苏 轼(1037-1101)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 《洞庭春色赋》局部 字子瞻,号东坡居士,眉山(今属于四川)人。他和他的父亲苏洵,弟弟苏 辙以诗文称著于世,世称“三苏”。他的书法从“二王”,颜真卿,柳公权,褚遂良,徐浩,李北海,杨凝式各家吸取营养,在继承传统的基础上 努力革新。他讲自己书法时说:“作字之法,识浅见狭学不足,三者终不能尽妙,我则心目手俱得之矣。”他 讲他的书法艺术创作过程时说:“我书意造本无法,点画信手烦推求。”他重在写“意”,寄情于“信手”所书之点画。他在对书法艺术深刻理解的基础上用传统技法去进行书法艺术创造,在书法艺术创造中去丰富和发 展传统技法,不是简单机械的去模古。 苏轼早年学“二王”,中年以后学颜真卿、杨凝式,晚年又学李北海,又广泛涉猎晋唐其他书家,形成深厚朴茂的风格。他的书法,用笔多取侧势,结体扁平稍肥。这与他握笔的姿势也很有关系,苏轼执笔为“侧卧笔”,即毛笔侧卧于虎口之间,类似于现在握钢笔的姿势,故其字右斜,扁肥。 黄庭坚将苏轼书法分为早、中、晚三个时期:早年姿媚、中年圆劲、晚年沉著。早期代表作为《治平帖》,笔触精到,字态妩媚。中年代表作为《黄州寒食诗帖》。此诗帖系元丰五年(1082)苏轼因为乌台诗案遭贬黄州时所写诗两首。诗句沉郁苍凉又不失旷达,书法用笔、墨色也随着诗句语境的变化而变化,跌宕起伏,气势不凡而又一气呵成,达到“心手相畅”的几近完美的境界。所以元朝鲜于枢把它称为继王羲之《兰亭序》、颜真卿《祭侄稿》之后的“天下第三行书”;。晚年代表作有行书《洞庭春色赋》、《中山松醪赋》等,此二赋以古雅胜,姿态百出而结构紧密,集中反映了苏轼书法“结体短肥”的特点。其最晚的墨迹当是《与谢民师论文帖》(1100年)。 其代表作有《天际乌云帖》、《洞庭春色赋》、《中山松醪赋》、《寒食诗》、《醉翁亭记》等。苏轼的书法,后人赞誉颇高。最有发言权的莫过于黄庭坚,他在《山谷集》里说,“本朝善书者,自当推(苏)为第一”。
SU Shi is a great literary master in Song Dynasty who called himself "Dong Po Ju Shi". Three literary masters were born into the Su family. Both Su Shi's father, Su Xun, and brother, Su Ce, were literary masters, too. Cultivated in such a family, his calligraphy is expressively rich, beautiful, elegant and with heavenly ease. One of his other great achievements was that he had a dike built along the West Lake while he was in Hangzhou. That dike was named Su Dike in his memory. The construction was very important for water conservancy and prevention of floods, and the mythical wonder has been lying across the beautiful West Lake to this very day.
In 1057 A.D., 22 year-old Su Shi participated in a civil service examination, and impressed O Young Xiu, the official in charge, with an essay entitled "On Punishment During War." Su Shi began his political career at the age of 25. Several years later Prime Minister Wong An Shi launched a series of reforms with which Su disagreed. The forthright Su Shi finally gave up his post in the capital and asked to be transferred to Hang Zhou. The three year stay in Hung Zhou made one of the most dramatic pages in Su's life.
Beside the beautiful West Lake, Su Shi revealed without reserve his love for poetry, wine and beautiful women. He not only did extensive travelling, enjoying all the beautiful scenery of Hang Zhou, but also took a second wife named Zhao Yun, literally "Morning Cloud," who followed him loyally throughout his much frustrated life lying before him. Su Shi was a very outspoken man. Whenever he saw policies against people [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] 下一页