-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 作者:【张九龄】 年代:【唐】 体裁:【五古】
《感遇》诗词全文 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 幽人归独卧,滞虑洗孤清。 持此谢高鸟,因之传远情。 日夕怀空意,人谁感至精? 飞沉理自隔,何所慰吾诚。
诗词注释 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 高鸟:比喻君主 怀空意:怀抱着高远的意念 至精:至诚 飞沉理自隔:比喻在朝在野,情势相隔
The hermit in his lone abode Nurses his thoughts cleansed of care, Them he projects to the wild goose For it to his distant Sovereign to bear. Who will be moved by the sincerity Of my vain day-and-night prayer? What comfort is for my loyalty When fliers and sinkers can compare?