India Korea
Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间: 6分钟)
1. (朗读1a。从每组中找一两个学生根据小黑板上的问题,复述1a,给予评价鼓励。) T: Read 1a out loud, please. Then I'll ask one or two students from each group to retell 1a according to the questions on the small blackboard. 2. (同伴互相讨论世界上不同地方的就餐习惯,完成1b。) T: Talk about eating habits in different parts of the world according to 1a. Work in pairs after the example. (让一名学生配合教师给大家做个示范,以便他们明确活动的要求。) T: Can you tell me if people in the southern part of China eat rice? S1: Yes, I think so. T: Do you know if it is polite for people to use a spoon or chopsticks at the same time in Korea? S1: No, I don't think so. … 3. (选几对学生到前面展示。) T: Please come to the front and give us a"talk show". Would you mind having a try? Who can try? (示意学生回答时要加上动作。) … T: Good job!
Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间: 10分钟)
1. (复习2a宾语从句。) (再次出示小黑板上第二步呈现的问题,使用问题来操练带whether/if的宾语从句。) T: Read"Grammar focus"and make similar sentences, using these questions on the small blackboard. Work in pairs, please. Example: I ask him/her whether people eat noodles in the north of China. Do you know whether people use knives and forks to eat in North America? I don't know if it is polite to use both of them at the same time. (让学生分组练习。可以从每组学生中找几名同学到前面展示,以检查掌握情况。) 2. (复习2b。) T: Read "Useful expressions" and make a conversation using these expressions. Work in groups. (这样的练习是对学生的一个小挑战,要引导学生用最小的篇幅来使用这些表达法。这就需要学生发挥他们的聪明才智--没有创新思想可能就不易做到。可以分小组活动,合作学习,另外在学生表演时,如遇问题,可鼓励其他组给予帮助,完善对话表演,尽量将全部表达都用上。如果有困难,允许学生用到若干个独立的小对话中。) (选几组上来展示。) T: Would you please come here and have a try? / Group 1, can you try? 3. (两人一组表演3的采访活动。) Example: Beth: What's the most popular food in your restaurant? Tom: Hot dogs. (然后再运用宾语从句表演3。) Example: S1: What did you ask Tom? S2: I asked him if/whether the most popular food in his restaurant was hot dogs.
Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间: 11分钟)
1. (小组竞赛。组织学生用纸做一些帽子,并在每顶帽子上用英语注上一个学过的国家名称,如: Japan, China, Cuba…等。然后将帽子上写有相同国家的学生分为一组,每组写出各国的特色食品,展示结果,进行比赛,教师参与评比。) T: First, please prepare some paper hats with country's names on them, such as"Japan, China, Cuba…". (让学生准备2分钟。) T: Now, those students who write the same country on your hats work in a group. Write down the special foods in your countries, and then show us the results. (让各组选代表汇报。) S1: … S2: … … (对于表现好的小组,给予表扬。) T: Well done! / Good job! 2. (让一些学生表演吃的动作,其他学生猜这些行为是否文明礼貌。) T: Now, I'll ask a few students to act out some eating habits and the other students guess whether or not they are polite. (让2~3名学生表演动作,教师提问。) T: What's he/she doing? S3: He/ She is using a spoon and chopsticks to eat. T: Is it polite to do this during the dinner in Korea? S4: It is not polite that he/she uses both of them at the same time in Korea. … 3. (让学生写一篇关于不同国家不同餐桌礼仪的小短文。) T: Write a passage about table manners in different countries. (让学生准备2分钟,然后请2~3名学生来读。) S5: … S6: … T: Well done! Thanks! 4. Homework: (让学生在家帮父母做菜,然后将做菜的方法记下,并在下次课上与大家分享。)
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