ring favor from the U.S. in resolving the North Korean nuclear crisis, opponents criticized Roh of being a puppet driven by the United States. The relationship with the U.S. has been made more complicated during the ongoing negotiations with North Korea over its nuclear program. South Korea's moderate line didn't stand well with that of United States, and the U.S. repeatedly opposed South Korea's economic aid to the North, saying economic aid only strengthens North Korea's stubborness and hurts the combined effort for negotiation. In March 2006, South Korea announced it will initiate a talk with the U.S. for a free trade agreement. Many, including Roh's former economic advisor, expressed concern that the government is acting too hastily, and the effect of the agreement will be detrimental to the nation's economy. Despite such opposition, Roh repeatedly supported the idea, saying that he's got a good feeling about it.
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