八年级英语上M5-8词汇运用 Part1 A: I like this music! Who’s it by? B:Well, I’m not sure, but Sally’s school _________(乐队) is playing it. C: It’s by Strauss. You’ve heard of _____(他) , haven’t you? B: Yes, I have. He was _______(德国), wasn’t he? C: No, he wasn’t. He was _______(奥地利) .He was born Vienna, the capital of _______(奥地利). D: What’s it _______(叫做)? C: The Blue Danube. The Danube is the river in Vienna. B: You like _______(西方) classical music, don’t you? C: Yes, I do. B: Who’s your __________(最喜爱) composer? C: Beethoven. But I ______(也) like pop music. You listen to pop music, don’t you? B: No, she doesn’t .I think she’ll like ___________(传统) Beijing Opera. A: Hmm, it’s certainly very…traditional, isn’t it? D: I’m a ______ (迷) of rap. A: Hey! Give us a ________(休息)! B: What ____ ______(究竟) is that ? D: Rap music. A: I don’t _________(相信) it! Part2 Vienna is a _________ _______(漂亮而古老) city on the river Danube. It’s the capital city of _______(奥地利) and the _______(中心) of ___________(欧洲) classical music. From 1750 a lot of ___________(作曲家) and ___________( 音乐家) came to study and work in Vienna. The ________________(闻名的) family of musicians was the Strauss family. There _____(有) two composers _______(叫做) Johann Strauss: a father and a son. The father, Johann Strauss __________(年老), wrote and played music _____(为) a classical dance --- a waltz. His ________(华尔兹) made him __________(闻名) all over Europe. The son, Johann Strauss the ________(年轻) ,was even ____________(成功) and popular than his father. He ______写more than 400 waltzes and his most famous one was The Blue Danube. He wrote it in 1867. Strauss and Mozart were two of _____ ____ ______(重要) composers. Mozart was born in Austria in 1756.Before he was six he played _________(不仅)the piano ,____________(而且) the violin and the organ .His family _______(带) him ________(游) the Europe and he gave __________音乐会 in many ______城市. He wrote his _______一 opera at the age of 12 and __________(百) of beautiful _______首of music for the classical orchestra. But he ______死 in 1791 when he was only 35. Some people say he was the _________伟大 European composers. Part 3 A: How is it _______进展,Lingling? B: Ssh! I’m reading. A: Sorry ! What’s the book? B: Sally ______送 it to me. It’s ______关于 a girl ______叫做 Alice. A: Go on. B: One day she ___________(坐在) by the river ________拿着 a book, but she wasn’t reading it ._________忽然a _______白色rabbit ran _______经过 her. It was looking at _______它 watch. A: Why was it running? B: Because it was late. A: Where was it _________(去? B:______去 a tea party ______和 the Mad Hatter, the March Hare and a mouse. A: I see! Was there a King and a ________女王? B: Yes. A: And what were they doing? B: The Queen was _________玩 in the garden and the King was _______坐on the grass. And the Cheshire Cat was sitting ______上 a tree and was _________笑 at everyone. A: And let me ________猜…then Alice ______掉down a rabbit hole and went _____入their strange world. B: Tony! Do you know the book? A: Yes, it’s Alice’ Adventures in Wonderland. ________每个 boy and girl in Britain ___________ 读it. Part4 Alice was getting very _______累. She was sitting _____和her sister _____旁the river and her sister ________读 a book. Alice had nothing _______做._______________(一两次) she looked into her sister’s book, but it ______有 no _____________图片 ______和 conversations in it. “And what is a book ______为什么,” _______想 Alice, “_________没有 pictures or conversations?” So she was thinking of _______做a daisy chain when suddenly a white rabbit with pink eyes ran by her. There was _________没什么strange ______关于 that. And she didn’t think it was strange when she ______听 the rabbit ______说,“Oh, dear! Oh, dear! I’ll ______迟到!” But when the rabbit _______拿 a watch out of its ______口袋 and looked at it, Alice _________站起来. A rabbit with a pocket and a watch. She ran ______穿过the field ______跟着it. She saw it go down a ______大rabbit hole ______在…下the hedge. Then Alice went down after it and ______没有 _____思考about how she was going to get out _____再. Part5 A: Mmm …That _________闻起来 delicious! What are you _______做? B: Hi, ________(伙伴们)! I’ve ______做a pizza. Have _______一些 A: OK. Yes, it’s great. B: What’s the _________问题, Daming? C: It _______尝起来 too _______浓.I’m _______害怕 I don’t like cheese. It doesn’t smell _______新鲜. No, ______谢谢。 D: Well, I’ve made some chocolate __________甜饼. ________________尝一尝!They taste ______的确sweet. C: That’s much _______好多了. B:You’re ________穿 a lovely sweater, Lingling. D: Yes, it ________摸起来very soft and comfortable. A: You ________都look very smart. And so _________多food! Are we _______举行 a party? D:We’re going to the airport ___________去见my friend Sally _____来自 London. C: What’s she _________长怎么样? D: I haven’t ______见 her, but she _______听起来 really nice. B:And she looks very ________漂亮 in her ________照片。 A: Let’s ______________看。Hm, yes, I see what you ________意思。 D: And then we’re ________来 back here to have something _________吃. A: You must introduce me _____给 her. B: Sure we will. We’ll __________回来 ________很快 D: See you ________后来. Part6 Hi Lingling, _________谢谢for your _____上 message., It was great _____________收到 you. You sound _______ _________很有趣 and I can’t wait ____________见 you. I hope you will _________认出me _____从my photo when I ________到达 at the airport. I’m _____ _____很高 with short fair hair, and I wear _______眼镜.I’ll wear jeans and a T-shirt ______为 the ___________旅行,but I’ll ______也 carry my warm coat. I’ve ______有your photo---you look ______ ______这么漂亮,so I’m ______相信we’ll find _____________互相。 Thanks for ________告诉me ________关于what you like ________做.You sound just _____象me! I _______花a lot of time with the school orchestra, but I also like dance music—I love _______跳舞.I enjoy _____运动 as well, ________尤其tennis. My brother is _______队长of the school tennis team –I’m very _______自豪of him! And I work ________努力 at school—I feel _______愚蠢when I get bad ________分数and I get ______生气 with ______我—I should work _______努力. You _______问me how I feel about ________来to China. Well, at ______一 I often feel _________有点 sad when I ______离开my mum and dad for a few _____天,and I’m quite shy when I’m with ________生疏人. I feel ______不安 when I _____ 说Chinese, but I’ll be ________好after a few days. I’m always ________难过 when I do something ________错误, so please _____帮助 me _____做 the right _______ 事情 when I’m with you in China! Oh, and I’m afraid of _______飞. But I’m very ______兴奋about ______来to China! See you ______下week! Love Sally