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2 Tien P. and Qiu B.S., 1982, Infection of barley protoplasts with BSMV detected by immunoperoxidase, J.Gen.Virology 58(2):223-227.
3 Tien P. Zhang X., 1983, Control of two plant viruses by protetion inoculation in China, Seed Sci. & Technol. 11: 969-972.
4 Tien P., 1985, Viroids and viroid diseases in China, in:Subviral Pathogens of Plants and Animals: Viroids and Prions (K.Maramorosch and J.J. Mckelvey. eds.), pp.123-136, Academic Press, New York.
5 Tien P., Chen W., 1987, Burdock stunt viroid, in "The Viroid" ed. by T.O.Diener P.333-339, Plenum.
6 Tien P., Zhang X., Qiu B., and Wu G.S., 1987, Satellite RNA for the control of plant diseases caused by cucumber mosaic virus. Ann. Appl. Biol. 111:143-152.
7 Tien P., Steger G., Rosenbaum V., Kaper J.and Riesner D.,1987, Double-stranded cucumovirus associated RMA 5:experimental analysis of necrogenic and non-necrogenic variants by temperature-gradient gel electrophoresis. Nucleic Acids Research, 15:5069-5083.
8 Tien P., 1991, Pear as a natural host of apple scar skin viroid. viroids: Pathogens at the Frontier of Life. ed by K. Maramorosch. CRC Press.
9 Tien P., and Wu G.S., 1991, Satellite RNA for the biocontrol of plant disease. Advance in Virus Research, 39:321-339.
10 Tien P., 1996, Production、Use and Biosafety of Genetically Engineering Resistance to Plant Virus Diseases, Changing Nature's Course-The Ethical Challenge of Biotechnology, Edited by G.K.Becker and J.P.Buchanan, Hong Kong University Press, 17-26.


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