4 69, 吴新智:中国和非洲古老智人颅骨特征的比较。人类学学报,13(2): 93-103。 70, Wu Xinzhi: New advances on the origin of anatomically modern humans in East Asia. In: Abstracts, XIV Federative International Congress of Anatomy (Lisbon). Department of Anatomy and of Histology and Embryology, New University of Lisbon, Faculty of Medical Sciences. 211. 71, Wu Xinzhi: Pleistocene peoples of China and the peopling of the Americans. In: Methods and Theory for Investigating the Peopling of the Americans. Bonnichsen R and Steele DC eds. Oregon: Center for the Study of the First Americans, Oregon State University, Corvallis 73-78.
1995 72, Wu Xinzhi: The continuity of human evolution in East Asia. In: The Origin and Past of Modern Humans As Viewed from DNA. Brenner S and Hanihara K eds. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co.. 267-282. 73, Wu Xinzhi: Morphological comparison between human skulls of middle Pleistocene from China and Europe. In: Evolucion Humana En Europa y Los Yacimientos De La Sierra De Atapuerca. Vol.1. Bermudez et al eds. Junta de Castila y Leon Consejeria de Cultura y Turismo. 243-248. 74, Wu Xinzhi and Poirier FE: Human Evolution in China A Morphometric Description of Fossils and a Review of Sites. New York: Oxford University Press 1-317.
1996 75, 吴新智:关于东亚现代人起源的问题。 载于:汾河湾:丁村文化与 晋文化考古学? 跹刑只嵛募V泄脊叛Щ帷⑸轿魇】脊叛Щ帷?山西省考古研究所编。太原: 22-25。 76, Wu Xinzhi: The mosaic evolution of humankind in China. In: Bulletin of the Indo- Pacific Prehistory Association 15, Indo-Pacific Prehistory, The Chiang Mai Papers Vol.2 . Glover IC and Bellwood P eds. 225-228. 77, Wu Rukang and Wu Xinzhi: China , Hominid An Up-date. Orban R and Roels D. eds. Bruxelle: Lab. Anthropology and Human Genetics, Universite Libre Bruxelles. 1-
1997 78, 吴新智:柳江化石人髋骨的性别判断。 人类学学报,16(2): 107-111。 79, Wu Xinzhi: On the descent of modern humans in East Asia. In: Conceptual Issues in Modern Human Origin Research. Clarke GA and Willermet CM eds. New York: Aldine de Gruyter. 283-293. 80, Wu Rukang and Wu Xinzhi: China. In: History of Physical Anthropology An Encyclopedia. Vol.1 Spencer ed. New York: Garland Publishing, Inc. 273-282.
1998 81, 吴新智:中国人远古来源的探讨。 载于:科技进步与学科发展 (下册)。 周光召主编。北京:中国 科学技术出版社。814-817。 82, 吴新智:人类起源研究新进展。 载于:科学前沿与未来。 张焘主编。 北京:科学出版社。161-181。 83, 吴新智:从中国晚期智人颅亚特征看中国现代人起源。 人类学学报 ,17(4):276-282。 84, 吴新智: 应严肃对待前人和自己的科研成果(关于周口店第一地点 用火证据的评论)。人类学学报,322-324。 85, Grun R, Huang Peihua, Wu Xinzh上一页 [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] 下一页
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