Father Goriot 高老头
题注:在我看来,《高老头》这部名作真的是太值得我们深思了。在巴黎当时的旧社会里,人人都在找机会挤进上流社会.但是,真正的上流社会里的太太、小姐却并没有表面上的风光。。。。。。她们为了生存、为了炫耀,不惜借巨额高利贷,表面上风风光光,背地里却做着让人痛惜的事,金钱和名利使他们眼里没有亲情,没有友情.只有残忍的伤害...... 在此,我亲手摘抄了这本名著《高老头》,相信大多数人都看过或听过这本书。希望能给社会上广大的读者带来深刻的教育意义.谢谢! Mrs.Vauquer kept a lodging-house in Paris for the past forty years.Her house receives men and women,old and young.But in fact,it must be said that no young woman has been in her house for the past thirty years,and if a young man stays there for a long time,it surely means that he is very poor.In 1819,however,when this story began,there was a poor girl among Mrs.Vauquer's boarders. The bouse is three stories high.It is built of rough stone,and painted yellow.There are five windows on each story. The house might have built for the purpose of serving as the lodging house.The first room on the ground floor is the living room.There is a round table in the middle with some ugly teacups on it .The floor is not smooth.The fireplace is always so clean that it wuggests that a fire is seldom made.The wetness of the room sends a cold air through you as you breathe. At seven o'clock in the morning,Mrs.Vauquer's cat appears.He would jump on the table to smell at the milk in the bowls,each covered by a plate .A moment later,Mrs'Vauquer shows her face.At the age of fifty ,she looks already very old ,like all women who have seen a lot of troubles .She is fat and wears a skirt made of old clothes.She is ready to do anything as long as it can bring money to her.But still her lodgers would say ,"she is a good woman at bottom."They believe that the widow totally depends on the money that they pay her,and can't help pitying her when they hear her cough. What had Mr'Vauquer been before his death? The lady never wanted to talk about him.He had treated her badly ,had left her nothing but the house she lived in . 泽文: 沃尔克在巴黎经营着一幛公寓楼,已经有四十年的时间了.不分男女老少,她什么样的客人都收.但事实上,必须指出的是,近三十年来公寓楼里没有住过年轻的女子;假如有哪个小伙子在这儿住长了,肯定意味着他是一个一贫如洗的穷光蛋.话又说回来,一八一九年,当这个故事开始的时候,沃尔克太太的房客中倒是有一个穷苦的女孩. 该公寓楼高三层,用精石建成,外边涂着黄色的颜料,每一层都有五扇窗户. 这幢房子建造时,其目的可能就是用作公寓楼的.底层的第一个房间是起坐间,中央摆着张圆桌子,桌子上放着几只难看的茶杯.地板凹凸不平,壁炉的炉膛里总是干干净净的,表明很少生火.房间里很潮湿,你一呼吸,就会吸进一口冷气. 早晨七点钟,沃尔克太太的猫露面了.它会跳到桌子上用鼻子嗅牛奶碗,可惜每只碗上都盖着个盘子.不一会儿,沃尔克太太露出脸来,她虽然只有五十岁上下的年纪,但跟所有历经苦难的女人一样,已显得老态钟了.她体态肥胖,穿一件旧布缝制的裙子.她这个人只要有利可图,什么事情都肯做.可她的房客仍会称赞她:"这个女人心眼儿好."他们认为这个寡妇完全靠他们支付的房租过活,于是听到她的咳嗽声便不由得心生恻隐之情. 沃尔克先生生前是干什么的呢?对于他,沃尔克太太只字不提.他生前对沃尔克太太不好,死后又无遗留之物,只丢下了她现在住的这幢房子.
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