-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 作者:【韦应物】 年代:【唐】 体裁:【五排】
《送杨氏女》诗词全文 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 永日方戚戚,出门复悠悠。 女子今有行,大江溯轻舟。 尔辈况无恃,抚念益慈柔。 幼为长所育,两别泣不休。 对此结中肠,义往难复留。 自小阙内训,事姑贻我忧。 赖兹托令门,仁恤庶无尤。 贫俭诚所尚,资从岂待周。 孝恭遵妇道,容止顺其猷。 别离在今晨,见尔当何秋。 居闲始自遣,临感忽难收。 归来视幼女,零泪缘缨流。
诗词注释 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【注释】: 杨氏女,指女儿嫁给杨家。 1、永日:整天。 2、悠悠:遥远貌。 3、行:指出嫁。 4、无恃:无母。 5、令门:对其夫家的尊称。 6、容止:这里是一举一动的意思。 7、居闲:平日。
【简析】: 诗人早年丧妻,对女儿怀有一种父爱兼母爱的感情,临行时反复叮嘱,正是在尽作母亲的责任。两姐妹的哭,可看出两个失母孤儿感情的深厚。全诗朴实无华,诚挚感人。
【评析】: 这是一首送女出嫁的好诗。送女出行,万千叮咛;怜其无恃,反复诫训。诗人早 年丧妻,留下两女自小相依为命,感情颇为深厚。因为对亡妻的思念,对二女自然更 加怜爱。在大女儿出嫁之时,自然临别而生感伤之情。 全诗情真语挚,至性至诚。慈父爱,骨肉情,跃然纸上。“贫俭诚所尚,资从岂 待周”。可作红衣千秋楷模。
My heart has been heavy all day long Because you have so far to go. The marriage of a girl, away from her parents, Is the launching of a little boat on a great river. ...You were very young when your mother died, Which made me the more tender of you. Your elder sister has looked out for you, And now you are both crying and cannot part. This makes my grief the harder to bear; Yet it is right that you should go. ...Having had from childhood no mother to guide you, How will you honour your mother-in-law? It's an excellent family; they will be kind to you, They will forgive you your mistakes -- Although ours has been so pure and poor That you can take them no great dowry. Be gentle and respectful, as a woman should be, Careful of word and look, observant of good example. ...After this morning we separate, There's no knowing for how long.... I always try to hide my feelings -- They are suddenly too much for me, When I turn and see my younger daughter With the tears running down her cheek.