s—lle takes the lead IIl 81LiTllner luxury。一he has never done With his delights,for when tired out with fun He rests at ease beneath some pleasant weed. The poetry of earth is ceasing never: On a lone winter evening,when the frost Has wrought a silence.from t}le stove there shrills The Cricket’s song,in warmth inceasing ever, And 8eeni8 t0 one in drowsiness half lost. The Grasshopper’s among some grassy hills. 3.诗歌对比 静夜 郭沫若 月光淡淡 笼罩着村外的松林。 白云团团, 漏出了几点疏星。 天河何处? 远远的海雾模糊。 怕会有鲛人在岸, 对月流珠?