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-up. There was talk that the shake-up was made for the future likely Uri Party presidential nominee in 2007 and this fact angered people.
  Also, worsening economic conditions made people angry at Roh, especially when he and his party repeatedly stated that economy was in good shape while people were having hard time finding work. The national pension fund crisis also hurt living standards and such events made Roh again very unpopular; his ratings at the polls stood in the lower 30%'s.
  His plan to deploy ground forces in Iraq also made him very unpopular, particularly among left-wing forces who were the main supporters of Roh. Their call to end the deployment plan continued throughout Roh's term and became even louder after a South Korean named Kim Sun-il was kidnapped in Iraq by a terrorist group and was beheaded. Roh's government was not only criticized for not halting the deployment plan for Kim's sake, but also further condemned by the public when it was disclosed that an Associated Press reporter asked whether there were kidnapped Korean personnel in Iraq long before Al Jazeera showed video of Kim kidnapped. The government stated that they first learned of the incident when Al Jazeera showed the tape, but it is alleged that they knew it much earlier but sealed the incident to the public to make the public support the deployment plan. Roh's popularity dropped to the 20% level after this incident.
  He was also criticized for pushing ahead the capital relocation plan from Seoul to the Chungcheong region, without giving attention to much public distress and criticism of the plan. He has repeatedly said that the criticism on the plan is being formed by major newspapers as Dong-a Ilbo and Chosun Ilbo, which are major conservative news media of the nation, and he has attacked those newspapers many times in public. On October 21, 2004, the Constitutional Court, the same institution that saved Roh from the impeachment, ruled that the special law for the relocation of the capital is unconstitutional, thus inflicting a huge blow to Roh's policy. Roh's plan was mended, with the word "capital" replaced with "administrative central", and legislated afterwards, this time gaining an approval from the Constitutional Court on November 24, 2005.
  The grand coalition controversy
  The ruling Uri Party had lost in every by-election under Roh's leadership, and there was no exception in the by-elections held on April 30, 2005, when the party was defeated in every of the 23 electoral districts. Facing the outcome of his unpopularity, Roh took a rather strange measure to save his presidency when he proposed a grand coalition with the opposition Grand National Party. Roh's rationale was that since it was impossible to continue his presidency with an approval rate of around 20 percent, a grand coalition comprising the Uri Party and the Grand National Party was desirable, and that the difference between both parties in terms of political agendas was

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