Ode to the Plum Flowers
by Zedong Mao
Wind and rain is bringing back the Spring
While flying snow is ready to embrace its coming.
Now a huge wall of ice on a high cliff there
I behold a tree of plum blossoms so sweet and fair.
The blossoms never compete with other flowers
But willing to be a messenger of the Spring hours.
When a world of flowers are seen,
She is smiling in the red and green.
Translation by sunrise 2010/12/29
注:要翻出原词用词的铿锵味,难。所以只能从词的意义上作努力,力求主要意义的完整性和词作翻译的可读性。至于rhyme问题,原词为传统的隔句押韵,现处理成aa, bb, cc的形式,双句押韵。力求朗读上比较顺口。至于百丈冰等中文中虚指的量词,若翻译出则比较拗口,按英文习惯一般化处理。
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