Unit 5 First aid
Word usage
1. aid n. 1) support or help
v. 2) to give support or help
She made no effort to aid Sophia.
A good dictionary can aid language learning.
He should be able to read this without the aid of a dictionary.
2. bleed v. 1) to lose blood
2) to make someone to pay too much money
3) to draw blood from, as doctors did in former times to treat diseases
He was bleeding badly.
My heart bleeds for you.
He bled them for US$1,500.
Doctors used to bleed people when they were ill.
3. choke v 1) to cause to have great difficulty in breathing or stop breathing
2) fill a space or passage completely
The child was almost choked by the heavy smoke
The storeroom was choked with furniture
Leaves choked the drain.
I managed to choke back my tears.
4. perform v. 1) to do, carry out a piece of work, duty, ceremony etc.
2) to give, act or show
The young doctor performed the heart operation.
They always perform their duties faithfully.
The students will perform an opera next Friday.
The soloist had never performed in London before.
5. essential adj. 1) completely necessary for the existence, success etc.
2) most important; central
3) something necessary
Hard work is essential to success.
There is no essential difference between the two drafts.
Our course deals with the essentials of management.
6. recognize vt 1) to show official gratefulness for
2) to know again
3) to accept as being legal or real
The policeman recognized her as a pickpocket.
He looked at the envelope and recognized Jenny's handwriting immediately.
Many countries recognized the new government.
I recognized that I had made a mistake.
7. stab v. 1) to strike forcefully into with the point of something sharp
2) to make forceful pushing movements with sth pointed
3) an act of stabbing or trying to stab someone
The man was stabbed to death in his office.
I was stabbed with remorse.
The escaped prisoner stabbed at the policeman with a knife.
I felt a stab of pain in the back.
8. congratulate vt 1) express your pleasure for someone
2) to have pleasure and pride in yourself for something
I congratulate you on your great discovery.
I want to congratulate you with all my heart.
He congratulated himself on having survived the air-crash.
9. suffer vi 1) to experience pain, difficulty or loss
vt 2) to experience or have to deal with sth painful
He suffered many humiliations before he became a football star.
I cannot suffer such rudeness.
He suffered from poverty all his life.
They suffered a great deal in those days.
This scientific instrument suffered severely.
10. survive vi 1) to continue to live or exist, especially after coming close to death
vt 2) to continue to live or exist after
Only two passengers survived the air-crash.
She survived her husband by twenty years.
Few survived after the flood.
11. operation n. 1) the cutting of the body in order to remove a disease
2) the condition or process of working
The operation of this machine is simple.
The operation of a railroad needs many men.
Her father underwent a major operation last week.
He continued his operations in cotton futures
12. follow v. 1) to accept and act according to
2) to move behind in the same direction
3) to happen or come directly after something
My dog follows me to school.
Night follows day.
The dogs followed the fox.
The cat followed every movement of the mouse.
Do you follow me?
13. accident n. 1) something unpleasant or damaging that happens by chance or unexpectedly
2) something that happened that was not intentional and can’t be blamed on anyone
He died in an automobile accident years ago.
The discovery was a happy accident.
14. doubt v. 1) to be uncertain about
n 2) uncertainty of befief or opinion
I doubt whether Tom has taken my watch.
The judge doubted him.
I do not doubt that he will succeed.
The outcome of the election remains in doubt.
There is no doubt about his innocence.
15. scene n. 1) a place where an event happens
2) in a play any of the divisions, often within an act.
What a fantastic mountain scene!
The criminal fled the scene.
The scene of this play is set in Ireland.
They made a scene of trifles.
16. honor vt. 1) to show or bring honor to
n. 2) the great respect and admiration
We fight for the honor of our country.
The business honor of the company is beyond suspicion.
He is a man of honor.
Children should be taught to show honor to their elders.
He graduated with honors.
17. pour v. 1) to cause something to flow out of or into a container
2) to flow steadily and rapidly’
3) to fall hard and steadily
She poured herself another cup of tea.
They have poured money into the tourist industry.
The crowd poured out of the concert hall.
Sweat poured from Martin's face.
Useful expressions
1. take off 1) to remove sth
2) to give a holiday from work
3) begin to become successful, popular
4) a plane to rise into the air at the beginning of a flight
He took off his raincoat and took out the key.
The plane will take off soon.
He took two weeks off in August.
2. sit up v. 1) to cause to rise to a sitting position from a lying position
2) to sit properly upright in a chair
3) to stay up late
The doctor sat up all night with the patient
Sit up straight, don’t slouch over the table.
Sit up and take your medicine.
3. knock over: to strike to the ground
He knocked a glass over.
She was knocked over by the news
We have knocked over every difficulty.
4. in place: in the proper or usual position
She likes to have everything in place.
I'm afraid your proposal is not quite in place.
5. a lot: much, a great deal
Thanks a lot.
She is a lot older than him.
This is a lot more interesting.
6. catch fire: start to burn
Paper catches fire easily.
The pile of papers couldn’t catch fire by itself.
7. carry out: 1) to perform or complete
2) to fulfill
She had finally carried out her promise to quit smoking.
They have failed to carry out their orders.
They are carrying out urgent repairs.
8. cut off v. 1) to separate by cutting
2) to disconnect or discontinue
3) to block off or surround
He had a finger cut off by a machine while working.
I was cut off on my line to London.
He was cut off in his prime.
9. start with: begin with
Her illness started with a high fever.
The boss paid him only 5 dollars a week to start with.
This book starts with a tale of country life.
10. in case conj. 1) so as to safe if something happens
2) if
In case she comes back, let me know immediately.
Take the raincoat in case it rains.
11. leave sb/sth alone: to stop having annoyingly in someone’s presence
Go away and leave me alone!
Leave behind leave for leave off leave out
12. call for v. 1) to demand
2) to need or deserve
3) to go and get someone from their house, office etc.
This is a problem that calls for immediate solution.
We will call for her early tomorrow morning
The sort of work calls for a lot of patience.