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中文域名: 古今中外.com       英文域名:www.1-123.com     大中小学语文作品及资料




I've taken pains reading classics to be an official,
Four bleak years have been spent in thick battles.
Our land is broken like catkins drifting in the wind,
I roam here and there as duckweed buffeted by the rain.

How panic-stricken I was retreating before the Tartars!
Being a captive, I lamented over my solitary confinement.
Who can avert his death since time immemorial?
Let my heart remain true to shine in the annals.

* Lindingyang is in the present day Sun Yat- sen county, Shenzhen,Guangdong Province.

Writing background: When the Song court was invaded by the Mongol Tartars,the poet - a Prime Minister rose up in heroic resistance. In 1278 he was taken prisoner by the Mongol conquerors. The enemy tried every possible means to persuade him to surrender, but of no avail. While passing by Lindingyang to the prison, he wrote this poem to voice his unyielding spirit before his death. A national hero of ancient China, he died a heroic death at the age of 46. Tr.


過零丁洋 文天祥
過零丁洋 과영정양 영정양을 지나며
辛苦遭逢起一經 신고조봉기일경 고생스레 학문을 깨쳐 벼슬길에 올랐건만
干戈寥落四周星 간과요락사주성 전란으로 세상이 어지러워진지 어언 4년
山河破碎風飃絮 산하파쇄풍표서 강산은 짓밟혀 바람에 흩날리고
身世浮沉雨打萍 신세부침우타평 신세 또한 비 맞는 부평초와 같네
惶恐灘頭說惶恐 황공탄두설황공 황공탄에서 공포감이 엄습하고
零丁洋裏嘆零丁 영정양리탄영정 영정양을 지나는데 쓸쓸함을 한탄하노라
人生自古誰無死 인생자고수무사 인생 자고로 뉘 아니 죽으련만
留取丹心照汗青 유취단심조한청 붉을 마음 고이 남겨 역사를 빛내리.


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中小学语文教学 过零丁洋教案,教学设计 参考资料,课文


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