蜘蛛是地球是最凶猛的捕食者之一 它们具备令人眼花缭乱的武器和捕食技巧 |
蜘蛛的绝招是编织死亡之网 用它来捕获送上门的牺牲品并置其于死地 |
蜘蛛的交配是动物界中最危险的仪式之一 |
教学目标 :
二.作者介绍: 周建人,鲁迅研究家,自然科学家。浙江绍兴人,鲁迅胞弟。科学著作《科学杂谈》等,与人合译达尔文的《物种起源》。
明确:课文的重点是说明蛛丝的利用。作者用较长的篇幅来说明蛛丝的实用价值,具体说明了人们对它的利用过程。这是因为科普小品不仅要丰富读者的知识,更重要的是告诉我们:人类观察自然、认识自然的根本目的在于利用自然、改造自然,让 自然为人类服务、造福人类。
附:板书 蜘蛛 周建人
2、捆缚法 由易到难 (成功) 由
3、游击战法 表
(3)最难捉的:带甲的飞将 (失利) 及 由
最可怕的:蜾蠃 (丧命) 里 此
三、(4)身体结构:数种腺 及
代替蚕丝织手套、袜子 (由简到繁) 彼
SPIDERS Just before we went into the forest, I found the sort of thing I wanted to show my son. "Roland, look, there's a leaf lizard nest that just hatched. They look just like little leaves of grass, don't they?" Springtime. Everything was coming to life again. And just beyond arm's reach, I saw what looked like a dried-up fern but probably wasn't. I kept an eye on it as my boy and I squatted and studied the ground. The lizards were hard to spot at first, but finally he giggled and pointed. "They're very little, Daddy." "They'll grow. But now they're so little that they can't hurt you. You can let one walk on your hand." And so we did, green whips with legs, just half the length of a five-year-old's finger. I told him how they hide in the grass, head down, waiting for even littler animals to come past, then they jump down and eat them. That was why if we let our hands hang down, the lizards would climb down to the tips of our fingers. Their natural place to be. That supposed dead fern next to us had a crown of eyes. Sure enough, it was a mountain spider. Second one I'd seen so already our little walk. Why so many this spring? Like a lot of things, they had an Earth name because they were sort of like the Earth creature. From what I gathered, spiders on Earth were never bigger than your hand, but ours were bigger than your head. Both had multiple legs and a poisonous bite. Were ours as aggressive as Earth spiders, which often bit people? Were Earth spiders as smart as ours? "Let's put the lizards down so they can get about their lives.” I set my hand on the ground and, with a little encouragement, the lizard climbed off. Roland copied me, and we watched them disappear into the grass. Then he turned to me, eyes worried. “Do we step on them and we don't know?" Good question. Maybe he would grow up to feel like I do about the forest. "I suppose sometimes. We're big, so we can't help making mistakes. I think we should never try to hurt things if we don't have to. I hunt, you know, but I never kill anything except to eat or to protect us.” But I didn't want to lecture. “Let's go into the woods now, okay?" I didn't point out the spider. His mother would kill me—or make me wish she would, just kill me and stop yelling—if she knew how close we were to spiders. Not just the one next to the path, but all over. Lots at the riverbank, but everyone knew that because they stole fish. They were in the woods. In the farm fields and orchards. I'd even seen one in the city, and I shooed it out. Most people didn't notice. If you don't look hard, you don't see things. And if you don't take advantage of your chances, you lose them. I get time with Roland most days, but never enough. Spring only comes once a year, and a boy is five only once in a lifetime. So off we went. I'd just have to be extra careful. "Are we going hunting?" "No. I mean, I thought I'd show you things. There's a lot to see." "Deer crab?" "Oh, sure. And birds and insects and kats—all sorts of things. Listen. Hear that?" "Pii, pii,” he repeated. "Exactly. That's a turnstone lizard." "More lizards! I can't remember so many lizards." I spotted it near a stump. “I know, it's hard. There's lots and lots of kinds. Shh. See it? It's black and white and brown with big stripes." I knelt and helped him spot it. "Wow. It's a jewel lizard,” he said. "Not quite. You wouldn't want it in your garden. It digs things up. Do you see what's next to it? That dead bush? It's getting closer and closer..." The bush, of course, was a stick-feather bird. It suddenly grabbed the lizard, bashed its head against the stump, and began to tear off legs to swallow. Roland jumped to his feet. "Animals hide in the woods,” he said. “Eagles sometimes. Mommy says the woods are dangerous. That's why I can't go there alone." Mommy says—of course she does. "We make sure the eagles stay away,” I said. “There are things to watch out for, but mostly the things that hide want to avoid us, not get us.” Mostly. I didn't want him scared, so I'd have to find something non-scary fast. “Let's keep going." He seemed relieved to get away from the bird. We walked a little, then I had an idea. “Can you think of other things that hide?" "Hide?” He looked around. "How about kats?” I suggested. “Why is their fur green?" "Um, they're green so they can pretend they're grass lizards. A whole lot of them.” He laughed. A joke, apparently. So I laughed too. Then I saw a good example. "How about that, there on the tree trunk? That's lizard poop for sure, right?" "No, Daddy. It's not.” He had me figured out. "Right.” I reached out and nudged it. It flew away. He shrieked with delight. “A poop bug!" "A blue firefly, actually." "That's a firefly? They're so pretty. Everybody likes to watch them." "Their light is pretty. But when they land, they look like poop so that birds and lizards don't eat them. Most people don't know that. They just look at the lights that fly around at night and don't find out about what's making the light. But now you know.” Our eyes met, sharing a secret. Just above us on the tree, I realized, there was a spider close enough to reach out and touch my shoulder. "Let's keep going and see what else we can find." "What if kat poop is really little bugs? I mean, little bugs that looked like kat poop?" "You really like kats, don't you?” The city kept a colony of pet kats. “What do you like about them?" He began to tell me about the dance he and the other children were learning with the kats, and demonstrated the steps. I tried to pay attention, but I kept thinking about the spiders. Far too many of them. They usually lived in the mountains just below the tree line, rarely in our woods. Maybe they had had a population explosion. Maybe the weather, cool and dry for springtime, made them feel comfortable lower down. Maybe our colony attracted them. Or maybe something was pushing them down, like predators or hunger. I spotted something Roland needed to know about, and I hoped it wouldn't scare him. I'd try to make it sound good. "I'll show you something else that's not what it seems like. See those flowers? Those are irises. See how they sparkle? Very pretty. But don't touch them. They have tiny pieces of glass on them, and they'll cut you. Do you know why? Because they like blood. It's good fertilizer. Now don't be scared. Just know what they are and don't touch." "They're very sparkly." "Yes, they are.” Not far away, a spider sat in a tree over a patch of moss that was really a kat, flattened to the ground, hiding in plain sight. I took a step to lead Roland away before the spider figured it out, but the boy wouldn't move. "They're like jewel lizards,” he said. “The flowers look like red lizards and yellow lizards." "You're right. I never noticed that, but they do look just like lizards." "Maybe the flowers catch things that think they're going to catch lizards." "I bet that's it. Pretty smart to see that.” Why hadn't I before? I complain that people don't look, and I don't look myself sometimes. "They can't catch me,” Roland said, “because I'm smarter than they are!" "Exactly. Let's go. You know, when we have our hunters’ meeting, you should come and tell us about that, about the flowers. We're always trying to figure things out. Well, that's something that you figured out about irises." "Me? I can talk at the hunters’ meeting? Really, Daddy?" "Yes, you can. The discoverer gets the honors.” I'd watch him talk and feel proud of my boy. We were desperate to know more about the spiders. Their venom could kill a kat or other fair-sized animal. No one knew what it could do to a human and no one volunteered to find out. They never attacked us, either, though if you got too close to a nest, they'd gibber and wave their legs and snap their jaws to drive you away. They'd steal, too. Fishing crews had to watch out. They moved too fast for us to catch them and dodged arrows like it was a game. In fact, they had figured out the range of our arrows and knew to stay just beyond it. We often met and talked about spiders, everyone together: hunters, farmers, fishers, even the kitchen crew, because our kitchen garbage might attract them so it couldn't be dumped just anywhere. We never could dump it anywhere, actually, but spiders had people scared. Tiffany, for example, Roland's mother, who for one brief time made herself seem like the perfect woman for me—but that's another story—was preaching extermination. I worried that if we started a fight, the spiders might keep it going. As the lead hunter, I needed to offer a plan of my own. Honestly, I didn't know enough about spiders to know what to do. "What's that?” Roland said, grabbing my leg and hiding behind it. Something was crashing through the underbrush toward us. I knew right away. "Over there?” It was moving fast and barking loud. "It's big, Daddy." I picked him up. “No, it actually isn't, and it won't hurt us. It's just birds, a lot of them. Bluebirds. See?” He hung on tight but leaned to get a better look. “Bluebirds. Hear them bark? There's lots of barks, so you know it's not one big animal, it's a lot of little animals. They like to run around and make a lot of noise so they can scare up things to eat. All in a line, zig-zag. Look, they're stopping. Maybe they found something. Let's see what." I walked toward them slowly. “Usually they let you get close. When you get too close, they tell you.” I was almost five steps away when the alpha bird turned, barked at me and glared. I took a step back. It went back to eating. "That's as close as we can get. They don't want trouble, so they warn you. They don't attack if they don't have to. What do you think they're eating?" He leaned out bravely. I leaned with him. The bird turned and barked, casually, just a reminder. I knew what they were eating from the way they were arranged around it, but I waited for Roland. "It's purple! Is it a slug?" "Yes, they like to eat slugs. That's why you should never hurt a bluebird reef. We want them to live around us, so we respect their homes." Slugs. Chunks of mobile slime that dissolve flesh. If there was something to exterminate, those would be it. But we could never get them all. Where there's one, there's more. I heard a sudden hum too close to the left ... something moved fast. I stepped back. It was a spider wrestling a slug, brown legs wrapped around a purple glob. A brief squirm, then the fight was over. The spider picked it up with four legs and hurried away on the other four, not as fast or graceful as usual but gibbering in a way that I swear sounded proud. So they caught slugs, and were happy to do it. Efficient, too. News to me, and worth knowing. Just a few animals could do that. Maybe a chemical protected them, or extra-tough skin. It would be more than handy to have another slug-eating animal around. Especially if they turned out to be no more scary than bluebirds. But would Tiffany believe that? Roland was still watching the birds. Good. The spider fighting the slug might have scared him, and his mother wanted him scared of the forest. I did not. Yet another difference between her and me. She liked safe things, and I liked living things. Every night I dreamed of the forest, and every day I woke eager to go there. Not everyone did, of course. They liked making things with their hands or coaxing crops to grow. They were satisfied, and who could blame them? But the forest—you're there, but you don't make it and you can't coax it. It's not even an it. It's a you, I mean, the forest is alive and does things, reacts, watches, even attacks. Full of tricks and beauty. I hoped I'd showed some of that to Roland. But he was getting fidgety in my arms. "Time to go home?" "Okay, Daddy." Something in his voice troubled me, and I tried to figure it out as I headed down a trail that led out of the woods. He seemed unhappy. With me? With the forest? Was he bored? Or worse, scared? Good thing I hadn't pointed out the spiders. Who knows what Tiffany had told him? We kept talking on our way out. He asked “What's that?” “What's that?” about trees, lizard hoots, but more like a game than curiosity. A couple of times I saw him looking in one direction while he asked about something the other way. Young children had short attention spans. We probably had been there too long. I set him down when we reached the fields, and he pointed at a lentil tree, its purple leaves contrasting with the greening fields around it. "Mommy says you have to grow them far apart so if one gets scorpions, they doesn't get all the trees,” he said. I knew that, but didn't want to disappoint him. “Is that why? So there's a tree here, and there, and way over there." "And you have to prune them. Every spring." "Carefully, I bet." "Very carefully. And you can't plant snow vines next to each other. They fight." "Like this?” I raised my fists. "No. With roots and, um, with just their roots. It's very challenging to maintain an orchard." Those were Tiffany's words exactly, right down to her intonation. Of course, she spent more time with the boy, so she had a bigger influence, and maybe he'd grow up to tend orchards or crops instead of hunt in the forest. Perfectly acceptable. The city rose across the fields, surrounded by a brick wall. Two hundred people. After four generations, we finally had enough to eat, even a surplus. We had domesticated several plants and animals, and were still learning about others. Every year we discovered new surprises about the planet. And every kind of work was needed. Maybe Roland would become a carpenter, a medic, or a cook. All perfectly respectable. "You know,” he said, “we don't hide. I wonder what animals think? They see us and we don't care if they do.” He sounded like a little adult. Who was he copying now? “They think we aren't scared. If we're not scared of them, should they be scared of us?" "That's a good question." "That's a good question,” he repeated. Well, maybe I had helped him see that the world could be bigger than you are, and that was okay. Even if you didn't understand everything in it. "We have to take care of our trees,” Roland said, sounding like himself again. “If they're really happy, maybe they can dance.” He looked up. “Are trees happy in the forest?" "I think so. That's where they live. Did you like the forest?" He spent a long moment thinking. “Yes. I saw lots of things.” He looked up with a sly smile. “Daddy, you didn't see. There were spiders everywhere, and they were looking at us." Copyright (c) 2008 Sue Burke
在我们正要走进森林的时候,我发现了我想让我儿子看到的那种东西。 “罗兰,看那儿,有一个正在孵化中的叶蜥蜴巢。它们看上去像小草的叶子,对吗?” 春天。大地恢复了生机。就在一步之外,我觉察到一个看上去像晒干的蕨类而事实上很可能不是植物的东西。当孩子和我蹲着研究土地的时候,我睁着一只眼注意着它。 “它们真小,爸爸。” “它们会长大的。但现在它们还很小,伤不到你。你可以拿一只让它在你手上爬。” 我们各捡起一只,它们像长着腿的小绿绳,大约是五岁小孩儿指头的一半长。我告诉他它们是如何藏在草丛里的,它们低着头,等待更小的动物经过,然后它们会一跃而起捕获猎物。这就是为什么当我们让我们的手下垂时,小蜥蜴会向下爬到我们的指尖。隐藏自己是它们的天性。 那个伪装成蕨类的东西顶部长有眼睛。这足以肯定,它是一只山地蜘蛛。这是自我们出发后看到的第二只了。为什么这个春天会有这么多?正如其他一些事物,它们之所以有一个地球的名字,是因为在地球上有与它们很类似的对照物。就我收集到的而言,地球上没有比你手掌更大的蜘蛛,但我们这儿的蜘蛛都比你的手掌要大。和地球蜘蛛一样,它们也有复足,而且有毒。与地球上的相比,我们这的蜘蛛更具有攻击性吗?它们是不是更爱咬人?是不是更聪明、敏捷一些? “让我们把蜥蜴放下吧,好让它们继续它们的生活。”我把我的手掌放在地上,并微微地驱赶它一下,小蜥蜴就爬走了。罗兰模仿着我的样子把蜥蜴放下,然后看着它们消失在草丛里。 罗兰转头看着我,眼睛露出一丝忧虑。“我们会不会踩到它们,而我们自己却没有意识到?” 好问题。也许有一天他会成长到可以像我一样体知大森林。 “我想有时会吧。我们个头太大,难免会犯些错误。我认为在不必要的情况下,我们不应当伤害生命。你知道,我有时会伤害它们,但那是为了填饱肚子或自卫,除此之外我从不伤及无辜。”我不想在此长篇大论。“现在我们去林子里面,好吗?” 我没有向孩子指明那只潜伏的蜘蛛。他妈妈会杀了我的——或者让我生不如死——如果让她知道我们是如此的接近蜘蛛。其实不止路边这一只,我们的沿途皆是。对于河岸一带数目庞大的蜘蛛群,人们深有了解,因为它们偷鱼吃。树林、农场和果园,它们无处不在。我曾在城里见到过一只,我把它赶跑了。大多数人不会对此有所察觉。你懒得观察,当然就会对事物视而不见。 而且如果你不把握住机会,你就会错过一些事物。在大多数日子里,我都会陪着罗兰,但这远远不够。一年只有一个春天,而一个男孩的一生只有一个五岁。所以我们就出发了。只不过我得多加小心才行。 “我们去打猎吗?” “不。我是想带你看些东西,有很多好看的呢。” “鹿蟹?” “哦,那当然。还有鸟啊虫子啊kats啊……好多好多。听,什么声音?” “噼,噼,”他在模仿那声音。 “你学得像极了。那是翻石蜥蜴。” “又是蜥蜴!我记不得这么多种蜥蜴啦!” 我发现那只蜥蜴在一个树桩边上。“我知道这很难记。有很多很多不同的种类。嘘——看见没有?它有黑、白、褐三色大斑纹。” 我蹲下帮他认出那只蜥蜴。 “哇喔。那是只宝石蜥蜴,”他说。 “不太准确。你不会希望它出现在我们的花园里的。它喜欢到处乱挖。你看到蜥蜴身边有什么了吗?那株枯死的灌木?它在慢慢接近……” 那株所谓的灌木,事实上是一只粘羽鸟。它刹那间捕获了那只析疑,把它的头往树桩上摔,然后撕下四肢开始吞咽。这把罗兰吓得一跃而起。 “丛林里藏着猛兽,”他说。“有时还会碰上鹰。妈妈说丛林很危险。这就是为什么我不能独身去丛林的原因。” 妈妈说——当然了,她会那么说。 “我们得确保鹰不在周围,”我说。“有些东西得时时提防,但大多数动物藏着只是想躲开我们,而不是抓住我们。”大多数是这样的。我不想让他害怕,所以我得马上找些不那么骇人的东西给他看。“我们继续前进。” 离开了那只鸟之后,他看上去不那么紧张了。我们走了一小段儿路后,我有了一个主意。“你能想到还有什么善于隐藏自己的动物吗?” “隐藏?”他四下瞧看了一圈。 “kats如何?”我建议道。“为什么它们的皮毛是绿色的?” “嗯,它们是绿色的这样它们就可以伪装成叶蜥蜴了。一整群的叶蜥蜴。”他哈哈大笑。很明显是个玩笑。于是我也笑了。 这时我看一个很好的示例。 “那个怎么样,树干上的那个?你看那不是一坨蜥蜴粪吗?” “不,爸爸。那可不是。”看来我得亲手去验证了。 “你答对了。”我伸手轻戳了它一下。它飞了。 他高兴得大呼小叫。“是个大粪虫!” “其实是一只蓝色萤火虫。” “萤火虫?它们很漂亮的。大家都爱看萤火虫。” “它们发出漂亮的荧光。而当它们驻足的时候,它们就变得像一坨粪便,这样鸟和蜥蜴就不吃它们了。