Water Dragon’s Chant
Xin Qiji
The southern sky for miles and miles in autumn dye
And boundless autumn water spread to meet the sky,
I gaze on far-off northern hills
Like spiral shells or hair décor of jade,
Which grief or hatred overfills.
Leaning at sunset on balustrade
And hearing a lonely swan’s song,
A wanderer on southern land,
I look at my precious sword long
And pound all the railings with my hand,
But nobody knows why
I climb the tower high.
Don’t say for food The peach is good!
When west winds blow,
Why don’t I homeward go?
I’d be ashamed to see the patriot,
Should I retire to seek for land and cot.
I sigh for passing years I can’t retain;
In driving wind and blinding rain
Even an old tree grieves.
To whom then may I say
To wipe my tears away
With her pink handkerchief or her green sleeves?