descend下降 transcend超越
tele = far远 telescope望远镜 telegram电报 television电视
vis, vid = see看 visible可见的 visit参观 evident明显的
ab - abuse滥用 abnormal 不正常的
anti- antiwar反战的 antitank反坦克的 antibody
contra- contra-missile反导弹的 contradict矛盾的
counter- counterrevolution反革命 counterattack反击
de- demobilize复员 deforest砍伐森林 devalue 贬值
dis- dislike厌恶 dishonest不老实的 disability无能
in- incorrect inactive inconvenient indirect
il- illegal
im- impossible improper impolite
mal- maltreat虐待 malnutrition营养不良 malfunction功能失调
mis- mistake错误 mistrust不信任 mistrust
non- nonsmoker不抽烟的人 nonsense nonstop
out- outnumber在数量上超过
over- overuse使用过度 overlook俯视;忽视 overthrow推翻
re- replace reuse retell
sub- subway地铁 subhead副标题
super- superpower超级大国 supersensitive过度敏感
un- unreal虚假的 unconditional无条件的 unjust不公正的
vice- vice-president副总统 vice- chairman副主席
pre - preread preview prehistory史前
post- postwar postreading
ab- (away from) abnormal abuse
ex- export出口 exclude排除 ex-soldier退伍军人\
extra- extracurricular课外的 extraordinary格外的
fore- forehead前额 foreground前景
im- import进口 immigrate
inter- interfere干涉 internet互联网 interactive互动
over- overtake oversleep
sub- subway地铁 submarine海面以下的
super- superstructure上层建筑
trans- transatlantic横越大西洋的transport运输
under- underground地下的 underwear内衣
ultra- ultraviolet紫外线
mono- monoxide一氧化物 monotone单调
pan- Pan- American泛美的
bi- bilingual双语的 bicycle bimonthly
di- dialogue dioxide
hemi- hemisphere
semi- semicircle半圆
tri- triangle三角形
penta- pentagon五角形
kilo- kilogram kilowatt
milli- milligram millimetre
micro- Microsoft microscope microwave
mini- minibus miniskirt
multi- multiparty多党的
co- cooperation coworker coauthor coexist
-(a)ble : readable drinkable applicable valuable
- al personal national practical global
-(i)cal : typical biological
-an American European
-ian : Egyptian Canadian (名词和形容词同形)
- ar similar solar
-en: wooden golden
-ern : eastern western
-ese : Chinese Japanese(名词和形容词同形)
-ful : useful skillful eventful successful
-ic : atomic historic
-istic : artistic realistic
-tic : dramatic romantic
-ish : childish reddish English
–i(ti)ve : sensitive primitive protective productive
- less : homeless useless
- like : childlike manlike
-ly: friendlycostly daily
-ent : insistent different
-(i)ous : righteous正直的 anxious焦虑的 curious好奇的 dangerous
-proof: fireproof bombproof
-some: troublesome lonesome
-ward : downward seaward awkard
- y : rainy rosy sleepy angry
-er: prisoner gardener lawyer stranger
-or: visitor actor operator inventor
-ar: scholar liar beggar
-eer: engineer mountaineer
-ent: resident
-ess: princess hostess goddess waitress actress
-ian: musician physician
-ist: scientist novelist specialist activist
-ant: assistant servant accountant
-ee: employee trainee examinee
-zen: citizen netizen
-acity : capacity
-al: survival refusal arrival trial approval
-ence ( - ance , -ency , -ancy ): influence acceptance difference
-ment: movement equipment arrangement treatment
-hood: boyhood neighborhood
-ics: linguistics athletics
-ness: darkness happiness illness
-tion: celebration attraction contribution addition
-ation: invitation application preparation pronunciation
-sion: permission possession discussion conclusion
-y: injury discovery difficulty delivery
-(i)ty: variety reality ability safety
nationality activity equality
-ery: bakery nursery bravery
-ful: bagful basketful handful
-dom: freedom kingdom wisdom
-(t)ure: mixture failure pressure pleasure
-age: percentage marriage storage shortage
-ship: leadership scholarship hardship friendship
-ance: appearance entrance guidance performance
-th: truth length strength youth
warmth depth width death
-en: sharpen darken strengthen fasten
broaden threaten brighten weaken
en-: enlarge enable encourage enjoy
-fy: simplify beautify classify
-ise(-ize):criticize fertilize modernize realize
believe-belief poor-poverty speak-speech sorry-sorrow
hot-heat high-height sit-seat see-sight
breathe-breath bathe-bath feed-food bleed-blood