卢武铉(로무현 Roh Moo-Hyun) ,韩国第16任总统。1946年 9 月 1 日出生于韩国庆尚南道金海市一个农民家庭。青年时代,他曾就读于韩国釜山商业高等学校。1966年毕业后,他曾在韩国军队服役。1977年,卢武铉出任大田市地方法院法官,1978年成为律师。 1988年,卢武铉当选韩国第13届国会议员。1990年,他担任韩国民主党企调室长,1993年3月任民主党最高委员。1997年11月,他出任政治国民会议副总裁。1998年当选第15届国会议员。2000年8月至2001年3月,卢武铉担任韩国海洋水产部长官。 2001年9月,卢武铉宣布参加韩国总统竞选。同年10月,他出任新千年民主党最高委员会委员,并从2001年11月起任新千年民主党常任顾问。2002年7月,卢武铉被推举为民主党总统候选人。同年12月,他在总统选举中获胜,成为当选总统。2003年2月25日,卢武铉宣誓就任总统。2003年9月29日,卢武铉宣布退出新千年民主党。2004年5月,卢武铉宣布正式加入开放国民党。 2004年3月12日,韩国国会以法定的三分之二以上的绝对多数票通过了弹劾总统卢武铉动议案,卢武铉即被中止总统权力,由国务总理代行总统权力。弹劾案将被移送韩国宪法裁判所进行为期180天的裁决,最终决定弹劾案是否有效。如果宪法裁判所裁决弹劾案有效,卢武铉将被罢免总统职务。如果宪法裁判所否决弹劾案,卢武铉将恢复总统职务。5月14日,韩国宪法法院对卢武铉总统弹劾案做出判决,宣布驳回国会提出的总统弹劾案,卢武铉总统将立即恢复行使总统权力。 卢武铉的座右铭是“严于律己,宽以待人”,著有《卢武铉见到的林肯》和《卢武铉谈领导才干》等著作。 卢武铉与夫人权良淑育有一儿一女。 Roh Moo hyun (born September 1, 1946 in Gimhae, South Gyeongsang) has been the President of South Korea since February 25, 2003. Before entering politics, Roh was a noted human rights lawyer. His political career was marked by several dramatic events, including attempts to overcome regionalism in South Korean politics, culminating in his election to the presidency. The emergence of a liberal reformist and anti-American political movement in the country was another factor in his victory. Roh's presidency has been marked by controversies, with his opponents staging a failed impeachment attempt. Although he was reinstated with a stronger mandate than he had when he entered office, continued controversies and accusations of incompetence resulted in a drop in popularity. Roh's policy highlights include an unpopular decision to send Korean troops to Iraq, a failed attempt to relocate the capital from Seoul to the Chungcheong region, and a bid for a grand coalition with the conservative Grand National Party that was widely criticized. Personal background With First Lady Kwon Yang-sook (권양숙), Roh has a daughter (Roh Jeong-yeon, 노정연, born 1975), an embassy worker; and a son (Roh Geon-ho, 노건호, born 1973), a former LG Electronics employee and a current MBA student at Stanford University. Roh is a Roman Catholic, like his predecessor, Kim Dae-Jung. Roh was born in 1946 to a poor farming family in Gimhae, near Busan, in southeastern South Korea. In 1960, he led a protest at his school against mandatory essays extolling his country's first autocrat. A high school graduate who never went to college, he worked at odd jobs after serving in the Korean army. He studied on his own to pass the bar exam in 1975. In 1977, he became regional judge in Daejeon, and began privately practising tax law in 1978. In 1981, he defended students who had been tortured for possession of contraband literature. In ea [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] 下一页