《訪一瞽叟歸作》 Written on Returning From a Visit to a Blind Man
郊歸獨過曹河涇﹐浩月多情伴我行。四野聲冥增杳曠﹐九天雲淨更空明。 瞽盲言語疑真假﹐通達命運可恃憑﹖何日春風能得意﹐吹吾萬里上神京。
Returning from a suburb of Zaohejing alone The bright moon loves me so as to accompany me home The fields around so quiet look eerily wide The sky clear of clouds seems empty and brighter I doubt it’s true or not what the blind man said How can I depend on the foretelling of the good fate? On which day can the complacent spring wind Carry me over myriad miles to the divine capital?